9 months since lap band and never lost only gained back

on 5/6/08 2:46 pm
Hi I had my surgery back in August of 2007 and have gained back all the weight I lost prior to surgery on the liquid diet. I've searched out forums just trying to figure out why I am not as successful as most people are on the band and am glad that I found this forum, sounds like the right place to be. Anyway do you think I'm giving up too soon thinking about a revision, don't even know if insurance would cover it so naturally that's a big concern. Physically I still have a 40 bmi, sleep apnea, diabetes II and of course am very depressed about the whole situation.  I feel like a failure and in fact believe I am my surgeon's only failure so far. I don't think I win any awards for that status though.  Anyway open for words of wisdom, thanks brandyII.
Hondurian Queen
on 5/6/08 10:27 pm - BOSTON, MA
brandy  dont feel like a failure cause you are not I felt that same way after my band stop working with me but you know some surgery's are not for some we will chat later I am at work but keep your head up and do what is best for you


on 5/7/08 1:56 am
Thanks HD, I appreciate it, brandyII
on 5/7/08 6:21 am - UK
Hi brandy Do you have any conclusions on why it hasnt worked for you? It didnt work for me because it took a long time (about 18months) for me to get restriction, and at that point the difference between 'good' restriction and being overfilled was about  0.2cc - too fine to keep to! Part of the failure was mine too - I'd eat easy carbs to get something down, but when nothing else will go down you get a bit hungry. I thought long and hard about sticking with it or getting revision, especially since revisions are technically more difficult. Have you discussed this with your surgeon at all - it isnt enough for you or him/her to label yourself as a 'failure'. I hope you get some answers! Sal

DS revision from failed lapband

on 5/7/08 8:16 am
Thanks for your response. I had very little restriction for the first three months although in my head I thought I had restriction as I was filled twice but had a large size band, 10 ccs and they thought I had a 4 cc band. Anyway so it wasn't until November, had surgery in August, that I had felt restriction.  My surgeon put in about 3 ccs at that point.  I know everyone speaks of a "sweet" spot but I don't know if I've ever been there or would be there at this point.  So in November I felt restriction but only when I ate protein and veg etc... the healthy foods and not the junk food which was my weakness.  At Christmas it was when I realized that I could still eat chocolate bars and cookies, cakes pie, all the junk would go down but the healthy stuff I may vomit if I didn't chew enough or ate too fast etc.... Then a few months ago I was accidentally overfilled and couldn't even swollow without getting sick and that lasted about ten hours until a surgeon met me at the office and took some out at midnight.  So at that point I had 4 ccs and was still struggling with eating the right way. I always knew with the band that ice cream would go down and so would sugar drinks but I didn't realize at the time that anything made of sugar and fat would go down easily.  Those were always my week spots or at least seem to be now. So the last time I met with my surgeon I convinced him to take out two ccs so that I could eat normal portions and not compensate by eating the sweets and he did and that's been two weeks since.  I was okay the first week but the second week it got a little tougher and as I get on the scales it seems to move up as opposed to down! Anyway most people I've seen on other lap band forums seem to have done a lot better than I have and I guess I didn't realized I'd need as much "willpower" after surgery as I would have prior or I wouldn't have put myself through this.  If I had the willpower I wouldn't need the surgery! Nine months seems like a long enough time to have gotten this right and 18 months is way too long if you ask me.  Most people after nine months have probably lost 70 pounds by now and I've only gained back the weight I lost prior to surgery so it's very frustrating. I spoke with one doctor today that I see and she doesn't think I'd do well with the gastric bypass either if I'm having problems like this.  She thinks I may lose in the beginning but what happens after it stops because a lot of people tend to put it back on. So I meet with my surgeon again in about 2 to 3 weeks and we'll see what we can come up with because at this point I feel like it's a lost cause.  I started at 253 lbs, went down to about 225 and now up to 250 again!  Maybe it's just meant to be, I don't know.  It's good to see more people have this issue as I have because I kind of feel like I'm the only one screwing this up, thanks brandyII.
on 5/7/08 10:56 pm - UK
Firstly I wouldn't worry how other people are doing honey - the ones that are like us tend to keep quiet about it! I think what wasn't explained well enough is that how the band works is a very individual thing, sometimes for no reason you can point to. Some people will do really well, others won't, and there's no way of predicting in advance what group you'll be in. I can't do diets for longer that a few months, especially when the band was stopping me, so I hear what you're saying. The options you seem to have then are sticking to a diet, getting fills and relying on willpower to not eat the ice cream, or getting a revision to something else. I couldn't do the first one, tight restriction scared me because of the reflux at night, so I chose revision. You then have 3 choices, sleeve, RNY and DS. Sleeve is the first part of the DS but can be done alone, and makes your stomach smaller. Its like a surgical version of the band but there aren't many long term studies on it. RNY is something a lot of people choose because you get a small pouch to restrict what you eat, and might be prevented by dumping from eating sugary things. As your surgeon says, some people regain, specially if they eat sugary liquids - this will defeat any surgery. I chose DS because it removes the part of your stomach that makes you hungry, unlike RNY where they just staple it. I chose it because I am restricted to 1oz capacity (my surgeon is aggressive, other people have larger stomachs) and this restriction stays the same all day. It isnt like the band either - protein goes down fine, I can drink a little with meals, I don't get 'air bubbles' and I feel full for a couple of hours after a tiny meal. Your intestines and metabolism are changed to those of a skinny person, and fat becomes your friend (cos it goes straight through you)! The main thing is that because I don't feel hungry eating has become a chore - food tastes ok but within a few bites I'm full and bored with it! I don't crave anything - there have been 3 bags of sweets in the kitchen since the weekend (for DH) and I couldn't care less. Its like being free.  First thing I'd do would be to find a surgeon who does all the surgeries, work out what and why you eat and go discuss things. This may be a different surgeon to your current one - not all will do the DS because its more technical. www.duodenalswitch.com lists current DS surgeons, and the DSers are really helpful if you have questions. I can't talk for the sleevies and RNYers - perhaps post on their sites and see if the revision people are happy. There is hope though, don't get depressed about it! Hugs Sal  

