Stomaphyx Reviews

Shelley S.
on 11/20/07 8:48 am - Belmont, CA
Awhile back, I posted a survey for people to fill out who HAVE HAD stomaphyx.  Below our the results so far based on 16 responses.  If you have had stomaphyx, and it has been at least 2 weeks since your procedure, please fill it out - it's completely anonymous and quick.  I want to write a follow up one for people who are two months or more out - please feel free to suggest questions.  thanks! _3d_3d Results as of November 20
1. When did you have your original RNY or other weight loss surgery?
 Response PercentResponse Count
less than 2 years ago 12.5% 2
2-5 years ago 31.3% 5
6-8 years ago 31.3% 5
9 or more years ago 25.0% 4
  answered question 16
  skipped question 0
2. How successful was your original surgery/how close did you get to goal?
 Response PercentResponse Count
reached or passed my goal 25.0% 4
within 10% of goal (example - within 10 lbs if you were aiming to lose 100) 12.5% 2
within 11-25% of goal 31.3% 5
between 25 and half way to goal 18.8% 3
less than half way to goal 12.5% 2
  answered question 16
  skipped question 0
3. How much weight did you REGAIN since your lowest post-WLS weight?
 Response PercentResponse Count
0-10 lbs 12.5% 2
10-25 lbs 12.5% 2
25-50 lbs 31.3% 5
50-75 lbs 31.3% 5
more than 75 lbs 12.5% 2
  answered question 16
  skipped question 0
4. If you had an upper GI or endoscopic exam before having stomaphyx, what did it show?
 Response PercentResponse Count
enlarged pouch 14.3% 2
enlarged stoma 21.4% 3
both enlarged stoma and pouch 21.4% 3
I don't know/didn't have an exam that shows 42.9% 6
  answered question 14
  skipped question 2
5. How long ago did you have your stomaphyx procedure?
 Response PercentResponse Count
less than 2 weeks ago 18.8% 3
2-3 weeks ago 18.8% 3
between one and two months ago 50.0% 8
two or more months ago 12.5% 2
I didn't have it   0.0% 0
  answered question 16
  skipped question 0
6. Which surgeon performed your procedure?
 Response PercentResponse Count
Dr. Pamela E. Foster   0.0% 0
Dr. Jeffrey E. Friedman   0.0% 0
Dr. Shawn M. Garber 20.0% 3
Dr. Spencer Adam Holover   0.0% 0
Dr. Jeffrey Lee Lord   0.0% 0
Dr. Laura Machado   0.0% 0
Dr. John A. Mason Jr.   0.0% 0
Dr. Dean J. Mikami   0.0% 0
Dr. Ninh Nguyen   0.0% 0
Dr. C. Joe Northup   0.0% 0
Dr. William Todd Overcash 46.7% 7
Dr. Paresh K. Rajajoshiwala   0.0% 0
Dr. Bruce D. Schirmer   0.0% 0
Dr. Eric S. Schlesinger 26.7% 4
Dr. Scott A. Shikora   0.0% 0
Dr. Robert G. Snow   0.0% 0
Dr. Brad Snyder   0.0% 0
Dr. Albert Wetter 6.7% 1
Dr. Erik B. Wilson   0.0% 0
  answered question 15
  skipped question 1
7. Did you stick to the eating guidelines after your procedure? Clear liquids 1-2 weeks, only liquids for 3 weeks, etc?
 Response PercentResponse Count
yes, very closely 68.8% 11
yes, but I tried things I shouldn't have 18.8% 3
no, I couldn't stick with the guidelines 6.3% 1
I wasn't given any guidelines 6.3% 1
  answered question 16
  skipped question 0
8. How much weight did you lose in the first 2 weeks only?
 Response PercentResponse Count
0-3 lbs 12.5% 2
4-8 lbs 12.5% 2
9-12 lbs 43.8% 7
13 or more lbs 31.3% 5
  answered question 16
  skipped question 0
9. Do you feel "full" after eating semisoft foods?
 Response PercentResponse Count
yes 37.5% 6
somewhat 31.3% 5
no 31.3% 5
I'm not eating soft foods yet   0.0% 0
  answered question 16
  skipped question 0
10. Overall, how would you rate the success of the procedure?
 Response PercentResponse Count
I'm completely satisfied 25.0% 4
I'm fairly satisfied 31.3% 5
I have mixed feelings 12.5% 2
I'm somewhat disappointed 6.3% 1
I'm very disappointed 25.0% 4
  answered question 16
  skipped question
Ruby R.
on 11/21/07 8:44 am
Thanks for the results.  Now tell us your personal results.  Did Dr Overcash do yours? How do you feel?  How much had you gained?  How much have you lost? Thanks for the report.   Patricia
Shelley S.
on 11/26/07 3:12 pm - Belmont, CA
My procedure was done by Dr. Wetter.  I was one of his first patients and he was very up front about that.  The upper Gi I had before the procedure showed my pouch was about the same as it was after my RNY in 2000, but my stoma was enlarged.  For me, the procedure has not worked.  I've followed up with Dr Wetter a couple of times and he is confident he can improve the results.  The challenge is that this procedure and the tool used to do it are new.  I think it is easier to do if there is more pouch tissue to work with.  In my case, my Dr did not want to leave me with too small of a pouch which could result in damage to the esophagus over time.  He said he'd refer me to someone else if I wanted but wants to go in again in a couple months when he has had more experience with the tool and the tissue is fully healed.  I was fortunate that insurance paid part and the second revision should not have a cost for me.  I'm still down the 8-10 lbs I lost from the liquid diet, but I do not get full, so I know food is sliding through still.
Ruby R.
on 11/27/07 4:04 am
I am so sorry that the procedure did not work.  About a year and a half ago, my surgeon did an upper GI which showed my pouch about the right size, but my stoma was about the size of a quarter and it should be about the size of a dime.  Who knows it might be larger now.  So far my surgeon is not into doing revisions.   I heard Dr Overcash at an OH conference in Atlanta.  I was impressed with him and the procedure.  He is located in Ocala, FL.  I will probably have one some time in the future, but i rather not travel to have it done, but I might. My lowest weight was 125 and I am up to 135 now.  I am scared to death of gaining the weight back--my pants are getting tight.  I am hungery all the time.  I mostly live on protein drinks.  I exercise about five days a week--walking, power and spinning classes.  But I still am gaining weight.  If and when you try again, pls let me know how it works out. I am wishing the best for you. Patricia            
on 12/10/07 2:40 am - Children of the Corn, IL
Are there any doctors in IL that are doing the Stomaphyx? if so please let me know. Lana
Ruby R.
on 12/10/07 3:06 am
Lana, I do not know about any doctor except the one in FL.  Probably if you post on the board, someone else will know.  Patricia   
on 12/10/07 9:26 am - Layton, UT
Hi there Lana, I know if you go to that they were posting a list of all of the certified surgeons with their contact information. If not, I know Dr. Schlesinger in Phoenix does phone consults. Good luck!
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


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