Embarrased to admit to DR i want Revision

Barbara B.
on 7/18/08 10:08 am - Bandon, OR
I am wondering if you considered a lap band? It never dawned on me to have th chanel shortened? HHmmm
on 7/18/08 12:22 pm - Chicago, IL
I'm looking into having a revision -  was going to get a band over bypass - actually it's the only revision my bypass doctor offers.  After reading Dr. Schlesinger's ABC's of Revisions I 'm leaning more towards the Extended RNY (shortening my common channel).  I'm even looking into traveling to AZ to see Dr. S - doctors here will only offer me the band.  I'm still in preliminary stages and don't know yet if insurance will cover it.  Read his posts and find the piece he write about revisions.  It answers all your questions!  Good Luck!!
on 7/19/08 2:57 am - MI
 I have considered lap band but have been reading some conflicting information about performing this on a pre-existing RNY.  That and after my consultation with Dr. S, discussing my long term goals and the issues I face today we decided on the ERNY.  I felt this would be the better long term decision with the best results at keeping the weight off.  I also did not want to mess with my pouch any further as this is what causes a great deal of the risk during revision procedures.  The shorter common channel is what gives the DSer's the better long term results.  I don't want to go through this again.  Or I should say "I won't" go through this again!
on 7/19/08 2:18 am - MI
on 7/18/08 12:28 pm - Chicago, IL
Hi, I'm thinking of traveling to AZ as well (I live in Chicago) - doctors here will only do the band and I'm interested in the ERNY.  Dr. S. seems so great that I'm looking into it (although I'm just in the preliminary stages and don't know yet if insurance will cover - is yours covered?).  When are you going to AZ?  What led you to go to him (just reading his posts here?)?  Do you know yet how he handles out-of-town patients after surgery - do you have to stay in AZ for a certain amount of time before you can fly home?  Just curious - I'm sure his office would cover all of it.  Take care - good luck!!
on 7/19/08 2:25 am, edited 7/19/08 2:59 am - MI
 Hello Arizonadck,  
I am with BCBS of MI.  I am still going through the approval process.  Actually this is all I am waiting on.  It has been 4 weeks since we submitted.  I am hoping "no news is good news" and that if they were going to reject it, it would have been done right away.  Probably just wishful thinking on my part. 

When I first started considering a revision I searched this sight throughly for information on all types of revisions and doctors and what others who have went through revisions results were.  Dr. S had the greatest impact on me.  one, for his experience, two for his many types of procedures and 3 he was the only one to take the time with me to answer all my questions and concerns.  I called several other doctors in California and Mich.  I did not get the same response.  Also, as far as MI goes, the doctors here do not have the experience in revisions.  And since revision carries a higher risk I will travel to go to the experience.  I also read Dr S's articles he posts here and they are very informative.  I find it very refreshing that a Dr will take the time to work with the public.  You don't see that too much.  Dealing with his office staff has been great!  They are very helpful and no one, including Dr. S treats you like you have failed your 1st chance.

I am trying to schedule a date in August or September.  Jen from  DR. S's  office called  BCBS last week and they told her it takes about 4 weeks from receipt of request.  So we are expecting something this week.

As far as out of town patients, he will set up an initial phone conference with you to go over your goals and issues.  He takes the time so you are never rushed.  He will also answer all of your concerns and questions and go over the risks involved with the procedure you are considering.  You will then be informed of the criteria you will have to meet.   Some of this is totally based on your Insurance.  If you are a self pay, which I may be, he had requested that I send him a recent lab analysis of my vitamin levels, and a psych eval.  As far as the vit levels he stresses that you MUST be compliant with this since it is so important.  If you choose to go with the ERNY, then he will request that after the procedure you get labs done every 3 months for the 1st year and then you can slowly decrease after that if the results are consistently good.  As far as the psych eval, he does not require the full MMPI that you initially have to go through when you had your 1st surgery.  All I had to do was get a letter from a licensed psychologist stating that I understood the risk of the decision I was making and what it would mean to my health if I was not compliant and that I did not suffer from anything such as bi-polar conditions and such.  I also sent in lab reports of an upper GI that I had done which showed that my pouch had stretched and that I had reflux.

Then his office started working with my insurance company.  I will have to be in AZ 2 days prior to my scheduled surgery to meet face to face with the Dr to go over everything and to start he pretesting for surgery.  He said, unless I am considered high risk, my procedure will be done at their surgical center and then I would be transferred to the hospital for a one night stay.  I have the option of having it done at the hospital but at a greater cost.  If everything goes well, then I will be released from the hospital after the 24 hours or so.  I have to stay in the area 5 to 7 days if I drive or if I fly I have to stay 10 days before he will release me.

