Update on Me! Home from surgical center in record time!

on 6/23/08 4:11 am - Midlothian, TX
Hello to all, I wanted to thank all of you *****sponded to me the day of my surgery!  Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.   Here is how my surgery day went. Hello to all,   The surgery went well.  They changed the time from 9:30a to8:30a.  I arrived at the surgical center about 7;15a.  They took me into the OR at 8:32a. The anesitheiologist (sp) said he had put some happy juice in my IV and this time I don't remember the OR at all or helping them move me to the OR table.    Before I went in to surgery Dr Nick said that I might wake up with having nothing done.  He said if there us too much scare tissue around my liver and stomach it might prevent him from doing the lap band.    I thinjk the surgery took about two hours this time. I woke up in the recovery room and breathed and coughed for the nurse for about an hour then I was moved to a lounge chair and given six ounces of water to drink down before I could go home. We left the Baylor Surgical center @1:00p.. I was home by 2:00p!  I think that would almost be a record!   I had pain for two days in my upper left shoulder and of course pain where the incisions are.  They sent me home wearing that trust/girdle type thing you put around your waist.  I started my love not shots Friday night to help prevent blood clots.  I am on a liquid diet for two weeks while things heal up.    I needed the pain killer from Thursday through Sunday.  I have more energy and less pain each day.   Again, thank you all for your prayers!  I will let you know how things continue.  My prayers are with all of those who are having surgery this week. Take care, Barbara Brewer
on 6/23/08 4:57 am - mesa, AZ
Wow !!   You did great... but remeber not to pu****  tooo much - or you'll have a relapse ..
on 6/23/08 7:46 am - Norwich, CT
I am sooo excited for you!!  I too will hopefully be having a band placed over my old bypass (just waiting for insurance approval).  Did they give you pain pills or liquid?  I am hoping that I will get pillls (i can always crush them) because I will puke up liquid.  Please post often.  What size band do you have?  Was your pouch very big or was it mainly the stoma?  Sorry for all the questions, but there aren't too many of us!! Feel good!!!
 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


on 6/24/08 3:11 am - Midlothian, TX
They gave me liquid pain killer and told me to mash up my rx pills.  So far I do not have any problem swollowing the pills.  Dr Nick said he put the AP lapband in me the biggest 14cc. Of course at this time it is empty.  I see him for my two week check up on 7/3/08.  I am planning to return to work on 7/8/08.  My pouch was stretched, he never told me how much.  As far as insurance goes I have BCBS Federal, they told the Hospital and Dr that my procedure was considered out patient surgery so that would not give them approval before the surgery.  I got a loan from Care Credit and I am also going to file with the insurance co myself with the help of Dr Nick's insurance person.  I hope BCBS will reimburse me for most of it.   I still have some pain on my left side where the incisions are, but I am getting around okay.  I have lost 5 pounds already.  We know that is because of the low calorie liquid diet I am on.  But I  am happy to have the weight start to come off.  I am also grateful the this second chance to change my life for the rest of my life.
Doesn't Matter
on 6/24/08 6:52 am - Indianapolis, IN
Revision on 02/29/12

Do you mind if I ask how much it cost to have it done outpatient?

on 6/24/08 9:34 am - Midlothian, TX
In Texas  I paid $15,000.00.   All but $100.00 was financed through Care Credit.  I hope to file with my insurance as soon as I can.  I am praying they will go ahead and reimburse me.
M. Hall
on 6/23/08 9:06 am - Norcross, GA
Now that is amazing! I wish all of my surgeries went like that. Right now im weak and exhausted. But im definitely glad that you had an awesome experience.
on 6/23/08 10:15 am - mesa, AZ
 you tooo !!! no over doing it !!  slow and easy  for a few days !!  and tell your mom to smack you upside head if you lift more than 2lbs of sugar !!!!
on 6/26/08 10:48 am - TN
Hey Barbara, glad to hear you are doing well!  I too had a revision on tues!  my surgeon placed a lapband over my RNY, is that the same thing you had done? I don't know about you, but the gas they blow you up with made me gain 8 lbs, but I haven't ate anything but liquids and low carb slimfast, so hopefully it is just fluid and gas! are you hungry at all? what exactually do you have every day?  well, thanks and good luck!!!                 Nancy
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