Failed Surgery- Or it's starting to look that way


on 5/27/08 5:42 am - Mars, PA
Never posted here, looking for some opinions. I am just about 4 months out of Lap RNY and have lost about 66 pounds (54 since surgery date).   I have posted multiple times about the lack of restriction that I felt from the beginning and the responses would always be that it would eventually happen.  The context of those responses was probably intended to be within the first month, but, needless to say, restriction never really happened.  I can pretty much eat 3-4 cups of food if I choose to do so.  Granted, pre-surgery that was a warm up, but none the less, it's worrysome. Secondly, I don't dump.  in the past 4 months, only one food has caused me to and that was a "lean" meatloaf made by someone else.  I have indulged in a piece of birthday cake (again, a way smaller portion), I can eat white pasta, and just about everything else if I chose. I've been stuck at the same weight for over 3 weeks in spite of increased exercise and honest physical effort.  It's starting to get annoying. My main concern is that this loss has slowed so much, will this RNY really be effective 6-8 months from now?  I've been controlling portions with will power, but without the negative reinforcement, who knows how long that will truly last. Should I demand an upper GI to ensure that the surgeon didn't have a bad day?   Again, just looking for opinions.  Thanks to all for responding. Guy
Play hard or go home.  


on 5/27/08 6:45 am, edited 5/27/08 6:45 am


I am sorry to hear about your frustration with slow weight loss and lack of restriction.  I did not have the same surgery, but 66 pounds sounds pretty good to me (or 54, in 4 months).  Have you talked to your surgeon about the lack of restriction and the lack of dumping?  I know that not all RNYers have the dumping, though it is common to have it.  You should have this conversation with your surgeon.  He may choose to do the upper GI or he may wait longer to see how you do.  I wish you the best in your journey.


SW: 236.5 CW: 116 GW: 120-130





on 5/28/08 12:02 am - Manteca, CA
Caroline, haven't seen you over on the DS board? What's happening?




Check out  and
 for all the accurate information on the great DS, and find surgeons in your area or around the country or out of the country.

I couldn't have done without all the great peeps on this board.

SW: 234.5     CW: 157   GW: 140 - ish 


on 5/28/08 6:51 am


I dropped off that board several months ago when the drama was pretty deep.  I may check it out again.  I am doing great and loving my DS.  Glad to hear from you.  I hope all is well and that you will be switched soon.  You have been a real trooper.


SW: 236.5 CW: 116 GW: 120-130





on 5/27/08 7:21 am - UK
Hi Guy You actually seem to be ahead of schedule based on the usual predictions of how fast people will lose. The second major target is to lose 50% of your excess weight by 6 months, and you seem to have achieved this in 4 months. Secondly you are a relative lightweight - you will lose pounds slower than an SMO person, but it is the percentages that you concentrate on. Re-post on the lightweights board and you might get some other RNYers responding. You are looking to lose another 30% of your excess weight in the next 6 months, then the rest depends on how determined you are. Thirdly you have lost 66lbs in a short space of time (when was the last time you lost 66lbs in a matter of months?) and your body is taking a rest. It's hard, but don't fret about it. I lost weight with the band only in the first month, then lost nothing for two years. That's not a stall, thats failure. Panic when you haven't lost any more in 6 months time, or when you start putting it back on! Keep at it! Sal

DS revision from failed lapband

on 5/27/08 8:57 am - mesa, AZ
Guy  Dont be so hard on yourself or the Surgery ,, Cuz it sounds like you have hit a major  plateau ! Hit  up the water and protein and leave the carbs behind - you know they are no good for you - Dont sabotage yourself just to test the surgery's capabilities !!  Check out the Southbeach  food program - a lot of people swear by it !!  Not everyone dumps on foods - I have a friend  who did not dump till he was 11 months out and  then it was on a Blueberry muffin! go figure ....  As far a restriction goes - Check out the 5 day pouch test - you can google it  and its pretty easy to follow .. It will help  get some restriction back !!!  and yes talk to your Dr about  your concerns! But be prepared to hear things you wont want to hear .
on 5/28/08 2:40 am - GA
Hi Guy,

Your weight loss is stellar for less than 4 months out. It seems your concern is the volume you are able to eat and the fact that you don't dump. First of all, when we talk about volume, you also need to talk about the actual weight of the food that you are ingesting. I can eat two cups of popcorn, but I can only eat 2-3 ounces of solid protein like chicken or beef. So total cups mean nothing unless you are referring to an ability to eat 16 oz of steak in one sitting. Then I would say that you have something wrong and the pouch is too large. You talk about eating pasta and carbs and birthday cake. I just wondered why you would even test those boundaries at all when you do know that you can dump even though 40% of RNYers dont dump at all.

It would seem that this is a discussion you need to have with your doctor. If you can honestly say that you can eat 1 pound of meat (which would be two cups) then you surely have a problem that needs to be addressed.




Yolanda S.
on 5/28/08 3:01 am - Neopit, WI
Hello Guy!  I was in the same boat as you are right now!  Definately follow up with your doctor as soon as possible.  I lost only a total of 72 lbs.  Although it feels better than the original 309, I had hoped for so much more.  I still weigh 236 lbs, and am looking at getting revision surgery.  I am over 3 years out!  The others kept telling me the same as they are telling you, but things didn't get better and of course the disappointment set in and here I go again, looking for more help!  I don't mean to rain on your parade or put down the others for their kind words, but be careful and definately seek professional advice.

on 5/28/08 5:13 am - Mars, PA

Thanks to everyone for your honest responses.  I just want to clarify a few issues.   I track EVERYTHING thing I eat on fitday, just about everyday.  (might miss here and there due to activities).   For the most part, I keep everyday to approximately 125-150 g proteins, ~60-90 g of carbs, and minimal fats, maybe 30-40 grams.  My diet is very regular, especially during the work week. BUT,  here's where I'm concerned and I have raised this issue with my surgeon on my 4 post op visits to date.  From day 3 after surgery, I was able to consume large amounts of water.  I'm talking 20 oz bottles in less than 5 minutes.  I didn't purposely start "testing" consumption limits, I was just trying to get in as much fluids as possible, to help me recover.  From the first time I realized that I had no "liquid" restrictions, I sensed that I may not have solid restrictions either.  And, as I mentioned, I continually brought these issues to my surgeons attention during visits.  The response was, well, maybe that's just the way it is....  or consider yourself lucky because some drop weight too fast and have excess skin issues.  You'll be fine..... Those reponses weren't exactly comforting, but things were going ok and the weight was dropping regularly.  Until this past month.  Here's how the monthly weight loss pans out: Month 1 - 25, Month 2- 12, Month 3- 12, and Month 4- only 7.  So things have definitely slowed down.  Maybe Im being overly concerned.  Would it be wrong to ask for an upper GI?   What could I really gain from it except, as someone mentioned, answers I don't want to hear. Again, thanks for the responses.

Play hard or go home.  


M. Hall
on 5/28/08 8:25 am - Norcross, GA
Hello Guy, I had Rny in 2002. I questioned my doctor about the same things when I first came out. I could drink as much as i wanted without any hesitation. Only problem I had was with meats. Sweets never gave me a problem and continued to stay that way after I had WLS. So yes, I think you need to talk to your doctor before you. I do agree with Ginau and that sometimes we test our limits by trying foods that we know are not good for us. So seek help like I did. You dont want to wait as long as i did. I started at 328 lost down to 219 and gained back up to 270. So do what you have to do and stay away from the NO NO foods.
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