I'm in the RESTORe study!!
(deactivated member)
on 12/21/07 12:17 pm
on 12/21/07 12:17 pm
I am VERY happy for you!!! You are very lucky to be in the lead in phase and know that you are having it done for sure.
As most of you know, I'm also in the RESTORe study and I had my 6 week checkup today and I'm down 30 pounds!!! I'm very happy with the results so far and now that my carb addiction is gone it's soooooooo much easier sticking to 3 meals. I occasionally have a light string cheese between lunch and dinner, but that's about it! I feel in control again and like I'm getting my life back.
thank you!! I have been wondering what happens if they recruit more between now and my date, hopefully I will keep my place in line, so to speak 
I have been keeping an eye on your updates and am glad to hear it's going well for you. You are my hero!! I am really hoping for that feeling of control again too. That would be amazing.

I have been keeping an eye on your updates and am glad to hear it's going well for you. You are my hero!! I am really hoping for that feeling of control again too. That would be amazing.
go to clinicaltrials.gov search for RESTORe trial see if there is a trial in your city or close enough you are willing to travel and email the contact person listed that you are interested in being part of the trial. They will hook you up with the research coordinator of the site you tell them you are interested in.
Good luck