Hello from Ohio. I am the girlie that is now 8 years out from-

on 1/30/08 12:52 am - cincinnati, OH
Good afternoon almost from the freezy Ohio valley.  They said with the windchill factor it may go down to -11 tonight. I know I am not a "Loser" anymore, but will always be in heart. So many people have asked me how I have lived this long in this condition.  I simply say this "God has me hear to help others decide or NOT decide to change their bodies around. For those of you that are used to seeing me, I was a six 2-4, heck 0 at times.  But come to find out VERY unhealthy as in almost being fatal. I am now 4 years out of a total RNY Reversal not Revision.  So, I no longer have a pouch, and I don't dump from sugar. I got down to 98 lbs at 5 '8, so the doctors were tube feeding me 24 hours a day.  This went on for 2 years.  They put weight on me alright.  Like I mentioned before, I wear anywhere from a 10 to a 14.  I feel physically like crap because of all my problems, and mentally worthless because I never wanted to be over a 6 ever again. But what is so odd is this; I can go all day long and just put 2 Starburst in my mouth for some flavoring, and still I don't drop a pound. They are telling me that it's my just laying around to doing the damage. If anyone knows me and would like to talk or visit with one another I know it would be great for my spirit. Sandy Pierce [email protected] .  Don't let the email address scare you away.
on 1/31/08 6:23 am - St. George, UT
Hi There Sandra: Your story is so sad, I can relate to how you must feel...But I believe you to be the exception to the rule. Most folks don't get a reversal they revise their original surgery. I have heard of some on the board, but not very many true reversals. So your case must have been quite severe for the doctors to take your RNY down completely. I have had 2 WLS and I am working on my 3rd. Truly if you're 5'8" a size 10-14 is good. Do you have the syndrome once heavy always heavy? Because it doesn't sound like to me you still are. Are you steady gaining weight now that your not on the gain weight regime? More importantly if all you're eating are 2 starbursts all day long. You are starving yourself and your body is storing fat to maintain itself. You have to eat sensibly 3 to 5 small meals per day, importantly you must have protein and lots of liquid. If I go without eating my body immediately shuts down and I lose nothing, eventually I will lose after it starts to eat up the muscle then you start to burn fat when you starve. Not good at all!!! Are you just laying around? Because if so, that is detrimental to your weight loss and metabolism. Have you thought of joining a support group? They can be very helpful in motivation and making you feel better. I know this isn't probably what you wanted to hear, but it's important to diagnose your problem and try to fix. We on this board are here to support each other on our WLS journies and even though you choose to Say No 2 WLS that's okay, because it's not for everyone. I hope you find peace. J Rolfson
on 1/31/08 7:03 am - cincinnati, OH
Thank you very much for writing me.  I feel so alone.  The doctors here in Ohio said that a revision wouldn't work for me.  They said  I would have to have another surgery down the road. My vitamin levels are so bad, I vomit constantly.  This is causing my teeth to break off and fall out.  None in the front yet thank goodness. I am truly a Christian and I pray that God will send me home to be with him.   I have my living will done, and I am going to be an organ donor as well.  I don't want to be resesitated (sp) either. Love, Sandy
on 1/31/08 7:52 am - St. George, UT
on 1/31/08 7:59 am - St. George, UT
Sandy,  Please go to my personal profile here on OH and email me a message I will give you my personal email address and we can talk. I am praying for the lord to heal you, not take you. Please know someone cares. J Rolfson
on 1/31/08 5:39 pm - cincinnati, OH
J Rolfson, My email is [email protected] .  Fee free to email me anytime. Sandy
on 1/31/08 10:39 am - Cincinnati, OH
Sandy <3<3<3 Know that there are people who care even those that don't know you. I've seen Dr. Alexander about three times to discuss a revision. I'm not sure I want to do what he recommends so I'm looking into other options but still haven't ruled anything out. How many other doctors have you talked to?
on 1/31/08 5:37 pm - cincinnati, OH
I feel like Dr. Alexander has prolonged my life.  Before him, I would have 5-6 surgeries per year.  My last surgery with him was last January 07. I would definitely give him a chance.  He is older, but much better he is wiser. Sandy
on 2/1/08 5:37 am - St. George, UT
Sandy: What are these surgeries for? Why all the surgeries. I guess I don't understand what has happened to you that you continue to have problems. Maybe you could elaborate on your journey just a bit. Thanks Janie
on 2/2/08 2:46 pm - IL
What are all the problems you have now after a reversal. I am wondering what life is like after a reversal as i am a 20 yr old looking for a reversal. But if i could end up feeling the same way i do or worse i really don't want have a reversal if that will be the case. If you tell me your body is better now except for the weight heck i can live with a 14 i just don't want nausea and severe abdominal pain anymore. i want to put this all behind me. If the reversal is a bad idea i gotta know!!!!!!
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