Caution about revision surgery

on 7/11/08 5:50 am - S. Weymouth, MA
I have had revision surgery, IT IS NOT to be taken lightly, it is even more dangerous than your original surgery. Usually it is performed because of complications such as mine(3 intestinal ulcers & 2 gastrogastric fistulas) that will not heal medically or with less invasive methods. For those of you  who have gained weight be honest with your self, have you failed the surgery or has it failed you? When your surgeon perfoms radiology tests, they will know the truth. I spent 10 days in the hospital and 8 WEEKS at home on tube feeds. and then another 5 DAYS in the hospital with complications from the feeding tube. Im in my mid 30's and reasonably active and healthy, I was out of work for over 6 MONTHS.  I had to  have numerous 2nd opinions before revision would even be considered. I live in an area with top-notch hospitals and I was able to have a consult the the one of the pioneers of minimally invasive baritric surgery.  I t is not a walk in the park. Im just cautioning those who think its easy, its far from it. Its 100 times harder than the oringinal gastric bypass. I would try my very hardest to go back to basics and eat according to the  plan and excercise before going through surgery again.  I have finally realized after 5 years from my bypass that even normal weight people  have to watch what they eat and they have to exercise, thats why they didn't end up like us.  I was just a slow learner and in denial.  Im sure some will be offended by this, but I've been at this WLS "game" alot longer that most and I learned from my mistakes so I'm not doomed to keep repeating them. After all why would I want to become morbidly obese again and kill myself.
AmyBeth :)
on 7/11/08 6:32 am - Fort Smith, AR
Great post, thanks for sharing. I think you should post more often on this subject and keep us update with you as a way of scaring the stuff out of some us! Charleston Mom has been my revision person I look up to. AB
on 7/11/08 7:53 am
I'm sorry to read that you had and are having such a difficult time. I agree that revision is not to be taken lightly. I had my revision last month after one year of preparing for it and it has been a very positive change in my life. I think as I have read on this website over and over again that each of us has a unique experience and we can share and learn from our varied experiences. After six weeks I am down 27 pounds, able to exercise every day and I have good blood work results. I went from a flawed RNY by-pass to one that is now working. I hope that your recovery goes well and that the revision is successful for you.
M. Hall
on 7/11/08 11:06 am - Norcross, GA
I read your post and I definitely took it heart, even though I just had my revision surgery less than a month ago. Your right, its definitely not a walk in the park but I hope that we all know what we are getting into before we do it and that we have looked  at all the risks. Believe me with my 1st surgery in 2002, I was in your boat. I almost died!!!!!!!! From my initial surgery in 2002, I stayed in the hospital for 1 month in July where I had 2 surgeries during that time. Then had to return again in October and stayed a week. So I definitely see what you are saying. This surgery went better than others and as we speak i feel great and im down 25lbs in less than a month. But thank you for the post!
Jenkatmom L.
on 7/13/08 1:24 am

Yep, the surgery was not as bad as I thought it would be but then the complication**** me.  In the hospital for 10 days and tubes for 6 months also.  I was not allowed to eat OR drink because of the fistula at the top of my stomach into a sub phrenic abscess.  Yep, off work for 5 months - close to financial ruin.  And since I have had to be retubed twice for the  subphrenic abscess for 10 days each time.  This can go on forever if it continues to reoccur.

Any surgery must be looked at from all angles before making an informed decision.  I was a revision from an early gastroplasty and decided on the DS.  I wanted only one more operation and wanted to be fixed forever.  I am now 19 months out and would do it over in a heartbeat!  I love being able to eat anything I want and not gain weight.  I love being able to shop for normal size clothes 14 -16, down from a 26-28.  I love when people say "Hi skinny" - at a size 14 - far from being skinny - or - you look "fantastic" - and best yet - when people say - "OMG, is that really  you, I did not recognize you!"  I was recently at a high school reunion and wore this really hot dress, lots of cleavage, hair down, wonderful makeup and looked better and younger than the girls that used to make fun of me in high school - HOW GREAT IS THAT!  I was smiling the entire time.

The only regret is that I did not have his surgery in the early 80's when I had my first operation - what a different life I would have had! However, no looking back, just forward, and the rest of my life is going to be fantastic!

:) Lori D

Happy to be alive and loving life!
                    I LOVE my DS!
on 7/13/08 11:44 pm
I had a revision from lapband in August 2007 (10 months ago). I have had no complications other than a small wound infection. I am down to 125 (still have 15 to go), but have lost just as fast as first time RNY'ers. Not everyone has complications that are severe. And it is not 100 times harder than a first time surgery. I'm sorry you had such a difficult time, but some people have revisions due to mechanical failures (like I did - 2 slips and erosion of the lapband). Not all revisions are due to people being dishonest or failingg their surgery. I do agree we have to work at it, but I think it's important not to scare people that may need a revision that it will be 100 times harder or they will have terrible complications because you did. That said, I'm terribly sorry about what you have gone through. I went through hell with my lapband and I sure know what that's like. A revision to RNY though has been the best thing I ever did for myself.
on 7/18/08 1:05 am - East Peoria, IL
I can totally sympathize! I went from the Band to RNY last November and due to a blockage in my intestines which caused a leak in my new stomach, I suffered a deadly staph infection throughout my body leaving me septic, with pneumonia, another "open" surgery which they left open for 4 weeks, jp tubes, feeding tube, two chest tubes and chest drains, and a would vac attached to a large cut in my side to suck out the infection. I spent almost 3 months in the hospital and was readmitted twice due to a spike in fevers and more infection. This almost took my life! My husband and five kids were devastated and scared to death. Revisions are very serious procedures.


lap band '05/revision to rny 11/21/07
5'6- hw/276 sw/242 cw/144 gw/140
then- bmi 36-39 now-bmi 24-

 "It's  Not Who You Are On The Inside, It's What You Do That Defines You".....



















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