stomach pain

on 4/8/08 1:53 pm - Raleigh, NC
Hello all,  I have a question and I hope you all might have some good advice. I had my rny done back in 2001. I started have horribble stomach pains and was put in the hospital back in 2004. They found out then that I had to get iron and b-12 shots every month. Also I had to get a blood transfusion then. I went to many many doctors trying to get help to find out why my stomach hurts so bad. They finally found an ulcer. so they put me on meds to help the ulcer and the pain never has gone a way. So about a month ago I was rushed to the hospital and they found that I had a gi bleed. They gave me blood and more ulcer meds and sent me home. Know the pain in my stomach is so bad I can't even breath every breath I take it hurts. My doctor that was on the case from the hospital told me that there was nothing he could do for me and that I would have to live this pain for the rest of my life. How can I live like this no energy I have no life in me and in pain every second of the day. I look like the walking dead due to having no color in my face and all I want to do is sleep. But I can't because I hurt so much. This is hurting much more then me it is hurting my family too. I can;t go on like this. So Do any of you have any idea's Thanks chelly
Cynthia Johnson
on 4/8/08 3:07 pm
What type of dr are you seeing?  Do they understand and know from a surgerical perspective the things changed in your body.  All dr. are not familar with the procedure and can do more damage than the know.
on 4/8/08 6:48 pm - Wilder, VT
You need to find a new Dr., when your having that much pain, needing transfusions ect there has to be a cause ie you ulcer. If your under treatment for the ulcer and your still having problems then the meds they put you on isn't working and this needs to be address. Telling someone they have to live with this much pain, and weakness is BS. YOU DON"T Does your local hospital have a "Find a Doc" line? I would try and find a GI specialist that is farmilar with Baratric surgery.  I have coronay artery disease, I started having alot of angina this past fall, nothing worked, the cardiologist that was on call the last time i was admitted said " Oh well, there is nothing more we can do for her" my poor husband thought he was going to have to take me home to die. I was discharged and had a f/u with my cardiologist who knows me. He made some medication changes and I have been chest pain free for two months! This is someone who was in the ER more than primary care for six months. The moral of the story is.
on 4/8/08 6:53 pm - Wilder, VT
Ok,  I don't know how that happened, but anyways.  The moral of my story is Not all doctors are the same, some are more deticated to their patients than others, you need someone who cares about Baratric patients.  Did they check you for H Pyloric? It's a bacterial infection of the stomach that causes ulcers. You would know because they would put you on antibiotics to treat it. Good luck  Gail
Gina R.
on 4/8/08 7:57 pm - Noblesville, IN

I to had this problem.  I had my original surgery back in Feb 2000.  Mine started about 2 to 3 years after my surgery.  My surgeon had sent me to a GI specialist who worked with Bari patients.  He did a scope every 6 months for 6 years (I think I had a total of 12 in that time).  They kept putting me on meds.  I went through Iron Tranfusions because I could not absorb the iron due to the meds that I was taking for  the ucler and GERD.  To make a long story short, I ended up having revision surgery last year.  It took a while for me to get it, because I had changed jobs and ended up working for a hospital that did Bariatric Surgery but employees were not covered.  So I fought the issue and had my surgery as a medical issue not Bariatric - but it still was a revision.  They were able to cut out the ucler area and transsected me (My origianl surgery was not) and to this day I have not had trouble.   My advice to you is if you cannot see your original surgeron find one ASAP that will take your case. Hang in there it takes preservence.   Ginar525.

on 4/8/08 8:35 pm - Raleigh, NC
I have seen many dr. gastro w/ bartric backgrounds. Surgeons, gastros, I think I have seen them all. I even have a friend of mine who works with doctors trying to help me find a doctor. Thanks for the advice. I had every test I think you can think of many times sinces 2004. I am just hoping to find a light a the end of this tunnel. thanks for your help. Chelly  
on 4/8/08 10:45 pm - mesa, AZ
I would try one of the medical Schools, they seem to do a lot of research , Plus I would suspect a  intestinal blockage - So small they dont see it on the exray.  I have that som lap rny folks have hernia's internally that come out yrs later.  You  might also want to send a PM to Dr Schlesinger or Dr Husted  that post here . They seem to have great knowledge and gave give some thoughts .  Good Luck and I hope to pain goes is treated soon and you feel better.
on 4/9/08 3:50 am - St. George, UT
Hi Chelly: First I want to say that I'm with Gina who posted below.  Email Dr. Schlessinger. I have been working with his office and I too have had over the period of 14 years horrible stomach pain that felt to me as if my intestines were twisting. I have very low iron and at one point went through 16 weeks of Iron IV and blood transfusions. I had no energy, sores and funny taste in my mouth for a very long time. Because my stoma has streched I have been able to eat more, therefore my iron count has gone up and with longterm therapy for it. But Dr. Schlessinger, will be able to give you some insite on your choices here, this doesn't sound right. I don't have constant pain mine comes and goes, your problem sounds more like an ulcer but I don't know what kind of pain you have, mine starts in the back works it's way to the front and feels exactly like someone is tugging and twisting my intestines. If yours is constant and in the belly it could be more like ulcers or possible small obstruction that cannot been seen on either endoscopy or upper GI series. This could mean you would need a surgery where they would actually go in an investigate the problem. Don't give up, I almost did 7 years ago when I was going through the Iron IV and transfusion, I felt so awful, and I was so, so thin. Now I'm much better although I still get the pain attacks. Get help, email Dr. S....He's wonderful JRolfson
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