Stomaphyx experience- 2 1/2 wks. post-op

Suzanne D.
on 6/29/08 10:42 am - San Diego, CA
 I'm doing well overall also but need a lot of work in the exercise department.  I'm 19 days post-op today (Stomaphyx June 10th) and still on liquids per Dr. Ellner's instructions.     I  vary my drinks as follows:            Breakfast- Champion Proscore 100 chocolate shake (32 gm protein, 3 gm. carbs,                         2 gm. fat)          Late Morning- Chicken or vegetable broth or Miso soup without tofu in it from a local restaurant with 1/2  scoop "Any Whey" protein powder (10 gm protein, 1 carb, 0 fat)          Early Afternoon- Syntrax Nectar- fuzzy navel or lemonade (27 gm. protein, 0 carbs, 0 fat)                or "Profect protein bullets" diluted in 16 oz water.          Dinner- Champion Proscore 100 chocolate shake (32 gm protein, 3 carbs, 2 fats) VERY diluted sugar free Crystal light, Propel, Snapple, & Water throughout the day since Dr. Ellner feels that even sugarfree sweet drinks stimulate appetite so I dilute it heavily.   This routine has been keeping me from getting real hungry though I do miss food.  Thank God I had 2 1/2 wks. of no sugar and healthy eating before my Stomaphyx or I don't know if I would have been able to adhere to this strict "liquids only" plan thus far.  I still have 2 more weeks of only liquids.      My exercise routine has been a struggle. My muscles are sore and feel resistant to working out.  I don't get my heart rate up steadily like Dr. Ellner wants me to but I'm trying hard.  I was never successful with consistant exercise after my initial gastric bypass 6 1/2 yrs. ago (in fact, never in my 53 yrs. of life) so I'm treading new territory here.  I'm consistant Friday-Sunday in going to the gym but the other 4 days have been mostly walks around my neighborhood and not aerobic enough.  I'm having a hard time forcing myself.  I just can't afford a personal trainer.  I'm disappointed in myself and feel frustrated and upset that I just can't seem to make exercise a priority.  I just hate that feeling of muscle pain, sweating, and being out of breath.  It feels like punishment!!!!!!!  I don't know how to get past those feelings.  I feel a bit of despair over it.    Stomaphyx has had a bad reputation on most gastric bypass forums with multible people (about 3 or 4 total) saying that it didn't work for them last Summer-Fall) and was a waste of their money.  I haven't found anyone out greater than 3 months who has been successful.  I don't know if most who have had it done just aren't posting if they are doing well or what.  It's so hard to find anyone who has had it done period, and the research studies haven't published any results yet that I can find.       I'm hoping that by staying on liquids for a whole month, that that is what makes the difference in SUCCESS  in scarring down the stomach pouch size.  I'm expecting it to work!  Obviously, I was pretty desparate for a solution to my enlarged pouch and steady weight gain (45 lbs. gained) to be willing to pay $11 grand out of pocket (1 grand for endoscopy, 10 grand for the surgery) at something without a proven success record.     I'm so excited to be losing weight right now.  I've dropped 18 lbs. in 5 wks (2 1/2 wks post-op) and am the thinnest that I have been in 3+ yrs..  My BMI is now 29 which is considered "overweight", not "obese".  I'm 27 lbs. from my lowest weight after gastric bypass surgery (155 lbs. at 5'6" tall, 53 yrs. old).  I got within 5-10 lbs. of my original goal at 1 yr. post-op.  But I didn't exercise regularly back then and had a lot of loose skin from losing 120+ lbs. and not toning it.     My original bariatric surgeon encouraged exercise but didn't pu**** like Dr. Ellner does.  I do remember Dr. Callery saying that the difference between those patients who keep the weight off and those who don't as well , is whether they keep up with the exercise.  But he didn't give much guidance at how to or how much exercise to do.      Dr. Ellner is a bit of an "Exercise Nazi" expecting me to bring records of my planned exercise & accomplishments.  It's all that I can do to keep from lying.  I'm fearful that I just won't be "good enough" for her.  I know that she's right that I MUST do it but oh how I struggle.  I sure hope that it gets easier and that my willingness increases.  I so much want to succeed.  That's part of the reason that I picked "her" to do my Stomaphyx so that I'd have to be accountable in person, monthly to her in followup care.  She wants me & expects me to be successful.     Anyway, that's how I'm doing......a work in progress......and very proud of my following the dietary restrictions so far.  I'm proud of the exercise that I have done and plan to just keep getting better and better at it.  It helps me to here from others so that I don't feel so all alone in this journey. Thanks for your support.     Suzanne from San Diego
RNY January 2002
on 6/29/08 12:46 pm
Hi, I had stomaphx on April 15 of this yr, I also had a gastric fistula, My stomaphx is working wonderfully , the fistula still remains, so its like I have a band now, I have the full feeling like when I first had my surgery in 1996, I am down 30 lbs now but I also have changed how I eat and I also walk now  for exercise,
Suzanne D.
