RESTORe patients - check in
on 11/21/07 12:58 pm
I posted recently about having had the procedure done on November 6. I had my 2 week appt today..I just had to see the nutritionist and the research nurse. I've lost about 15 pounds so far but so would anyone on a liquid diet! I'm not supposed to start soft foods/pureed until tomorrow but yesterday and today I had a little tuna with mayo. I took about 20 minutes to eat a small can (3 oz) and it tasted like heaven. I was very very careful...took small bites and mashed the heck out of them in my mouth. I was completely satisfied and content. I can't wait to be able to eat "normal" foods to really test out the restriction. Right now I still have to be careful that I don't dislodge any stitches. I hope you can get your appts scheduled soon!
I am glad you posted. Well done on your success so far!!! It sounds like you are doing really well. I will do practically anything for a 15# loss, but you are right, when it's nothing but those liquids, you sometimes don't have a choice :)
I will keep everyone updated on my progress, as soon as something starts happening :)
I went to Brigham and Women's yesterday in Boston for a RESTORe study. I had an endoscopy and passed - I was delighted. However, today, I had an upper GI and they found a fistula - now I cannot be considered for the free study. I was very upset most of the day. However, I realize that this means that I have two reasons for the weight gain - the large stoma opening AND the fistula. Not just because I am a failure. That does help emotionally.
Now I need to find out what else I can do -- does anyone else have experience with this? Does insurance cover a fistula - even if I haven't developed any comorbidities YET? Can they do the fistula repair and the RESTORe procedure at the same time?
Anyone with any info would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.