Weight is up from the morning of surgery 2 days ago
I was weight at the hospital before surgery. My weight was 214.3 lbs (I purposely tried to loose a few pounds prior to surgery). I just weighed myself at home and I have a very accurate scale and my weight was 220 pounds! That a big shift in weight between Thursday morning and Saturday afternoon. I've been on nothing but liquids. Why would my weight be up?
Its that darn sugar water I.V. they give you in the hosp, Give it a week or two - you will be down !!! you only went up 6 lbs and got out early - just imagine if you had to stay a few more days -- thinking 15-20 lbs over 4 days
Just make sure to push your fluids - you need the good fresh to flush it all out. you have to stay hydrated - dont think that your up weight wise and not going to drink .. Keep Drinking !!!