I am baccckkk ! feeling good 4 days post op !
Ok its been 4 days since my revision surgery ! Feel much better today - had a little melt down yesterday and had to call Dr S .. he was nice and told me I was under medicating myself .
Who know that Wal-mart does not translate metric to us measures - I was only giving myselft 1 t of meds instead of the 1 Tblspn I needed , That and a Muscle relaxor got me some much needed sleep!
2 hernia's repaired , lots of scar tissue removed, and a common channel of 75, and a wonderful Dr who calls back and talks to his pts !
By the way the incission is worth the price . for all to be fixxed.
Note to self - bad backs and hospital beds do not go well together. !!!
Hi Gina - so you had the Extended Rny? I bet you're glad it's over and you're on your way to becoming a "big loser" -- I wish you the best - glad you're feeling ok and getting the right meds for pain! Dr. Schlesinger has helped me in making some decisions - the most important: getting a 2nd opinion for the type of revision. I wish he was in my area - I would definitely go to him! Keep us posted - take care! Carolyn
My revision is tomorrow afternoon!!
I don't have a clue how much scar tissue I have, but I am sure it is a bunch. I also have a Hiatal Hernia that Dr Barker will repair while making my pouch smaller and reducing and reinforcing my stoma. He said he wouldn't change the length of the common channel, but also reserved the right to change his mind if he got in there and desided it was necessary. I don't care what he does. I just want it to work!!! Glad U are home and doing well. I will be taking my laptop to the hospital with me. Will only be in overnight, but I don't sleep in the hospital and always end up sharing a room with a weirdo that either doesn't want the tv on or has screaming matches on the phone or with visitors.....
Glad to see you doing better, I just joined the website a month ago when I started looking into a revision. Ive been looking for and waiting for you to respond just so I could see and hear for myself that it is possible. I too have alot of scar tissue and a fistula to repair after 3 surgeries from my 1st RNY. My Doc said scar tissue is alot of trouble and he is going to do the extended RNY also but he said he is going to make pouch so small that Ill only be able to take 1 bite and be full. Congratulations to you, I am so HAPPY for you! How long did your surgery take?
Actual O.R. time was only about 1.5 hrs - I believed the scar tissue and hernia's took most of the time , my original bypass was not a large bypassed amnt - Dr was supprised to see that ,
I was in my room by noon ! this was the easier for the 3 surgery's I have had .
I am learning to live with my new body ...
It's surprising that it's was ot bypassed as much as they think it was. I am shocked by that. I had a chat with a lady who runs a Dr. supervised weight loss program at my work and she was shocked when I was telling her what my pre-albumin lab was in November. She was down right appalled. She can't believe that they are not concerned at all. I was telling her that I was going to see Dr. Schlesinger. She had met him at a bariatrician conference in Phoenix last month. She really liked him.