Is there anyone out there like me?

on 7/5/08 3:50 pm - Burnsville, MN
YOu are definetly not alone....I have read many stories like yours.  I however, am a first time pre-op going for the duodenal switch.  I think this is a surgery that is suited for your needs very well.  THere are many people on the ds board who have had the revision and are doing extremely well.  I think you should check it out.  Just post thinking about a revision and people should come out to offer you some advice! Jennifer PS I am not sure where you are located but there are many surgeons listed on who do surgeries and revisions.  One of them is my surgeon in MN Dr Buchwald.  Good Luck!

on 7/5/08 8:49 pm - APO AE, Germany
Hi Me too, right there w/ya.  I had Lap RNYGB Oct. 2005 and in the first six months I lost 87 pounds.  That was pretty much it, I lost only 7 pounds from april 06 till June 08.  My beginning weight was 309, surgery day was 292, lowest was 223, I am 34 and 5'6.  I found out something went wrong and my anastomosis got stretched, my intestine got inflamed.  It was 1/2 my fault because I guess I did overeat a few times.  Mostly I found out it was caused from beef and pork, according to the newest medical manual from my surgeon I should not have been eating these till at least 6 months after surgery because they have longer fibers and are harder to digest with our limited gastric juices, the result if you do, stretched anastomosis, and inflamed intestine.  After six months they suggest small portions and it is best if you puree it. So, I had a revision surgery another RNYGB (6/4/08) but this time a fobi ring added so this could not happen to me again.  Also they had to remove the inflamed part of my intestine. I lost 19 pounds my first month. Since Oct. 2005 I have lost 104.5 pounds! beginning weight  223 weight now  204.5 goal  160     (according to the doctor I should be there by christmas) So far sooooo good, and the Lord is healing me of my food addiction! AMEN! Blessings Robin
michele W.
on 7/8/08 2:08 am - eatontown, NJ
Your post brought me to tears. For you, myself and all of us who quietly carry this pain. For me, too ashamed to express my thoughts  but through a faceless posting. You are definitely not alone. I had my bypass 11/2001....I was 298 day of surgery and progressed nicely for the first 6ms..I never got below 198...I was feeling humiliated during my followups that I stopped going.....I am now back up to 230 or at least that is all I will allow myself to believe I gotten to and that includes several pounds removed through plastics.  With the dieting all over again and feeling like a loser at w.w.  for the 1 millionith time ( and beleive me I don't mean that comment for anyone else that goes to w.w.)'s just the self loathe I feel for myself. I can't even bring myself to go back..I have been too embarrassed for years to go to a support group or even post.  What makes me want to cry the most is I did this originally becasue my children were 2 and 4...I didnt want them to have to be embarrassed of me and see what a poor example I was... Now when my daughter is 11 and dealing with self image  (she is built like me) I feel I am back where I energy to get her outside and sad is that... I would kill for my children, yet I can't lose weight and lead her by example to a healthy lifestyle Don't give up... You are not alone..In my heart of hearts I believe we all deserve a second chance.. I tried explaining it to one of my friends.. when i had my bypass I was emotionally battered by years of obesity and all the baggage we ourselves and society pack with it...It was such a relief to "feel like a normal person" i didnt want to "worry" about what I was eating ever again..And for a while it was okay...Now  I feel I I can eat the same amount I could before surgery....and that choices do matter...I realize now that it is normal to think about what I eat regardless how much or little i eat.... I am grateful to everyone who shares their stories and has helped me tremendously
on 7/8/08 5:51 am - Schenectady, NY
I know I already posted, but can't say enough how this sounds like me.  I have tried many diets after WLS.  I went to ww but it just didn't work for me.  I also hated listening to them talk about how WLS doesn't have to happen and then listen to everyone bash people who had it.  I couldn't say anything because I already feel like a failure, ddin't need them telling me I was too.  I felt like a failure before WLS because I couldn't lose the weight and feel like even more of a failure because I did lose it and then gained again.  I remember after my RNY I met a lady who had gastric bypass done in the 80s and she gained it all back.  I was actually getting rid of my clothes that were too big for me.  I didn't want to hear what she had to say about gaining weight back, but now I feel so bad for her that I even thought anything negative about her.   I ha\ve and appointment with a bariatric surgeon this month.  I am so worried about what he will say.  I know that part of this is my doing with not always making the right choices, but I cannot wrap my head around that all of it is me, so I hope he has the same understanding as I do and can help me.  Good luck to all of you. 
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