Given NHS funding for band to RNY revision (UK)

on 3/16/08 2:05 am - Birmingham, UK
Hi every's been a long hard slog but I have finally been approved funding for NHS revision of band to bypass. (NHS is UK health service)  I am the first in my health service area to be fundinded and if they have there way the last. I think i won my appeal on a loop hole rather than any edical need. Now I have pointed out the loop hole they fully itend to tighten there policy.  Selfish I know but i am just relieved I will get what I need I have had my band just under three years and it's been nothing but agony and distress. It appears my body has simply not taken too kindly to a foregn body device in me.  I have no idea whe I will get my RNY but i understand it needs to be done in two stages due to damage to my stomach.  I see mainly band to DS revision but I have been deemed more suitable for RNY....surly anything has to be better than a band?
on 3/16/08 3:03 am - little elm, TX
Hello, Im glad to hear that you were able to get approved.  Here in the US revisions from lap band to bypass are becoming more frequently.  I have just had to have my lap band removed and replaced with the bypass.  I was very afraid because i never wanted my stomach to be cut and intestines to be rerouted.  But , the lap band caused my esophogus to dialate-(which could have caused caner and even exploded)  and caused ulcers around the lining of my stomach- ( which would have led to erosion).  So that thing had to come off.  After learning more about the bypass I became more comfortable with it and I am happy with the bypass.  I had the band removed 9days ago and I feel good,  Just make sure u have a lazy boy because other than that , you will have a difficult time sleeping.  I have not had any complications witht he bypass so far and I thing you will enjoy it ! Good Luck
on 3/16/08 7:39 am - West Babylon, NY
I am a lap band to RNY revision and couldn't be more happy If you have any questions feel free to PM me!
                  Weight loss since begining WLS journey -141lbs!     
        ** Ticker shows weight loss since Day of Revision Surgery **
on 3/16/08 8:21 am - Birmingham, UK

I would love to hear your eperiences...did u have it done all at once?  what was the restriction like compaird to the band? 

on 3/17/08 12:53 pm - San Diego, CA
I love my RNY,,hated the band,,the doc told me if there was too much damage to the stomach from the band removal,,which they dont know till they get in there,,thatd I've have the sleeve,,but the band came out easily and I had the RNY same day,,I had the band in for 3 1/2 yrs
on 3/17/08 7:08 pm - Birmingham, UK
Whats yjr difference between a sleve and RNY do you still get malabsotion with a sleev? well done so with your RNY your eperiences are giving me hope
on 3/18/08 5:48 am - San Diego, CA
the sleeve they cut out 7\80% of your stomache,,literally removeing it,,there is no going back after that..there is info on this site on it,,I am perfectly happy with the RNY and would recommend it to anyone 
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