I'm revising from lap band to RNY

on 3/17/08 3:34 am - usedtobe, NY
Hi there, I had lap band surgery in 1/07 and lost 50 pounds in the first 4 months and havn't lost another pound since.  I get food stuck everyday and vomit a couple of times a month.  I've had the band emptied and refilled with no luck.  UGI doesn't show a slip although I suppose it's possible.  I've never experienced the two big benefits of lap band which are early satiety and prolonged satiety.  Even though things get stuck, once they pass I can eat as much as I could pre-band and I'm hungry again quickly just like before the band.  I lost weight because I was afraid to test the band.  Once I did and I realized what I could eat, I immediately stopped losing.  Everyday is a fight to maintain the 50 pounds that I've lost.  I don't have a date for revision set yet, but I'm hoping for mid May.  I have another 75 pounds to lose just to get to a BMI of 25 and I'd like to lose another 85-90.  I'd love to hear feedback from others who have had this revision.  Thanks. 
Lap Band 1/16/07
283/276/229/160  pre-op/surgery/current/goal
-54 pounds
Hondurian Queen
on 3/17/08 11:35 am - BOSTON, MA
hello I wish I could help but I am being revised from the band as well to the rny and am having surgery june 2 there are alot of peopl who have gone thru this and are doing well I wish you the best of luck be blessed


on 3/26/08 2:44 am - usedtobe, NY
Hi there, did you notice we have the same surgeon?  I'm feeling very nervous because he's only done a handful of lap to RNY.  He's done over 100 revisions of different types, but only 10 lap to RNY.  I have total confidence in him and I questioned him extensively about his confidence and competence and he was very reassuring.  I'll be anxious to hear how you do, keep me updated! 
Lap Band 1/16/07
283/276/229/160  pre-op/surgery/current/goal
-54 pounds
on 3/17/08 11:53 am - Baker, LA
I am a revision patient from lap band to rny.  Today makes 3 months post op for me. I was revised December 17, 2007.  I am a slow loser. I've been told that it's because I'm a revision patient.  One thing the surgeon didn't inform me of :(   I was 252lbs the day of my surgery.  My lowest weight to date has been 224lbs.  It's still a struggle. You can still make the wrong food choices and often times I do.  I fight with protein daily but I know it's necessary.  Create a support group and STAY CONNECTED you'll need the support.  Good luck.


highest life time weight 330lbs///  lowest life time weight without surgery 217lbs
weight pre band 292lbs ///  lowest weight with band 232lbs
pre op weight w/ gastric bypass 252lbs
current weight with RNY 195lbs

"Everything is possible for him who believes."   
Mark 9:23

on 3/25/08 3:23 am - Owings Mills, MD
Ebony we must talk. I am so miserable right now and still torn between can I make this band work for me. I have awakened i know at least 5 times since I got off this morning with vomiting. I know I need to call my doctor but i know it means an unfill and then no restriction all over again. This has been a constant battle and I am tired and still no where near goal. I have done well with the weight loss but nothing for almost a year. Just had to have a partial thyroidectomy and may have to take synthroid and I am at risk for weight regain. Its all so scary for me
on 3/26/08 2:46 am - usedtobe, NY
Thanks so much for responding.  I've heard that sometimes revision patients lose more slowly, but my surgeon said that shouldn't be the case.  It sounds like you've lost about 10 pounds a month which sounds pretty good to me.  You also started smaller, so that probably affects the rate of loss too.  Continue to come back and update, I'd love to see how things go for you. 
Lap Band 1/16/07
283/276/229/160  pre-op/surgery/current/goal
-54 pounds
on 3/17/08 12:48 pm - San Diego, CA
I had my lapband removed and had RNY on Feb 18th,,Ive lost 33 lbs in 6 weeks,,this includes a 2 week pre-op diet,,I am soo much happier with my RNY..I had Lapband for 3 1/2 yrs,,always back and forth,,fill unfill,,fill,,unfill,,I asked the dr about a revision seeing as everytime they filled me it swelled shut,,they submitted it and it was approved,,I couldnt be happier !
on 3/26/08 2:50 am - usedtobe, NY
Hi Liz, Thanks so much for responding.  I've heard alot of people say that the RNY feels so much more natural and that once the healing is over, they feel normal.  I've never felt normal with the band.  I'm always aware of it's presence when I'm eating.  I never eat without food getting hung up, not stuck exactly, just painfully hung up.  Thanks for sharing your positive thoughts, I appreciate it.
Lap Band 1/16/07
283/276/229/160  pre-op/surgery/current/goal
-54 pounds
on 3/18/08 3:05 am
Hi Ap7yrs.... I just had a lap band revised to a RNY 8 days ago.  I had only lost 32 pounds with the lap band which I found out later was considered a fairly good result in this country.  I got the lap band in 1996 during the early trials for it--and never heard any of the standard advice they give now about no liquids before during or after meals.   I only had one adjustment where he filled up the band to the max and that was it.  I personally think that lap bands should only be used on people who eat large meals...I never did that, so it makes sense that it didn't work all that well.  I just ate small, high calorie items.  I would choose a Pop-Tart over a piece of toast for example.  I know what you mean about struggling to hold onto your weight loss - I've been eating only 1 meal a day for several years now. I decided for a RNY revision last September and had it successfully on March 10.  Including the pre-op diet, I've lost 20 pounds.  I am determined to be a success story this time though!  I will follow all the rules down to the letter.  One interesting note:  If my surgeon had gone by the radiologist's report on my UGI,  I would probably have not gotten approved, because the report said no slippage.  Well my surgeon and I looked at the films together and told me that there was indeed a fairly big slip!  He showed me exactly what it was supposed to look like and I saw with my own eyes how mine looked nothing like that.  So WTH? Bottom line: I would always ask for the bariatric surgeon to look at the films himself.  I wonder how many just take the word of the radiologist? Ap7, if you have any questions, feel free to ask!  I'm so happy right now I could just cry!  My life started over last Monday...it's over, it's behind me and  I can't wait to see what the future brings! Sorry this is so long....it's my first post since surgery! Kate
on 3/26/08 2:52 am - usedtobe, NY
Thanks so much for the positive words.  The last 15 months have been tough with struggling with painful eating.  I'm glad to hear things have gone well for you.  I'd love it if you checked in every once in a while to let us know how you're doing. 
Lap Band 1/16/07
283/276/229/160  pre-op/surgery/current/goal
-54 pounds
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