Need Some Info from you ROSE / EROS patients out there

nan c
on 7/10/08 3:14 pm, edited 7/10/08 3:15 pm - Brooklyn, NY
Hi all, I'm having the EROS (a/k/a ROSE)  procedure this month. It will be done on a Friday and I'll leave the hospital on Saturday. How long before I might be able to return to work - I have an office/desk job. My doctor says, I could probably be back to work the Monday after the surgery. What have your experiences been like??? Nan-C
on 7/10/08 4:22 pm - syracuse, NY
Hi Nan;You will have no problem going back to work on Monday.A few days of a very sore throat is about the extent of it.My experience with the ROSE has been positive so far..Good luck to you..Patsy
nan c
on 7/14/08 9:17 am - Brooklyn, NY

Patsy, Thanks so much for your has it been so far - Feeling full, weight loss, etc. - Nan C

on 7/10/08 10:46 pm - Bridgewater, NJ
Hi Nan-C, Had the ROSE on Tues. July 8 and back at work yesterday (July 10th).  Sore throat was pretty much gone yesterday too.  I was released from same day surgery unit about 6 hours after the procedure (probably could have left earlier, but I took a nap )
on 7/13/08 9:57 pm - Bayville, NJ

Hi Nan...


I too was released the same day and was back to work 2 days later with no problems....You'll do great!!



'Nothing Tastes as good as THIN FEELS!"


nan c
on 7/14/08 9:24 am - Brooklyn, NY

Hi Christine,

Thanks for your help. How has it been for you so far? How long ago did you have the ROSE/EROS procedure? How has eating been? Have you encountered any problems? How has your weight loss been? What advice would you give? Thanks again - Nan C

nan c
on 7/14/08 9:22 am - Brooklyn, NY

Hi Smile750, good to know I'll can be back to work so soon. I just got back to work from breast-reduction surgery and don't want to take any more time off right now. How has it been for you so far? eating wise, weight loss, any problems? Nan C

Doesn't Matter
on 7/15/08 1:45 am - Indianapolis, IN
Revision on 02/29/12
Hi everyone - I am having the ROSE done tomorrow (Wednesday) but am wondering about the diet afterward.  The docs office sent some paperwork for a diet after "general" esophgeul (sp?) surgery.  I don't think I agree with it.  It has me starting out on pureed/mushy foods - 1/2 cup here and 3/4 cup there.  That seems like an awful lot.  Were you all on liquids after yours?  How long?  Can you give me some detailed menus?  Thanks for any help I can get - I want this to work so bad! ~Linda~
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