revision this monday....

on 4/4/08 4:56 am - Georgetown, DE
I'm having a revision done this monday to eliminate extensive hx of ulcers.  I know that I've been through this oncce already bu I have to admit this time I'm really scared of dying...I'm curious to know how other's experience with their revision went?  Was healing a little shorter?  Were you able to return to "normal"  activities sooner?  Just curious and trying to prepare myself.  Thanks for any input you may have!  sunny1
on 4/5/08 10:41 pm

I don't have any advice - i just wanted to say congrats and wish you a speedy recovery-Jo

on 4/6/08 5:45 am - Georgetown, DE
Thanks..I really appreciate it!  sunny1
on 4/6/08 4:33 am - Houston, TX
You will be fine! I understand your feelings, I had revision to RNY 3/6/08 because of complications from a VBG and hernia repair. I was much more worried this time around, I think maybe because the first time I was  so excited to lose weight, but this time its for different reasons, and more weight loss  I guess. I think the revision is a harder surgery, there is more scar tissue. I was off work for 3 weeks, I really needed the time to heal. I still get gas pains, but it s getting better .  Everyone heals differently. I will be thinking of you tomorrow!  Katrina
on 4/6/08 5:50 am - Georgetown, DE
Thanks for replying!  I agree with you that originally I was really excited and even though I was aware of the complications this time around I know the risks are even higher because of the scar tissue,  I have complete faith in my surgeon but  worried all the same.  Not to mention I'm on my 2nd day of liquids for pre-op and STARRVING!!!   Thank you for writing.  sunny1
on 4/8/08 12:30 pm - Denton, TX
Good Luck on Monday!! I feel your pain about the liquid diet, I will have a full week of liquids starting 5/2.  I also have a Hiatal Hernia that Dr Barker will repair whilst doing my revision. Post ASAP to let us know how it went!!!
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