WHY are there so few qualifed Docs for revisions???

on 5/10/08 4:17 am, edited 5/10/08 4:23 am - burbank, CA
I am so tired of going back and forth to doctors that say you can only have this type of revision or no you can't have that but or we need to discuss it more or we don't believe it that one!!!!!   It goes on and on and I'm getting so stressed and want to just get a lawyer to move their A- - ES to help me out!  I had a VBG in 1992 that failed after 5 years and now I'm back heavier then when I started  with several co morbids now in which one is high blood pressure that is worse because of the BS this insurance co. is putting me through! Anyone been through the Southern Kaiser Permanante "Thrive"  BS???.....they want me to get worse with their tactics.  Thanks for the vent time OH'ers, I needed it.   Any suggestions? Terri
(deactivated member)
on 5/10/08 7:09 am
on 5/10/08 9:15 am - UK
What were you wanting to revise to Terri? Are there any studies about what revisions might be possible and how successful (or not) they are that you could wave at the surgeons?  When I was looking into revising from a band there were only 3 surgeons in Europe that I thought sounded good at revisions - I think it's a specialist area of surgery in itself. I chose my surgeon because he can do all the types of WLS and has done lots of revisions too - I was glad because he had a tricky bit of stitching to do at the top of my deformed stomach and didn't panic! Sal

DS revision from failed lapband

on 5/10/08 10:44 am - burbank, CA
I have heard of alot of the San Francisco Dr.'s do the DS and/or VG and Dr. K in Delano and maybe Crookes here in L.A. I have put in grievances, appeals and now waiting for the DMHC.  The one surgery they all are wanting to do is the RnY and it is not good for me.  I am limited on the meds I take because of allergies.   I don't want a surgery that can't scope my stomach or something that  have so many    unpleasant side effects.  I will do it the right way this time even if I blow a gasket trying to get it.  What kind of a doctor tells a patient that it is your punishment if you eat sugar or fat and get the dumping syndrome!!!!  I don't need to live the rest of my life out by torture methods, I'm sorry if others feel this is a good tool for them, it's just not for me and that's why I feel ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL...........I want the right surgery for me not what some doctor feels comfortable doing at the time!  Sorry for the RANT........I should be on another forum for that, Terri
on 5/11/08 12:36 am - UK
Hi Terri I've heard of Dr K, but I'm not sure Dr Crookes does DS - one of the current pre-ops on the DS board got a bit annoyed with him. So its either sleeve or DS then I'm guessing? Its hard when you have to fight for it - at least in the UK we know we have no chance of getting the DS (the band is all you get) so we just have to beg or borrow the money if we want it! I don't like being punished for being overweight either - this is probably why I rebelled when all I could eat on diets was cottage cheese and lettuce! I suppose all you can do is research and stun them with your knowledge - I know more about WLS than my family doctor for sure, which makes me a nerd but I don't mind if it gets me healthy Come talk to us on the DS board if you want any info about the DS, and good luck with your fight Sal

DS revision from failed lapband

on 5/11/08 2:18 am - Columbia, SC
tjays, I feel your frustration.  I went through the same problem.  I live in SC and I could not find a doctor anywhere in this state that could perform a revision.  I went to one who I thought would be able to help me.  I paid the office fee I went to the required classes and then to another appointment with the doctor to find out that he is not comfortable with performing a revision on me.  Talk about being pist!  However, after alot of thought about the situation I decided it was problem a blessing because I don't want anyone working on me who is not comfortable, competent, and experience.   I've finally found a doctor about 2 hours away in NC who has experience with revisions and will take my case.  Again, I had to jump all the hoops  Right now my info has been submitted to the insurance company and I am waiting to hear back.  So now the waiting game begins.  My advice is to not give up.  It is not convenient to have to search around and call doctors but you will find the one who is truly willing to help you.
on 5/11/08 12:10 pm - burbank, CA
Thanks for all the good info!  Tomorrow is another day and the fight will begin again.  I hope your revision goes smoothly without too much more red tape. Terri
on 5/12/08 5:29 am
My doctor does revisions. He's in North Carolina, but is one of the top bariatric surgeons in the country and I can't recommend him highly enough. He's absolutely wonderful. Maybe you could travel?
on 5/12/08 1:16 pm - burbank, CA
I do have a Dr in mind, Dr Kahasian (sp) in Delano, CA about 3 hrs away.  But I have to see if the DMHC appeal goes in my favor or I'm screwed insurance wise.  The mainstream WLS doctor out here just pushes the RnY like it is a perscription for all overweight people.  I have a lot of reasons not to have an RnY and I won't let them do it to me!  It's very frustrating that they just don't understand we deserve choices and they need to get better educated if that's the problem, but I really think it's the mighty dollar that makes them do the one surgery over and over to get em in and out fast...........just like fast food!!! - LOL- not really, it ****** me off!!
on 5/13/08 2:52 am - Vacaville, CA
My name is Angela Williams, I live in Vacaville, CA.  I had gastric bypass surgery on 7/15/02.  I started my journey at 340 lbs., my lowest weight was 208 lbs, and I now weigh 297 lbs.  I have a referral from my pcp to return to SSF Kaiser Permanente to address the possibility of me having a revision surgery.  By me rejoining OH.com, this is my first step to getting some help and learning more about the revisions that are available to me.  I am really interested in finding out if anyone out there has had revision surgery done in the NCAL Kaiser Permanente system (or any Kaiser Permanente).  If so, please share your story with me.  I need to learn all I can.  I am also seeking a support group in my local area with members who are either in the same boat as me or have succeeded in getting a revision done.
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