Hi everyone, I just got approved for my Revision

(deactivated member)
on 6/11/08 11:59 am, edited 6/11/08 12:05 pm - AZ
Hi Everyone,  I got approved for my revision of my gastric bypass to a Erny. I think it took 10 mins to get approved. Jen from Dr Schlesinger faxed them over and got approval in matter of mins. I am so happy, I can't believe it. I saw 2 other doctors and I picked Dr Schlesinger. Dr Schlesinger first saw me on May15. Gave me a list of things to get done. I got everything done last Monday. Jenn faxed Health Net HMO for approval this afternoon in matter of mins I got approved. I am in shock. It took less than 3.5 weeks of running around like a nut and got it done with Jenn's help. I could not have done it alone. She was a big help and she is very good at her job. So the big day is July2 . I want to thank everyone for good advice and I know I am making the right choice. I can't wait to be on that looser bench,    here I come!!!!!!  
on 6/11/08 12:16 pm
Congratulations,  I am scheduled for a revision on July 7th.  I knew nothing about the procedured. I have been pleded with problems since I had the surgery back in September 2003.  I have a connection from my pouch to the "old" stomach and this causes me quite a bit of sour stomach and bad tastes in my mouth.  I initially lost about 125 pounds within the past 3 years I have gained about 40.  I was also approved by my insurance immediately.  Can you please tell me why you are having a revision?  Is it medical or for additional weight loss?  Thank you and good luck to you.  I am very nervous about the surgery seeing other people get excited about it is helping me to get through this.   Sincerely, Frances Randazzo
(deactivated member)
on 6/11/08 2:49 pm, edited 6/11/08 2:51 pm - AZ
Hi Frances, I had my rny in 1997. I have lost about 100 lbs. I gain 20 and loose 20. My weight just goes up and down. My original weight back in 1997 and highest was 420 lbs. I have to have both knee's replace to many injuries from sports. I have bone on bone with both knee's and  my Orthopedic surgeon said he will replace them if I loose 100 lbs. Last winter I lost 40 lbs and gained it all back. I can only walk about 10 feet and I can't do stairs. There is so much I want to do in life and it is time I do something about it. I am borderline diabetic, sleep apnea. I have severe insomina and lucky if I sleep 3 to 4 hours at night. Its to due my o2 staturations go deadly low. I already had the sleep apnea surgery years ago. I have a real small airway. But I use to have severe sleep apnea. But my o2 stats are really bad. I already had blood clots and plumonary embolism's. My feet and legs just started swelling up last summer. I can't even get my shoes on and to where big slippers. On top of this I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome and the co morbs just go on and on. It never ends for me. My doctor is not going to touch my stomach because it is to dangerous. I also don't want to gain more weight because I have hypothyroidism with hyperparathyroidism. My whole hormones are out of wack. So I am having this revision due to I need it medically and to loose weight. Good Luck...
Deanne K.
on 6/12/08 12:49 pm - Tucson, AZ
Dawn, Sound like you have Hypoxemia like I do.  Are you on oxygen by any chance?  If not you probably should be if your oxygen levels drop to low.  Heart problems you don't want to develop. Deanne
on 6/13/08 6:58 am
Dawn,  I can certainly understand why this revision is so important to.  I admire your courage and willingness not to give up.  Did the doctor ask that you prepare in anyway for the surgery?  I wasn't given any instructions other than show up on July 7th.   I hope all goes well with your surgery and we both have a new bright future head!  God Bless.  Frances
on 6/11/08 1:11 pm - Somewhere, TX
WOW, congratulations.  I know that everything will turn out beautifully.  Send some good insurance karma over here once you are done with it; I am also trying to go to Dr. Schlesinger but from out of town. Shay
(deactivated member)
on 6/11/08 3:04 pm, edited 6/11/08 3:05 pm - AZ
Hey Shay, I really like Dr Schlesinger and does know his stuff. He talks alot about different options. I already had 2 consults with other Bariatric surgeons and they would not answer any of my questions and they only spent 10 mins with me. I like the doctors that talk to their patients. I asked Dr Schlesinger does he blow off his patients once in a while and he said no. He said there is no reason to never get ahold of him. He has done alot of revisions. I asked about his complication rate and the first thing that he said was knock on wood." Lets not talk about that." I glad that he watches his patients closely. I had a bad experience before and could never get my surgeon after calling the answering service a million times. I just went to another hospital and got admitted. I notice many people from out of town want him to their surgery. He must have a really good reputation out of state. I guess he has some hotels lined up for his out of staters. Just ask his office staff which are fantastic and always call you back. I will send good karma your way for your insuranc will pay for you to see him. Good luck   
on 6/11/08 11:57 pm - mesa, AZ
Dawn  Congrats !!!!  Your right Doc is a GEM !!     Make sure to take your pain meds !!! and push water.   
on 6/12/08 1:24 am - Somewhere, TX
thanks Dawn (we share that as a name, btw) I chose Dr. S because he is doing the ERNY which appears to offer the benefits of DS without the possible complications.  I have seen 3 surgeons here in TX, one of which is a DS surgeon and I have got to tell you, although most of them spent a decent amount of time with me, there was very little encouragement.  I know that RNY doesn't have a high failure rate when compared to the number performed but there are very real reasons some of the surgeries fail and although I wouldn't call mine a true failure; I am a candidate because at the ripe old age of 35, I have been diagnosed with degenerative disk disease and arthritis of the knees (I was a 300+ lb catcher for fast pitch softball through late grade and high school, coupled with a plethora of sport activities in an attempt to lose weight) so I know where you are coming from.  Dr. S. told me to make a decision based on my needs and desires not on the limitation of the surgeon...he had me at that point.  I say all that to say that I can't attest to his reputation outside but the man has a bed-side manner not easily matched.  Hopefully I will be joining you on the other side soon.
on 6/12/08 10:10 am - MI

I am trying to get a revision with Dr. S. But unfortunately my insurance is not being to cooperative at this point. Jen is trying to deal with them....they are giving me a different story as far as requirements then they are her. Looking like if I want this I will more then likely be self pay. Not sure if I can do this route at this point.

Best of luck to you. I will send a prayer your way for a very successful surgery and a quick recovery!
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