on 6/29/08 11:25 pm - San Diego, CA
Oh, thank you for your post.  I am so thrilled to hear that the stomaphyx is working for you.  I'd love to remain in contact with you by email or phone.  My email is [email protected] so email me directly. There is a group of about 6 of us that have had the proceedure within the past 3 months that have started a little mini support group.  We had it done in San Diego by Dr. Julie Ellner.  Perhaps you'd like to have contact with us.  Who did your surgery?   Thanks, Suzanne
RNY January 2002
on 6/30/08 2:34 am - Ft Lauderdale, FL
I wish you the best. You are doing  great, little by little, I am like you , never exercise nuts..I have the sweat  in my for showers....I grew up in my house that sports wer for boys and we wre going to be looking well dress !!! still no over that!!! please  remenber our mind plays good tricks,  claudia
on 7/5/08 10:46 am - Newburgh, NY
Hi So glad to hear that you are doing so well. There are so many negative posts about the procedure here but I suppose there were people with negative experiences w/ the original surgery years ago. As with anything I realize that this is only a tool. I lost focus of that quickly when I didn't exercise, ate whatever I wanted and still lost 123lbs with my original RNY surgery. I had several miscarriages and then my third child in Sept. '06 and with that came the weight gain...about 70lbs...anyway, I am scheduled to have the Stomaphyx Plus (improvement on the Stomaphyx) procedure done this coming Monday. I am excited about it and I'm anxious to get back on track. Thank you for posting and I would love to keep in touch just to find out how you're doing. Have a great evening and thanks again for posting!
on 7/6/08 3:32 am
I had gastric bypass in 2002 and am now gaining weight. Lost 100 and have now gained 40. I went to doc last week to explore Stomaphyx but he said my pouch wasn't dilated. He did said my afferent limb was enlarged and taking it out is an option but wouldn't produce the same results as my original surgery as far as limited eating. Was out of it because of sleepiness from endoscope. Will call his office tomorrow. Do you know anything about the efferent limb? Wish you well.
on 7/6/08 3:40 am
I had gastric bypass in 2002.  Lost 100 pounds and am now gainig weight back.  Have gained 40 pounds. Had endoscope last week. Disappointed that doc told me my pouch had not dilated and I wasn't a candidate. He said my afferent limb was enlarged and said surgery for that is possible  but wouldn't have the same effects as when I first had RYNY as far as limited eating.  Not sure what he means.  Need clarification. Was out of it because of sedation for endoscope. I refuse to gain all my weight back and need to get back on track. I can eat large quanities now.   He said liquid diet two weeks before surgery so I'm starting today just to see if I can do it. What were reasons you qualified for Stomaphyx?  Was your pouch dilated? Most interested in your results. I too am 53! Look forward to your reply.
Suzanne D.
on 9/24/10 10:51 am - San Diego, CA
Stomaphyx was a waste of my $11,000.  It did not help me.
I've gained back approximately 60% of my initial weight loss almost 9 yrs. ago.
Old habits die hard!!!!!  I'm a sugar addict and can't seem to get off of the stuff.
RNY January 2002
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