Could use some advice, stories, experiences, etc.

on 5/22/08 5:57 am

I had gastric bypass (rouxNy) in February of 02 - I lost 150 lbs and was doing great - I was down to a size 10/12 and was feeling great.  Then I had an ankle injury that required pretty much bedrest after surgery for almost 6 weeks.  It was ok - I gained maybe 5 lbs - no biggie right?  Well then I got pregnant with my first child - I gained about 50 lbs during pregnancy because I was on bedrest for the last 2 1/2 months of the pregnancy.  I lost all of it but about 20 lbs. but was now up to a size 16.  I was still ok about it and was starting to exercise and diet to try and get back down to my original weight when "surprise"!!!  another pregnancy - in addition to the twenty I gained from the first child I gained another 50 during pregnancy again being on partial bedrest for the last 3 months of my pregnancy ::::sigh::::  lost only 20 from that pregnancy so I am not 50 lbs heavier than I was.  So I've read stories of people that have gained back a lot more than that but I am very short so 50 lbs has put me back at a BMI of 41!!!!!  I have made an appointment with a doctor here in Chicago to discuss revision options but I really don't know anything about it, what to expect, success ratios/stories, options.  Based on what I've read it seems I would need them to do some sort of pouch repair but I'm not sure yet.  Can any of you wonderful people out there fill me in on your own stories, give me advice and help me through this process.  Even though I am still 100 lbs lighter than I was at my heaviest I am still finding that I hate my body, am depressed about the way I look, etc.  I promised I would not ever go back yet here I am......

on 5/23/08 8:04 am - Somewhere, TX
The first thing is to find out what; if anything is wrong.  I wouldn't assume pouch repair you will need at least an upper GI to determine what may need to be done.  My best advice is try and remove the emotional element of the regain.  You are making a decision as big as your original decision to have WLS and you need to investigate it.  I know there are three things I have learned going through all this 1. No one surgery is for everyone.  You will find fanatics about Lap, RNY, DS, etc. but you have to have what gives you the best shot at living a healthy life and is in sync with your comfort level, with small children you may not be able to make the same choice as someone else.  2.  Talk to a variety of doctors.  Doctors are just as fantical as patients and many have preconceived ideas of what will and will not work for you and that is your decision to embrace. 3.  Things will get better, the desperation and angst you feel now may not fully go away but acknowledging a problem and being proactive feels 1000 times better than wallowing.  Good luck.
on 5/23/08 8:55 am
thank you!
on 5/23/08 9:12 am - UK
I'm not an expert on RNY but would it be worth posting on the RNY board and getting advice about 'kickstarting' weightloss again?  On the DS board you'd be advised to cut out the carbs, up the protein and water and go back to basics and I'm guessing RNYers would say similar! I can't work out (maths was never my strongpoint) how long you've been fighting the regain since having the children - have you got the chance now to concentrate on yourself for a little while? If you've tried this and it hasn't worked, then I agree with the previous poster - start investigating and looking into the options - revisions are riskier than the original surgery, and you need to be sure you've chosen the right revision and the right surgeon to do it. Hope you get some answers!

DS revision from failed lapband

on 6/7/08 1:13 pm - xenia, IL
My Dr. did the scleratherpy on me yesterday and just only for being a little tired today and a minor I mean monor sore throat I feel great, he first ordered the endoscopy to look at the pouch and it was fine it was the size it was supposed to be but the stoma has enlarged to twice or three time the size it was supposed to be this is the second scleratherpy he has done now I had the first one done on April 16th and it helped but he also told me then I may need it done another time or two, it is where he goes thru the mouth and injects  the stoma with something to make scar tissue and in turn makes the stoma smaller so the food will not go thru so fast that is waht was happening to me my food was going thru too fast and I was not staying full long enough.If you want more info my email is [email protected]
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