Upper GI reveals dilated esophageous (sp)-HELP!

on 1/24/08 12:31 pm - Miami, FL
Hey everyone, happy belated new year...I've been overwhelmed with a lot of things going on.  But that's another post.  Over the holidays I saw the nutritionist and psychologist and got cleared by them.  Then the medical check up with the Upper GI was this Monday.  The technician said my esophageous (sp) was dilated ( I guess from the band being overly tight) and I wanted to know if anyone out there had this issue when they revised to bypass.  What can I expect?  I have been reading some of the posts here lately where someone got tired of having all the pain in the area of their band, that's me, so I guess I may have some adhesions going on there as well.  I've had no restriction since October 20th so my appetite has returned with a vengence you might say.  I have United Healthcare and from what I saw in our benefits package there are no exclusions listed so all I'm waiting for is the response from them.  I am just concerned about the dilation in my esophegous, will it mean more slicing and dicing during surgery.  I'm sure the adhesions will require additional snippings, but I just want to know what to expect.  I'm determined to go through with this, but scared as well.  If I know what to expect I can prepare myself more.  Thanks for reading this far.
on 1/25/08 3:37 am
I too have a dilated esophagus.  I had the lapband surgery in Oct 2007 and have only lost 10 lbs.  I lost 38 lbs before surgery by following Weigh****chers.  I thought the band was going to help me not feel hungry and be able to cut back on what I ate.  WRONG!  I have had 4 adjustments and still not noticing a difference.  I still am hungry all the time.  It was suggested for me to see the psychologist so I did.  Only had one visit so far.  I am beginning to wonder if my eating habits all my life, eating/drinking fast and too much...wonder if that caused the esophagus to be dilated?  I think its something that needs to be addressed BEFORE surgery.  Now its too late to determine if it was already stretched out.  It would make sense if it was already.  That is why I don't feel any difference until the esophagus gets full.  Talk with your doctor about this.  Let me know what he/she says.  I researched the esophagus but doesn't sound like a surgical fix for us.  Good luck!!! Cindy
on 1/26/08 12:54 pm - Miami, FL
Are you telling me that if my esophagus is dilated I cannot do a revision to RNY?  Pray do tell me where you found this research.  I cannot begin to think that I've done all the footwork for everything for my insurance only to have the doctor tell me he cannot do a revision!!!  I normally do a lot of research because I'm working on my doctorate in Psychology and I can't freaking believe I didn't think of doing research on the issue I'm dealing with now with my esophagus.  It'll break my heart if I cannot have RNY.  Hoping to hear from you soon. Maria
Zee Starrlite
on 1/29/08 4:42 am
Maria - Yes, yes, yes, you can revise to an RNY even if your esophagus is dilated from the Lap Band.  You need to have all of the saline removed from your band so that your esophagus can shrink back to normals - it does all the time!!! Good luck with everything! Leila

3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 1/29/08 1:31 pm - Miami, FL
Hi Leila, I've had zero restriction since October 20th, so I can only imagine how much worse it was then.  Thanks for the reassurance, I needed it. Maria
on 1/29/08 7:37 am - UK
I agree - I've read elsewhere that this problem is a common reason for getting rid of the band and trying something else!  As I understand it, it sometimes happens when your throat stretches above where the band is placed, making a kind of 'pouch' that your food sits in. It can be caused by the way your surgeon placed the band, or just because that's the way your body reacts. Once the band comes out theres no need for the 'pouch', and in any case the surgery for DS and RNY is carried out lower down, on your stomach itself.  Sally
on 1/29/08 1:32 pm - Miami, FL
Hi Sally, thanks for the info.  I had no idea that the surgery was that much lower than for the band...makes me feel better to know that. Maria
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