clinical study closed

michele W.
on 7/7/08 2:40 am - eatontown, NJ

Congratulations to everyone on their revisions or pending revisions. I had gastric bypass nov 2001 and like many people, have put weight back on over the years. It amazes me how quickly all of those feelings of self consciousness and self loathe come back.  . I originally had my bypass to lose weight to be a healthy mom for my two young children. An now that my daughter is now 11 and entering such a tough age with self image and peer pressure, I find myself back where I was feeling like big lug with no energy to be the example I wanted to be,  and try to spare her the embarrassment and shame that I so often felt over being obese.  I saw a friend over the holiday weekend who I hadn't seen in a while, he also had bypass surgery and struggled with it. He told me about a clinical study being done in LB (right in my own backyard), that he participated in. I was so happy for him and hopeful for myself. And then I find a friend from work has also had it, I'm thinking this has to be an omen! I called first thing this morning only to find out I' m too late. The study is full. I am so disappointed I could cry. I do have to say , even though I haven't posted in years...(too embarrassed from the weight gain)  it really does make me happy to hear about other people getting this second chance.  I know each of you will do well. I would think it would be like getting the "do-over" we have all prayed for, be it for  one reason or another.  Good luck to everyone! Michele

on 7/7/08 2:49 am - Bayville, NJ
Sweetie It will get better, one way or another!!!! Keep on pushing and see what happens.... I was in your same shoes...the study was closed. Then a lil angel gave me a chance...that Lil guy knows who he is.... If it was ment to be it will....we all deserve a second chance...and that includes you.. Christine

'Nothing Tastes as good as THIN FEELS!"


on 7/7/08 4:32 am
Try  and see a list of trials they are or will be recruiting for.  Good Luck!
on 7/7/08 5:10 am - Columbia, SC
Michelle, I know it is a disappointment to hear that the study has closed but look at it this way; if the study proves effective then it will get FDA approved and you can see about having the procedure then.  I know that could take awhile but you could also check and see if insurance will pay for a revision.  That is another route to try.
michele W.
on 7/7/08 11:37 pm - eatontown, NJ
Thank you for your words of encouagement. In my heart I  know you are right, but I have been beating myself up about this for so long, I really thought this was an answer to my prayers. And it still can be I know. I just have to put on my big girl pants (literally) and trust God it will be my turn eventually. I am still excited to hear about everyone else and wish all continued success!
Zena Romy
on 7/8/08 2:07 pm - Canada
Hi Michelle, I just want you to know that when it comes to RNY and weight regain, you are not alone and you are perfectly normal.  99% of RNYers regain their weight.  It is very sad and, just like you said, the easiest part to bear (if there is one) is the weight regain.  The loss of self-esteem, feelings of failure and self-loathing are far worse.  How do I know?  I'm there, too!  I had an RNY in 2000 and lost 130 lbs.  I have now regained 40 (and counting). There are many experimental procedures out there, and maybe you are actually LUCKY that you didn't get to be a part of a trial.  Most of these trials don't work, and think hwo devastated you would feel to fail twice. There are other options out there and I encourage you to chase them down and find one that works for you.  After much thought and research, I am opting for a lap band to be put over my RNY, as the two combined have a very high suceess rate.  I have also heard about other procedures and I'm certain there is one out there for you. Don't give up and don't think of yourself as a failure.  The RNY has failed YOU, YOU haven't failed it! Good luck and keep us posted. Zena
michele W.
on 7/8/08 11:32 pm - eatontown, NJ

Hi Zena, Thank you for your kind words. It's funny how I have avoided the boards and support groups out of embarrassment for so long (due to the weight gain) and now to have found this one, I am finding much comfort and comraderie. I have thought about having the band as well. My only concern for me personally,  is that I have already had post bypass surgery for adhesions and am worried about additional adhesions. But knowing me, the self loathing will eventually outweigh the concerns of additional adhesions and I will probably soon be begging for the band.  You are so right about the feeling of being a failure. I agree with the person who posted about taking offense when w.w. meetings would dismiss bypass surgery as unnecessary (even magazine and talk show inuendo's tick me off)But to make matters worse, I wouldn't even stay for the meetings  because I was too afraid to see anyone I knew (who knew I already had bypass). It truly is a vicious cycle. Good luck to you with your banding and plse keep us posted on your journey! Michele

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