Today the Insurance Company Asked My Doc for Additional Info

on 7/2/08 11:58 am - Sayville, NY
Well I just wanted to update everyone... Yes I am still alive and yes my reflux is still miserable and constant. Today I heard from my surgeon's office that the insurance people asked them to fax over some more info and records. I guess that is at least a sign that they are working on it.  I think it is still debatable if they will approve my revision. At this point I hope they realize that I am so sick of the burning and reflux that I will fight them from here to the state capital. Last time around I had to appeal to the New York State Insurance Department.(In Albany) Do they think I wouldn't do it again? I just hope and pray that my papers are being looked at by someone who knows something about medicine and not just a clerk. I also hope that someone has a little compassion. I will let you all know when I hear anything from them - good or bad... Tonight we went out to finally celebrate our anniversary. We went to Charlie Brown's Steakhouse and then to the movies to see the Hulk. (Steve picked the movie and I picked the restaurant) Now I'll have reflux all night but it was worth it! I should have just skipped the salad bar - but no, I had to have a little! It is really depressing that I cannot eat salad or raw fruit without suffering for hours.
Marcia 297/169 so far/140
RNY on 9/22/08
My life is starting over & yours can too!

on 7/2/08 12:15 pm - NJ
It is good to hear that the insurance company is at least DOING SOMETHING! They know you will fight, I am sure you will... you will win, eventually! Keep a glass of icewater on your night table tonight! Sorry about your reflux!!!! Post when you hear more from the insurance!!!
"Don't expect.......Suggest." ......–The Edge
Lap Band 2/26/03---lost 80 pounds!
FAILED (Erosion/emergency removal) 4/4/07, Gained ALL weight back 8/29/07 
Approved for DS 10/09/07

DS performed successfully 10/29/07
1st Hernia repair and vertical TT 1/15/09
2nd Hernia repair and small vertical TT 12/27/2010
HW  SW   CW   GW       240 225 159 135







on 7/2/08 12:22 pm - Sayville, NY
Thanks & I will update when I hear anything.
Marcia 297/169 so far/140
RNY on 9/22/08
My life is starting over & yours can too!

on 7/4/08 9:37 am - Norwich, CT
I'm in the same boat.  I'm waiting for approval to get a lap band placed over my old gastric stapling.  Last week the MD's pre-cert dept asked about a follow up appointment I was supposed to have with the dietician.  I had cancelled it because I figured out that I was going to see Dr. Shikora anyway as a f/u for stomaphyx and since my weight was really up, I didn't think it was necessary to keep the appointment with the dietician, especially since I was now talking about a revision. Let's pray that we both get approved!!!
 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


on 7/4/08 2:13 pm - Sayville, NY
Thanks! I will be praying for both of us!
Marcia 297/169 so far/140
RNY on 9/22/08
My life is starting over & yours can too!

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