Anyone tried VBLOC therapy??

on 8/22/08 12:21 pm
LOL- I'm totally not laughing at you, but it's like OMG!  Someone else who understands!!  I started at 289 (amen at that lord help me!!) now down to 285 after a week...  TOTALLY understand the thing with feeling full so quickly- I'd manage like 2 or 3 bites, and it felt like I was full up to my eyeballs; if I even ate one more bite I'd instantly get a stomach cramp and would start belching like a drunken irishman (as my DH so kindly put it- he should know, he's almost 100% Irish, grandpa came from Ireland!! As for the drunken part, not so much! LOL!)  And sweets or soda- I have a friend who had the roux-en-y and she said what I described was the same as dumping.  I'd take one sip or a small bite and would instantly break out in cold sweats, feel dizzy, and have to 'go'(dont you just love the emotes? LOL!)  As for post-surg issues, my only one was with super low blood pressure, I'm talking 70 over 30 range tops..  So, I wasn't able to take any of my pain meds...  No big, after going through 2 C-sections, and not being able to do pain meds with those either, ya get used to sucking it up ;).  Wearing the belt over the incision site was a bit more comfy when the steri-strips were still on, but with them off it feels a bit more raw.  BUT you CAN wear the belt/coil over a cami or shirt so its not right on the skin. Still have the belching thing with the belt on...  And you do SO PAY when you eat something naughty and the belt does it's thing- it's really hard to describe (and I feel sorta guilty cause we're 'technically' not supposed to know!!) but when it hits it feels like everything just stops and starts to go backwards from your stomach in to your esophogus...  Day one (yesterday) I would gag really bad when it hit, (I was super naughty and ate a cheeseburger before my appointment) but you get used to it  and eventually don't notice... When you come for your weekly visit I guess they adjust the megahertz.  Although it's taking a bit to keep the coil in the "sweet spot", its going pretty good thus far...  I cant tell you how thrilled I am that we get to do this together- everyone else has such a HUGE community to relate to, it's just nice to have someone you can ask, "okay, am I just weird (uh-hum, yessss j/k) or have you had XYorZ happen too??"  Thank you again for your response!!!
on 8/23/08 4:26 am
Hi there girlfriend!  I am still just so happy that we have each other to talk to.  My nurse told me that during the first year, we do not get to meet others in the trial so that we do not compare ourselves to anyone.  I decided early on that I was just going to assume that my device was "ON" and if I am part of the placebo group than I was really gonna mess up their placebo study because I really WANT and NEED this to work!!!  In fact, a girlfriend and I now have our own private saying...."IT'S ON!!!!" :) :)  Wow, no drugs huh? You are a rock star woman!!   I call the drugs my "Happy Pills" hee hee. I pretty much just take one a day at night to go to sleep or sometimes in the middle of the day if I have been sitting at the computer for an extended period of time.  Do you experience a lot of pain after sitting at the computer for awhile?  It is like my muscles are compressed together and they do not seem to like it so much.  I am a little nervous about work next week because I will be sitting at my desk for 8 hours and will not be able to take a "Happy Pill" if the need arises.  Congrats on losing 4 pounds in one week - that is awesome!!!  I had a glass of red wine last night and really had a bad bout of burping - like I burped continually and it never let up until I fell asleep.  I am thinking wine and this thing is not a good combo.  Hope you have a great weekend! :)
on 8/23/08 8:10 am
Hi backatcha hun!  I'm so excited for all of this too!  My surgeon and his nurse (2 of the most INCREDIBLE people on the face of the earth) both said, "you know what?  even if your device is not on and you lose weight over the next year, imagine how much more you will when everyone's on!?!  Just keep living your life as though it were on!"  I appreciate them all so much!  They really have made me feel, for the first time, that this is GOING to work, and I WILL be able to lose and get healthier!!  That feeling alone is worth any discomfort or what have you you may go through!  Sorry to hear about the wine/ belching combo!  I found I have that with any soda or like today, I had a tuna sandwhich (tummy NOT happy at all after that!)  I may sound really weird, but I kind of appreciate that portion of this because it sort of reinforces that "hey now girl, don't you be naughty!" part of things, and keeps me in check.  I can't wait to hear how your first visit goes when you get everything (if your programmer is Jon, he's very nice and helpful, and his ex-wife actually had the roux-en-y so this is even more of a personal thing for him; to be able to help those who would otherwise be afraid to get help...)  Have to run- 2 of my 3 little ones are gone for the day, and my 3rd is napping right now, so I FINALLY can get some house things done!!  Thanks again for your responses and hope your weekend is lovely too!!! 
PS- I'm gonna have to steal your phrase "IT'S SO ON GIRL!!!"
Pam K.
on 8/22/08 1:51 pm - Aurora, IL
This is the first I have heard of vbloc therapy.  Do you know how you locate a clinical trial in your area?  I am in Chicago.  I will be following your posts.  Sounds very encouraging.
on 8/23/08 4:17 am
Hi Pam K,

Take a look at this website  It currently does not show any clinical trials in IL but does show 2 in MN.  Maybe give them a call and see how to get involved in your area.  I wish you all the best! :)
on 8/23/08 8:20 am
Hello PamK!  Here is another link from the clinical trials website with all the other info and trial sites: rank=1

The empower website has some wonderful info on the procedure, etc, but the link above will tell you all the sites and inclusions/ exclusions for acceptance..  Hope it helps!
Pam K.
on 8/24/08 6:33 am - Aurora, IL
I looked at the trial and previous bariatric surgery is an exclusion for the study.  Looks interesting.  Thanks for the information.
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