
Pam K.
on 1/26/08 11:49 pm - Aurora, IL
I am interested in how people are doing with this procedure.  I had rny in 2001 and am beginning to gain my weight back.  I lost 100 lbs and have put 30 back on and don't want to regain it all.  How is the recovery?  Can you really go right back to a non-physical job?  Any pain?  Anyone have complications?  I am in very good health otherwise.
on 1/27/08 2:43 am - Norwich, CT
I'll let you know...I'm having Stomaphyx this Friday 2/1. Sue
Pam K.
on 1/27/08 5:56 am - Aurora, IL
Good luck!  Do you mind me asking how much it costs?  Day surgery, right?
on 1/27/08 6:11 am - Norwich, CT
.  No, I don't mind at all.  I believe the whole thing will cost $10,500.  They give you a credit web site and you fill it out and find out right away if you're approved.  I'm trying to get as much info about Stomaphyx as I can since I'm having it done this Friday.  My understanding is that it is same day simply because it is a procedure as opposed to a surgery.  I'll definately keep posting after wards because I know that there are many anxious to know results! Sue
on 1/27/08 7:22 am - Layton, UT
Hi there Pam, I'm sure prices vary with the Stomaphyx.  Dr. Schlesinger is $8,000 and that includes all follow-up.  It is an outpatient procedure that takes less than an hour of O.R. time if all goes as planned.  I've heard that the stomaphyx equipment is quite pricey.  (Maybe Costco or Wal Mart will come out with a better deal!  ) Some folks on this site a while ago were able to get their stomaphyx covered by a NY state insurance  company.  I've also heard that Dr. Overcash includes it "if" a person gets coverage for a full Revision.  To date though, I don't think there are any actual CPT codes that insurance companies will recognize or cover.  .....  All new procedures have to run their course  before insurances bring it on board.  It took them forever to cover lapbands and many still don't cover DS. There are bunches of folks that have done very well with stomaphyx and unfortunately, a few (like with all WLS) who didn't have the results they were hoping for.  It seems to me that the ones who are happiest are those who have less than 50 lbs to lose.  I would think that the higher numbers would be best tackled by a more malabsorptive procedure like the Distal or Ds. I was all set to have stomaphyx til I found out I needed an open surgery for something else.....then I just shifted gears to the Revision to Distal (since he'd be "in the zone anyway") Good luck!
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


Pam K.
on 1/27/08 11:25 am - Aurora, IL

Do you know if the anesthesia is "twilight "- I'm sure that is not the appropriate term? 

on 1/27/08 12:21 pm - Layton, UT

Stomaphyx is done under general anesthesia.  .....     The worst part of the experience is probably the I.V. getting hooked up!  Ouch!  .....that's NEVER easy!

Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


Pam K.
on 1/28/08 12:58 am - Aurora, IL
I am planning to see Dr. Schlessinger in a few weeks when we are in AZ for a soccer tournament.  I appreciate you responding to my questions.  I am really trying to get back to the basics of how I am suppose to be eating and see if I can impact my weight that way.  More water, none with meals, 2 protein drinks per day and stay away from sweets.  I'm also working out with a personal trainer.  My husband feels strongly that I should really try doing what was originally recommended and see what results I get.  I agree.  If I'm still struggling than I will consider stomaphyx.
on 1/27/08 2:40 pm - Battle Ground, WA
Hijack - Joyce, how much have you lost with your revision?
  Cheryl Lassiter
Lap RNY 4/14/06
LBL 4/8/08
on 1/28/08 11:36 am - Layton, UT
Oh my gosh!  Did you really just ask me how much weight I"ve lost???? Just kidding!  I'm an open book............... 27.5 pounds to be exact!!!!  ........The numbers aren't as big as some but I am thrilled!!!!.....I'm coming up on the home stretch towards a respectable weight and am only 4 weeks out!!!!  .......I think a shopping trip is in my future!!!! A funny moment (to me anyway) happened at my office today.  A patient who saw me last in early December (pre-Revision) said.  You were so pretty at that weight!  .....I said, "I think I'll still be kind of pretty a few pounds lighter, don't you think?"  I was just kidding but she stuttered, turned red and made a deal about apologizing.  I was clearly pushing her buttons!!!   Sooooo...that's my long winded story for Monday!
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


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