roll call ... how much have you lost ?? when and what type

on 6/27/08 6:11 am - mesa, AZ

Ok  peeps I have too much time on my hands here at work.  I was just thinking about all of us that have had  a revision and think we  need  to Share our success  with the rest  ... So here it goes  GinaU     revised to extended Rny     5-7-08    down 31 lbs     (7 weeks )     

on 6/27/08 9:09 am - MI
GREAT JOB GINAU!  I don't have a revision success story...yet.  But, wanted to say congratulations.  I follow your posts all the time.  Both you and Joyce have been a great inspiration to me.  The feedback you both give is always upbeat and informative.  I for one appreciate that!  Good luck reaching your goal.
on 6/27/08 9:33 am - Seacoast, NH
I was revised from the lapband to the RNY on June 9, 2008.  I had my first postop appointment yesterday, June 26th and have lost 23 lbs.  My doctor was very pleased and this amount lost was more than I lost with the lapband at the first postop appointment for the same time frame which was 16 lbs.  My surgery was rough as my doctor had to deal with a lot of adhesions from a right radical nephrectomy in 2003 and repair an umbilical hernia that I didn't know I had.  But I am doing real good now although the first few days I felt like a mack truck ran me over and I kept thinking to myself, What did I do to myself?. Valerie
on 6/27/08 10:15 am, edited 6/27/08 10:16 am - Lockhart, TX
my surgery date for the gastric bypass was monday. (as in 4 days ago)  i weighed myself sunday (day before surgery) and when i stepped on the scales today i am 13 lbs down.  i know it wont be like that f/ now on.  but it is encouraging and nice that i am just a few pounds away f/ being at my all time low w/ my lap band. so do we do roll call every friday?  that would be neat if we did! blessings, donna
Gwynn M.
on 6/28/08 4:23 am - Tucson, AZ

Oh my gosh Donna!!  Thats really great!  How exciting to get to your all time LOW and KNOW you are going to PASS IT BY WITH FLYING COLORS!!  Keep posting your progress, please!! It keeps me comforted and MOTIVATED!   I am still "in process" ......waiting for approval from my insurance.  I have Great West insurance.  Anyone else out there have this insurnace and been approved for a revision.....just curious! I would love to hear from you Donna, every Friday, or even everyday!  And EVERYBODY else going through revisions! 

on 6/27/08 10:42 am - Topeka, KS
Well, I haven't had much success since my revision, but I was already down 75 pounds when I was revised from lap band to RNY.  I've lost 10 more pounds since Feb 6 2008.  However, that is completely my fault.  I have not followed the rules.  I think I was mad that I had to get rid of my band.  I loved my band but it got infected from a suture that was poking through to my stomach lining.  I am just now getting into following the rules of the bypass.  I've been exercising, but have not done well eating my protein first.  I've been drinking with my meals and not enough water.  I'm refocusing myself and getting on track now.  I have gone through too much to sabotage myself like this.  I know if I don't change my habits it is only a matter of time before I start gaining.  I can recognize that now.  Thanks for this post.  It got me out here again!

Diät-Ticker - Sichtbar abnehmen
Revised from Band to RNY February 6, 2008
on 6/27/08 2:23 pm - mesa, AZ
Wow -- some awesome loosers out there...  I was worried because I had heard we loose so much slower the 2nd time around.  But I must say that  even getting 5 lbs off after standing still for a year  makes me feel great.   Hearing and sharing  revision stories  is a great morale booster ...
Gwynn M.
on 6/28/08 4:34 am - Tucson, AZ

My goodness, how did you get the 75 lbs. mean PRIOR to your revision???  Thats amazing!  And you seem to be VERY close to your goal???  You look very tiny in your pic! I am battling with the rules right now too.  I want to desperately LOSE as much weight as I can before my revision (IF it is approved).  It's so hard to get your head in the right place sometimes and get back on track.  Your post makes me also think about it though.....and thats a big step. 

Try one rule at a time.....maybe try to stop drinking with your meals!!  Thats a BIGGIE!  You are SO close, you can do it!

Cynthia Johnson
on 6/27/08 3:28 pm
I'll join the group next Friday to give a shout!  That 31lbs loss sure looks good to me.  I'm hoping that the flab won't be bad with the excersie.  All the best to everyone!  Blowing Bubble 
(deactivated member)
on 6/27/08 3:45 pm - AZ
Getting alittle nervous ? I am doing pretty good. When I get to the hospital I will be get real nervous. How is liquid proteins going ? I am doing pretty good. TTYL. Dawn
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