ReStore 10 Week Update

on 3/26/08 6:11 am, edited 3/26/08 6:12 am - PA
Hi everyone! Sorry I didnt post my update sooner but on my way home from my 8 week check-up I was in a car accident and busted up my knee pretty bad. Was in hospital 4 days and must say I was completely miserable. I'm home now and doing a little better. Friday will be 10 weeks since my ReStore prodecure or Sham. I am down a total of 40 pounds. As more time passes I am starting to really think I did NOT have the procedure. While I was layed up I did have a brother brought me pizza and although I shouldnt have...I did eat it....with no trouble at all. Its gettin harder and harder to "Behave" but I am giving it my all this time. The weight lose is a little slower right now because I cannot move around like I was before but summer is coming woohooo and I will be walking as much as possible. Anything outdoors to keep me away from the fridge lol :)
on 3/26/08 9:59 am
CONGRATS on your weight loss!!   That is great!    Sorry to read about your auto accident.  I'm glad you are ok.   I don't know what to say about you not feeling like you had the procedure.  Either somthing must have working or you really have a lot of self restraint!  I'm sure I could not lose that much in 10 weeks without some help. Good luck and hang in there.. Keep in contact w/ us. Jeannie
on 3/27/08 2:10 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Hi there, thanks for your post - so sorry about your accident and glad you're on the mend! I didn't catch you name but I wonder if you can elaborate on your procedure? I am scheduled for some sort of endoscopy procedure with Dr. Thompson at Brigham & Women's Hospital next month. I'm still not sure what is going to be done - I only know that my stoma has dilated to 31cm, when it should be at around 10cm so he is going to suture via endoscopy to close up the stoma opening. Is this what you had done with the Restore procedure? Did you have anything done to your pouch as well? I had my gastric bypass surger in March of 2004 and got down to 138 from 360 - I'm now struggling to stay at 155 and feeling pretty lousy. I am so afraid that this next procedure is not going to work! Any insight you can provide is greatly appreciated. Is the Restore procedure the same thing as the the other trial - I can't remember what it's called - and what is "Sham" ??? Sorry for so many questions but I'm just very nervous that this isn't going to work for me! Thanks so much.
on 3/27/08 10:47 am - PA
Yes the ReStore Trail is when ur stoma is sutured. With the ReStore Trial some patients are given the actual procedure and the others are not. So you really do no until after 6 months if you had the actual prodecdure or if it was just a Sham. With the Sham you go through all the same testing...blood work and endoscopes as if you did have the procedure. This is to see whether or not knowing or not knowing changes the amount of weight lose. lullaby123
is a great source of info she knows alot about this topic...dontcha girl lol she helped me learn more about it, Good Luck to you! :)
Betsy C.
on 3/27/08 3:18 am - Efland, NC
Congratulations on your 40 lb loss.  How much did you have to lose to begin with?  I had my RESTORe procedure 4 weeks ago and, although I have been compliant, have only lost 11 lbs, and all of that I lost during the full liquid phase.  I'm still pretty certain I had the actual procedure because it doesn't take that much for me to feel satisfied.  I can't believe I'm not losing more weight, but neither are several others on the RESTORe Yahoo Group.  It's so frustrating.  I go for my 6 week visit on April 7th so maybe I can get some information then to get this weight loss started again.  I hope you're knee is getting better and you'll be able to exercise again soon.  Betsy

Lap RNY 5/7/03
I lost 50+ pounds of regained weight with hCG drops.

on 3/27/08 6:43 am - Norwich, CT
Hi Betsy,    You may remember I had stomaphyx on Feb 1st and I've only lost 17lbs.  I quite frankly don't feel as though I have a lot of restriction and have just been biting the bullet and doing the best I can.
on 3/27/08 10:55 am, edited 4/1/08 5:21 am - PA
I started off 1/18 the day of the "Procedure" with a goal I set for myself and where I wanted to be at the end of the six month trial. I had 84 pounds to lose to reach that far I have lost 40. Please don't get me wrong is a constant struggle every minute of everyday. Depending of what I am eating sometimes I feel restriction and think I had the procedure and with the pizza in the hospital I felt no restriction whatsoever. I do honestly feel like I am dieting. Keeping all the target foods out of the house and keeping busy which is so hard right now with my knee.  I  started buying those 90 calorie snacks? They are great with coffee or tea to kill that need for sweets that I have. I wish you the best of luck and please let us know how ur 6 week checkup goes :)
(deactivated member)
on 3/27/08 9:02 am
  Weigh to go on the 40 lbs!!  That's fabulous!!   I haven't lost any weight in a couple of weeks, but I've fallen off the wagon, temporarily I  I still have substantial restriction, but haven't been making the best food choices.  I start every morning well, but as the day progresses my willpower seems to weaken.  I might have to go back to shakes for a few days to detox again. 
on 3/27/08 11:01 am - PA
You can do it! Look at how far you've come so far WooT!  Summer's coming lady and we are gonna be slammin' in our shorts lol. Good idea about the shakes and I sometimes crush ice to make it last longer. There's something about the crunch that fills the need for potato chips lol....know what I mean? its a mind game all the way. When do you go for ur next visit? :)
(deactivated member)
on 3/27/08 10:24 pm
Thanks for the enouragement.  I WILL do this.  I want a body lift so   I go in May 9th (I believe) for my 6 month appt.
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