Band to Band...are you out there?

on 6/27/08 3:02 am - TX
Hi I had the band placed 1 year ago tomorrow.  Everthing was going GREAT.  I had a few reflux issues around Christmas but an unfill for a couple of months took care of that and I was feeling great.  I was well on my way to being at goal of 100 lbs loss, by my one year bandaversary. Fast forward to Memorial Day weekend and I had an increasing tighness that eventually led to not be able to keep any liquid worst fears...I had a slipped band. I had it removed that month ago today. I want it back...the doc is not sure why it slipped....but not due to errosion or any reason that I could not have it succsessfully now.  He did say that the rapid loss of 90 lbs in under a year could have contributed to the problem (kind of a catch 22)  lose the weight...just not too fast. I would still like to lose about 20lbs...and maintain.   My question is...did this happen to any of you...I know many people have not had a good experience with the band that post here.  But I did.  So I am thinking it would be the logical replacement.   I would love to hear your thought and experiences. Thanks & HAPPY FRIDAY!


          50poundseal.gif picture by LaraNicole Banded from 06-28-07  - 05 - 24- 08  Lost 90+ lbs
                            Scheduled for sleeve 08-06-08

on 6/27/08 11:16 am - MA
Here's my take on it.. the data out there is sketchy.  Supposidly if you have slip you have a high chance for a re-slip. I look it it a little jaded...I needed band-re-surgery due to a leak and my then insurance wouldn't cover bariatrics.   Would you ever want to be in that position?  Of course you could need re-surgery with RNY, but the band has a 3 year 13% resurgery rate( From the new Realize band info on the FDA website). The first lap band company wasnt' required to keep follow up data, but the Realize people are required to keep follow up data (interesting that the FDA added this to the 2nd company's band approval).  Just some food for thought.  Joan
on 6/27/08 12:29 pm - TX
On June 27, 2008 at 6:16 PM Pacific Time, NeedhamGal wrote:
Here's my take on it.. the data out there is sketchy.  Supposidly if you have slip you have a high chance for a re-slip. I look it it a little jaded...I needed band-re-surgery due to a leak and my then insurance wouldn't cover bariatrics.   Would you ever want to be in that position?  Of course you could need re-surgery with RNY, but the band has a 3 year 13% resurgery rate( From the new Realize band info on the FDA website). The first lap band company wasnt' required to keep follow up data, but the Realize people are required to keep follow up data (interesting that the FDA added this to the 2nd company's band approval).  Just some food for thought.  Joan
Well, that is about where I will not pay for me to have any type of WLS.  I was self pay before and I will be again.  I have thought of the RNY, I really like the idea of not having to go for fills but the malabsorbtion scares me...I really don't know that much about it though. I currently have a BMI of 26.  I don't know if I am a candidate for RNY...maybe the sleeve...need to reserch more on that. I know I should be happy with the 90 lbs lost and I am...but I am so scared!!!  I have already gain 12 in one month with out my band.   I am feeling very depressed.


          50poundseal.gif picture by LaraNicole Banded from 06-28-07  - 05 - 24- 08  Lost 90+ lbs
                            Scheduled for sleeve 08-06-08

on 6/27/08 2:32 pm - CA
I am so sorry you have gone through this.   I to have had the same issues and will be getting my band out in Aug.  If you want to see my full story, check out my profile.  I know that it is a lot more common than some would think.  I had the band shortly after it came out in the U.S.  My doctor is the one that got the band FDA NY.  I am now living in CA, and am now entrusting my issues with another WLS doc.  I will be gtting the bypass...which scares  me too...but going up and down scares me even more.  If you would ever like to connect, please let me know. Cristy
on 6/29/08 12:08 am - anywhere, TX
I was a band to band. The first time things went well and I lost about 40 pounds. Then my por****ured during a fill and the band began to leak. I had it replaced (probably should have had just the port replaced) about a year later and with that second band I did not loose one pound. Gained back all I'd lost the first time. I never had restriction with the second band. It was even over filled and I felt NO restriction. The band is tricky, especially the second time around. The thing I don't like about the band (first or second time around) is that it has to be in the absolute perfect position and filled to an exact cc for you to have maximum results. That is so subjective that I refused to put myself through that again. I had a revision to RNY last wek and am happy with it so far. Good luck to you.
on 6/29/08 10:59 pm - GA

I am revision band to sleeve. Like you, I lost 155 pounds and then had numerous problems spanning 3 additional years and finally gave up and had the sleeve. A slip reoccurence is high but I know some folks that do very well with a new band. I had the original 9.75 Inamed band and it was way to small for my original anatomy which caused some posterior issues as well as a small slip. VSG is a good option, but you will lose the 20 lbs pretty quickly with the sleeve on liquids and then you may have to do a higher caloric intake than most virgin sleevers to maintain so you dont wind up too skinny. Yes, I said that....!!




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