rose procedure preliminary workup in Longbranch N.J.

on 4/6/08 9:41 am - syracuse, NY
I have seen that a few of you are in preparation for the rose procedure.I am going to my first consult for it in Longbranch N.J. at the Monmouth medical center on April 3oth. They are doing a clinical trial there..On that day i will be having a consult and an endoscopy to see how large my stoma and pouch are.If anyone else has had the procedure already or about to haveit,let me know..Patsy
on 4/6/08 10:17 am - Bayville, NJ
HOW DId you get Long Branch NJ?
on 4/6/08 11:39 am - syracuse, NY
I found longbranch through a friend and went online to the ROSE Procedure and up came info on it and the locations.I left a message on their web site and they called me the next day.The dr.s are Dr.gorsey who will perform the initial endoscopy and Dr. Borao who is the Bariatric surgeon  whose office is doing the study for USGI medical in San Clemente ca.There is also some info on the rose procedure if you type in USGI medical.It will  show part of the procedure. I hope this helps-goodluckto you, Patsy
Cheryl Gebbie
on 4/6/08 11:50 am - Knoxville, TN
I am scheduled for the ROSE on April 23rd in Georgetown KY ....Dr Weiss will  be preforming the procedure and he also did the endoscope ....I also had to have the Upper GI Series done the same day I had the Endoscope..... Goodluck and keep us posted ..... Cheryl
on 4/6/08 12:01 pm - syracuse, NY
Hi Cheryl;I was just reading some of your posts and saw that your procedure is coming up.I think our histories are somewhat similar.I started out at  360 and got down to about 212.I am up 35 pounds and keep losing and gaining the same 10 pounds.I am looking forward to this and hope I am a candidate.we will have to keep each other posted. how long from the time of your consult to the procedure being scheduled?  Thanks for responding...patsy
Cheryl Gebbie
on 4/6/08 12:45 pm - Knoxville, TN
It was really fast ...I orignally went to this doc seminar to see bout getting arevision of the surgeons was there ad was looking at my post op reports and was very adiment that the surgeon hadnt done my pouch the way it should have been done and I had recently had the EGD ad the Upper GI series and he saw those reports also .....First thing he said after finding out who did mine originally was that I needed to be in the ROSE ....with in two weeks I had my egd and Upper GI series ....and was accepted that day a call the next day was told it would be either 23rd or 24th ...I said 23rd and was told that would be good and that the scheduler would call and schedule the time ...not gotten the call yet so I will call tomorrow ....I think that first surgeon pulled some strings to get me in so fast ...others have said their process took longer ....but I had all my medical history and crap already and they made copies at the seminar ....per Dr Malani's request ..... either i hit just at the right time or this doc has really pushed me into the program ...either way I am thrilled .. Cheryl
on 4/6/08 1:09 pm - syracuse, NY
hi cheryl;sounds great..i wish you the best of luck.I am really looking forward to this adventure...i hope i get approved.keepme posted..patsy
on 5/6/08 5:57 am - MN
I would be very interested to hear you are doing after your ROSE procedure. 
I had my ROSE procedure on April 22 out of the Cinncinati Weight Loss Center by Drs. Watkins and Mobley.  First week was full liquids.  Week 2 and 3 are soft foods.  I completed week 2 and starting week 3 of my soft food diet.
  At this stage, I must say I am HIGHLY disappointed.  I have not lost one pound and actually gained 1.5 pounds.  You may be asking how this can happen.  I am asking that as well.  I work out 4-5 times per week for 45-60 minutes.  Eating the soft foods slowly with no liquids before, during or after.  The difference is that I do not feel full at all.  I am able to eat the same amount as I did pre ROSE with the only difference being that the food is soft.
I am wondering if my stomach is stretchier or more elastic than what it looked like under the scope when they did the procedure.  They only put in 1 anchor in the pouch and 2 around the stoma.  I am still able to swallow 6-7 pills with zero issues. 
I emailed the docs today about my concerns over the elasticity of the pouch & stoma and that perhaps when they looked under the scope they didn't realize that the lining is actually stretchier than what appeared under the scope.  I'm not sure what is going on, but hopefully I 'll find out soon. 
I paid $14,000 out of my own pocket with the understanding that my pouch and stoma were being put back to where they were post gastric bypass I had 6 years ago.
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