Monmouth ROSE update - personal message from Dr G

on 6/26/08 8:10 am
In the last pt this past tuesday The Docs  started with a pouch of 5 cm and a stoma of 2.5cm.  They placed ONE ANCHOR ! and reduced the pouch to 3 CM and the stoma to 0.7 !.  7 milimeters !ONE ANCHOR ! we were all absolutely amazed. It just goes to show its not the number of achors placed, rather the quality. 
Doctor gorcey is thrilled that you guys who had the procedure are doing so well. The weight loss numbers are on par or better that lapband results !  The next part of this post was written by Dr Gorcey himself as he is quite pissed off at some of the unfounded accusations being made against me, him, and the ROSE procedure itself.
Hi all !      First of all I want to commend littleguy for conveying my messages. Much of what he writes comes directly from me. I want it clearly understood that these posts are not shameless promotion, but rather timely updates on the progress we are making. I'm involved with The ROSE procedure because i'm convinced it works and helps people. not for the money. Unfortunately endolumial therapy has gotten a bad rap due to stomaphyx which in our opinion doesnt work. Even the name is a farce as stoma phyx cannot address the stoma ! We feel really bad for people who paid for this out of their pocket and didn't lose weight. this is exactly what we dont want to happen with ROSE. And just so everyone understands where i am coming from, we haven't done any cash pay patients yet, and we dont plan to until we are convinved of the 3-6 month data. Every person done was paid for through th USGI registry.
i was doing just fine with a successful GI practice (Monmouth Gastroenterology) way before the ROSE entered my life. I consider it a priviledge that Dr Borao and I  were offered the USGI registry that was origionally intended for either Columbia or Mt.Sinaii. and that there are only a handful of people in the world doing this. It makes me even more proud that I am one of the few gastroenterologists involved and that our Results are among the best of any of the registry sites..   from what I understand surgeons and gastroenterologists  are banging at USGIs door to get involved with this, but for the moment USGI doesnt want to bring in more docs. They  understand that better results will come from ten teams doing 100 procedures than 100 teams doing 10 procedures. The company itself has been excellent and very responsive to any difficulties encountered and their people have been a pleasure to work with. I'm convinced in my heart that ROSE is the real deal. I'm just waiting for the hard data to confirm this.  And just remember, there is ALWAYS hope !
Dr G
on 6/26/08 8:57 am - Bayville, NJ
Thank you SOOOOOO very much for sending this message. Dr G and Borao are awsome and are such a breath of fresh air, it just boosted my confidence level beyond what I thought it would ever be....Coming from the patient from this past Tuesday. I can't wait to see how this "SECOND CHANCE" changes my life and I have these 2 wonderful gentelmen to thank for that. Christine
on 6/26/08 9:43 am - Norwich, CT
I just want to chime in here that your sincerity  comes shining through!!  Just remember, there will always be someone around to accuse and put their own spin on things, I personally believe that a person's integrity always comes to light.  So, keep on doing whatever you're doing !!   I applaud you in your efforts to sincerely help people!
 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


on 6/26/08 11:15 am
Dr. G, thanks for the information. Are you farmiliar with Esophyx? I have heard its suppose to fix gastric reflux and is made by the stomaphyz people. As a gastro doc have you heard of it and does it work? Thanks.
on 6/27/08 1:21 am
i think it makes more sense than stomaphyx. we have no experience with it but we invited the company to show us the product. it may have potential but only time will tell..
on 6/26/08 12:48 pm - syracuse, NY
Hi Dr. Gorcey;Thankyou for setting the record straight with those that have questionned medical persons motives.It is refreshing to find Docs like you and Dr, Borao who have left their egos at the door. Dr. Schlesinger also brings alot to the board and you should all be applauded !!!!!!You are all fantastic...As a participant of your Rose study,I truly believe I have been given another chance to get back what I was letting slip away again by getting away from the basics.You guys are great!!Like you said,it will take awhile to see the true results of the program...We will do our best to keep our end of the program working.Thankyou for giving us this opportunity......Patsy
on 6/29/08 1:03 am