DS revision from failed lapband

on 5/8/08 2:19 am
Thanks for all the info Sal.  I must admit I'm a bit paranoid now that I've gone through the band and am afraid that the same thing will happen with any of the revision options.  So are you saying you were able to eat these sweets before but now you're not interested or they would fill you up?  Hate to sound like a pest and I know everyone is different but the more info I get from actual people who've gone through this the better.  I don't know yet what my choices are or if I have any options that would be covered by insurance "again" you know. Anyway thanks for your honesty I appreciate any words of wisdom I can get now.  Thanks, brandyII.
on 5/8/08 3:45 am - Seat Pleasant, MD
Hi BrandyII Let me just tell you that I am in the same boat as you are. I had my surgery Sept 06 and I have gained back the 50 pounds that I lost after I was able to eat soild foods. My doctor came to me about having a different type of surgery so you should not feel like a failure. I just look at it like it just wasn't for me. I have been getting fills for the last 1 1/2 and I can eat anything. The first two to three weeks I have a little restriction but after that it is on. I just ate a big slice of pizza and yesterday I read somewhere that I should only be able to eat a cup of food yeah right. I don't know what other surgery I am going to get but I just know that my band has not been my friend. I know also that a big part was me but if I knew that it would be this way I would have done something else.  Chastity
Beginning/Current/Second mini goal/Goal
311             260        250             200

If I stay strong and watch what I eat the pounds will melt away. Thanks for the support.

on 5/8/08 7:54 am
Thanks Sweetnes, I appreciate your input, it's nice that your doc approached you!  I feel like I'm my doc's failure.  You're right on target when you say if you thought it would have been this way you would have done something else.  Sometimes people act like you should have known and I wish I had right? Thanks Chastity, brandyII, (who lived in Silver Spring, many years ago and miss the spring there!)
on 5/8/08 3:47 am - bay area, CA
Brandy, your experience is not as uncommon as your surgeon is making it sound. Some people do great with the lap band but lots of people struggle with it. You are not alone.     Please come on over to the DS board and ask about people who have gone from lap band to DS. There are several who post on that board who seem very happy with their results with the DS. Research all your options til figure out what is the best for you, and most of all, don't give up. Larra
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