Anyone have a revision due to ulcers?

on 4/17/08 2:27 am - Parkesburg, PA
After an EGD yesterday and 3 days of pain I've found out the ulcer I've had off and on for 2.5 years has gotten larger. I was in the hospital last October because of it and now they have me so pumped full of vicodine to try and give me relief till I can get this fixed. Both the doctor that did the EGD and my surgeon who took out my gallbladder, fixed an internal hernia and repaired multiple adhesions from my gastric bypass (9/22/05) have recommended a revision of my GB. This is freaking me out that at 130 pounds I need to have GBS again! I can't believe that ulcers are causing me to have a revision and that apparently the revisions are higher risk than the initial surgery. If anyone has had this done, knows anyone, is a doctor and can give me some feedback I would greatly appreciate it. I'm waiting till next week till I see a surgeon in my area for a consult for a possible revision. Oh BTW, the surgeon that did my GBS is no longer doing them that's why I'm seeing someone else. HELP!!! 
Just Valena
on 4/17/08 6:20 am - Nunyabizness
What type of revision did they recommend?




on 4/17/08 7:15 am - Parkesburg, PA
They didn't make a recommendation of what type just who to see. I will see a doctor next week and see what he has to say. I'm totally in the dark here and that's why I'm worried. 2 surgeons are telling me I need a revision ASAP and I haven't a clue what kind of procedure, what kind of down-time, I'm assuming weeks of liquids and soft foods again. My one GI doc told me of a new procedure where they go down your throat and suture the ulcer. I'd much rather have that done-less evasive and quicker healing I'm sure. I only see this ROSE procedure whick isn't what he was talking about. Nothing on ulcers.
Michaelle H.
on 4/19/08 5:37 am - Puyallup, WA
shell,  I JUST and I do mean that liturally I have been home from the hospital 2.5 days from having a rivision due to an Ulcer.  Mine burned through my pouch and made an intestanal fistula (connetion between the two) with my old stomach. I have been having pain for over a year and for whatever reason the ulcer either wasn't big enough yet our they just missed it. But on April 7th I had a revision done, he removed the "burned" part of the pouch, took out most of my old stomach. At that time he had to deal with the spleen because it shared a blood supply with the stomach. My spleen wouldn't stop bleeding so I lost all but 1 unit of blood and spent the 7th-11th in ICU. I was told that my case was the extreme and of course the 1 %. THIS IS NOT NORMAL. I do beleive that if I hadn't have lost the blood with the spleen removal like I did I would be bouncing back sooner.  I had my origanil RNY 12/04  and nothing until now my origanal weight was 298 got down to 161 and then started gaining because of the (2) stomachs that I had. I lost 130 gained back 60 and now again on the downware slide of the weight.  I'm not telling you any of this to scare you but you are not alone and please remember I am the 1%.  I hope they get moving soon that pain is so much more debiliatating the your rny that it almost can stop your live.  feel free to email me any questions you have. I'm still very tired so my responds might take a bit.  goodluck to you and don't let the pain consume you.  Michaelle Harney Puyallup, WA (not vitalady michelle) 
on 4/20/08 3:30 am - Parkesburg, PA
Thanks for the response Michaelle. I wish you a speedy  and complete recovery! I have so many questions for this bariatric surgeon. I expect a call from his office Monday. They received all of my records from the GI surgeon that did my hernia repair, gallbladder removal and adhesion repair in November of 06 and the GI specialist that had done my last 3 EGD's and hopefully the surgeon's office that did my first GBS sent all of that information to him as well.  I know you aren't trying to scare me and I want to know other peoples experiences. We are all different and just like the first surgery the outcomes and recovery are different for us all. I'd just like to know how other made out and kinda what I can expect. You had it pretty difficult and some complications that aren't usual. Get pleanty of rest and follow the dr's orders and you will be fine.  As I come up with questions I may email you. Thanks again.
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