ROSE Update
I am now 3 weeks PO and was really concerned because I had not lost but 13 lbs and then regained 5 of those ...but after taking a fluid pill that I felt i didnt need any more and restarted my walking....I am down 16 lbs and 1 lb from being at my lowest ... Was told that the first group was -23 lbs on average after the first po appointment ..that means I need to lose 7 more lbs before the 27th ... I think I will be able to do it ..I dont want to let them down by not at least matching the others on weightloss .....
Thanks for the support it is much appreciated ..... do you live in Georgetown ...I will be there on the 27th for my po appointment.... I can now eat like eggs ...cheese .. low carb tortillas ... toast ..( I eat the Nature's Own Light Honey Wheat) Oat meal ...and that sort of stuff ...I can add Tuna next week ...
Goodluck Patsy my prayers are with you .... and thanks for the vote of confidence ....Just hope it continues ....I am really worried cause I dont know if it will work the way I want it to .I really want to get down to at least 145 and i am at 187 right now ....that is like 42 more lbs ...seems almost impossible ..
Yes you would think that the torture of all that time on a liquid diet would bring faster results....but as the other poster said-your body is already used to losing. I think my body is mad at feels like it has been thru the ringer and it is TIRED.
2 weeks ago today I was having gallbladder surgery right about now and tomorrow I go in for the ROSE procedure. old am I ? Hanging out at hospitals and doctor's offices all the time. tsk tsk tsk.
No, Cheryl I don't live in G'town. I live probably 30 minutes away. Let's make sure we get together during one of your post op visits okay? I can't on the 27th--at least right now it looks like I can't ,but lets plan on another date okay??