Dr. G,    I just wanted to say thank you.  From the first moment i met you in the waiting room you have gave me hope and insperation.  I dont mind the 6hr drive to see you.  There was no mention why we needed the ROSE procedure, just an excited attitude on how this procedure will work.   Your confidence and enthusiasm has pushed your patients into another galaxy.  I can feel the success before I even had the procedure.  Now that I have had it I can see the success.  For us that have had it, we are each others support, littleguys posts are a bonus and wonderful.  It was awsome coming home from the procedure and reading about how it went.  I was one of the three procedures that day.  I look forward to seeing you for my EGD and thanks again to you and Dr Borao for a truly amazing experience.  I am very grateful I was chosen for the study. Michelle

on 6/29/08 10:26 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Dr. Gorcey, at least we can address each other by name; I have a very difficult time talking to anyone who goes by the moniker of 'littleguy' or 'bigguy' so I thank you for this much.  It is not my intention to be advesarial or confrontational or to 'piss' anyone off by 'unfounded' accusations - but your statement that that the stomaphyx procedures does not work and is a farce in fact supports my passionate opinion that many doctors and surgeons are preying on people's unfortunate feelings of desperation by promising them a procedure they know will not work and being paid generously for it - either out of pocket or rarely by insurance companies. If you are a surgeon of integrity, what are you doing to address this very real problem?  What are you doing to shut this market down?  The other bone of contention (and red flag of suspicion) I have had with your operation is a very early post by your "littleguy" proclaiming "success" with patients who had just left your offices after having had the procedure! How can success be measured hours after a procedure is performed? True success of a WL procedure can only be measured by the amount of weight lost! That takes several weeks to several months.  I found that statement completely suspect. Now then, having said as much, I will publicly apologize to you for the ways in which I've drawn you out and into my debate - I have been unfair and I hope you will accept my apology. Now that I know the nucleus - the heartbeat, if you will - of the Rose procedure (endolumial therapy) I will certainly do my research.  If you are indeed legitimately helping people regain their lives in a manner that embraces healthy life choices and self-reliance, I applaud you and you efforts. I write for a nationally syndicated WLS magazine and perhaps their is a story in all of this that needs to be told.  We are, after all, not so different - self-proclaimed champions of people and health. Sincerely, Maureen
on 6/29/08 1:26 pm - syracuse, NY
Maureen; You have offended so many of us on here..I understand that you have had a rough go of it,but turning it into a hate fest has been so cruel.What magazine do you work for that would allow such attacks???We are not political people on here and we are just trying our best to be positve and upbeat about our new program.Even in your apology to littleguy and Dr. gorcey,you are starting up again with attacks.Please have a little compassion.You even attacked what looked like a first time poster asking a question.His name was bigguy..Please let go of the confrontations..thanks patsy
on 6/29/08 9:44 pm
RNY on 03/08/04 with

I stand by my criticism of an industry that is milking people of personal funds with the promise of a miracle fix that will not manifest in positive end results, Patsy. I have not been cruel in any of my posts, many people have emailed me to thank me for bringing this very controversial issue into light so that others can make much more informative decisions about their options for revisions. I don't see a single negative statement in my post to Dr. Gorcey and I sincerely hope that the two of us will continue our dialogue together in person once I have concluded my research on the rosE procedure. There remains little evidence that this will work any better than any other endoscopic procedure; certainly folks are losing a bit of weight initially, similar to the other endoscopic procedures. This may be due solely to the liquid diet (phase I) immediately post-op for the first few to several weeks, depending on your surgeon. Anyone will lose 10-20 lbs. in 2-4 weeks without ingesting solid foods.  What remains to be seen is how successful these folks will be in sustaining that initial weight loss and, indeed, achieving their goal weight, at 6-12 months post-op. I am cheering everyone on - especially any surgeon who has found the way to legitimately help us help ourselves remain healthy, fit and active in our new bodies and lives.  Do I need to take this on? No. Do I enjoy stirring up controvesy and risking attacks from people who don't know me from Adam? No. But I am a principled person and I care deeply about people - you and Dr. Gorcey included.   No hate here, Patsy. Be well, Maureen

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