I hope this answers your questions.  Feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.  Good luck to you on your 2nd chance!

(deactivated member)
on 6/13/08 8:34 pm - on the border, MA
Dr. Genz is a gem of a guy, I wouldn't be afraid to contact him about it.  He saw me a couple times during my band life... and he assisted on my removal.  I was the band poster child during one of the orientations and sat with him and he was just a really nice guy.  Please contact him, you are only doing yourself an injustice.... I have left messages for Dr. Looser and he has called me back in minutes...  I can't say enough about their program.  I have met with Dr. Kim at NEMC for a sleeve or RNY and Dr. Looser wants to be involved.  They really care, please call him!!!
on 6/14/08 5:10 am - Northwood, IA
I know this may sound dumb but have you tried going back to basics.  Put yourself on an eating schedule and making protein first meals.. then go to complex carbs like vegtables that are nonstarchy and whole grain pasta, rice, potatoes last?  Drinks lots of water between.. for me this is the ONLY way I can stay on track is to eat on a schedule and not allow munching in between.  Honestly even if someone has a "stretched stoma" I do feel that we can still overcome it with eating right, measuring our portion sizes (stopping at those portions no matter what), and eating on a schedule.  I have never gotten anything stuck and I can eat large amounts of foods, always have been able to.. but denser protein instead of slider foods sure keeps more more sustained hunger wise even if I am not eating to fullness.  I think you need to give this a good try first if you haven't and make sure you are exercising.  It's all about calories in vs. out.  You may look at my surgery date and say Oh shes a newbie (18 months out) but I can eat like any preop person for the most part so I have to be diligent with my food intake or I will gain.  My husband is also 6 years out so I have seen his journey as well. Please try this first before you go and revise what you have done.  Very rarely do I see many revisions do that well after they are revised.  My surgeon has also said this.  I think if you go back to basics for a while and then find that you aren't able to get the weight off THEN seek help.  Because lets be honest, any revision won't do u any good if you aren't eating right or moving correctly (using your tool to the max) and not saying you aren't but most of the time it seems this is the case for those that need a revision down the line.  I could be totally wrong here so please don't get mad at me but just make sure you tried the right way of eating and exercising to utilize your tool to the max before you take such drastic measures ok? Good luck to you.. i wish you all my best.  This journey isn't an easy one as surgery sure didn't fix our brains, I know that to well myself and contantly have to remind myself of this.. but I get back to basics and it all ends up ok.  *hugs*
Hugs, Melissa 


RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

(deactivated member)
on 6/14/08 6:11 am - TX
On June 13, 2008 at 12:14 PM Pacific Time, elfqueen wrote:
Hi, I had my surgery in 2004. i did so well i went from 263 lbs to 125 and i actually got into a size 1 jean at one point. i was on cloud nine. i was on a couple of medicines that made me gain some of the weight back as well as i started to eat sugar again. well, it's now 2008 and i weigh 218 lbs. i have stopped going to support groups 2 years ago because i was embarrased to let them know i was gaining the weight back after they were all so proud of me. i don't know what happened. I would like to have a revision but i do not think i will be able to have one because i can't bring myself to call the DR and admit that i have gained weight. i have anxiety problems anyway and this does not help. everytime i look in the mirror i want to cry. i know what happened and i know what not to do to prevent it from happening again but i am afraid that they will say hey you had your chance and blew it. too bad. i don't even know if they do revisions yet. but i don't want to live this way and they excess flap skin from the weight loss is gross and nothing fits right and i am just sad about all this. i don't know what to do. has anyone else been through anything close to this? i just feel like such a failure. sorry to ramble on but i haven't talked to anyone because i don't think they could understand how i feel.
I know exactly how you feel.  I went 10 years before doing something about my regain.  Read my profile.  and good luck to you.
Barbara B.
on 7/18/08 9:45 am - Bandon, OR
Yes. I loved my size four. Now, I am in some plus sizes :-(  and have regained, but still under two. That is why I am so scared. And I had to pay for the surgery that first time.....and I will have to pay for the revision....this time, if I go thru with it. The fact is, I have abused my way into a stretched pouch and I am totally upset with myself.  Even my hernia was caused by binging and becoming violently ill and poof...out came the hernia. If not for having to have it surgically repaired, I may not have inquired about the band? Any comments please? Thanks. BARB
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