Looking for Dr. in California to perform StomaphyX

on 11/1/07 6:33 pm - pittsburg, ca
Help!   please I am looking for a Dr. who does StomaphyX, I live in Concord, Ca. and cannot find any Dr. who is listed only in Texas and Arizona?  ther has got to be one here in Ca.  Does anyone know? I would be ever so greatful.  I had a gastric bypass in 1988  and was 285lbs. well I went down to 198lbs. and was not able to loose anymore,  I am going to be 50 next year and donot want to be back to where I started!   any assistance I would be every so greatful. I have Kaiser and they just refuse I went to the whole procedure up to meeting with the group were were about to have surgery and when they found out that I had surgery before they said why should we do it again? if it didn't work the first time!  I got so frustrated and angry and left.   No I read about all these people having revision surgery and think wow! I plan to change over to Blue Cross or something else that  I would get approved to have revision.                                                                               in desperate need  Joanna
Nina K.
on 11/2/07 7:39 am - Simi Valley, CA
HI I TOO AM IN CALIF. I HAD RNY 2001. GAINED 60 #. I DID FIND A DOCTOR IN IRVINE. IF YOU GO TO THE STOMAPHYX COMPANY. THEY HAVE A LIST OF DOCTORS. THERE AER MORE IN NORTHERN CA THEN WHERE I AM IN SOUTHERN. IF YOU NEED MY HELP. E MAIL ME AT [email protected] nkaminko   at   harman   dot   com love to chat with you 818-489-2556   cell         work 818-895-8160
Shelley S.
on 11/2/07 3:21 pm - Belmont, CA
I had my procedure done by Dr Wetter in Burlingame, CA  (SF Peninsula - across the bridge from Concord.)  He's only done 2-3 stomaphyx that I know of.  I was patient #2 and can hardly tell anything was done.  At my one week follow up, he said he could do it again to make more restriction.  I have an appointment next week.  I don't think he takes Blue Cross, but I have Aetna PPO.  Do lots of research first and feel free to contact me.
on 11/4/07 5:46 am - Anderson, CA
Hi Shelly,I am also a pt of Dr Wetter but was unable to go to his talk with prospective stomaphix pts due to havinf 2 upcoming surgeries., He does take Blue Cross by the way. Did Aetna cover the stomaphix procedure? I'm hoping Blue Cross will.  Dr Wetter did my RNY almost 8 years ago now and I have gained back 67lbs all in the last 2 years.I plan on calling Jan tomorrow to see what to do next. I feel pretty recovered from neck and hand surgery now.. Hope to talk to you later.  Thanks Brenda
Nina K.
on 11/12/07 4:17 am - Simi Valley, CA
hello i too have aetna PPO. may i ask what the service code was? so i can tell my doctor. would you do this again.? i have RNY 12/01. ws 288. lost 150. gained 60. eating way to much always hungry. i was hoping this stomaphyx would be my fix. now i find out insurance wont conver it. so , i cancelled my apt with the doctor in Irvine. (closest to me) please, i would appreciate any and all the info you can give on this. waiting your soonest. nina [email protected]
Michele T.
on 11/2/07 3:23 pm - Scottsdale, AZ

Contact Shelly S.  She lives in Belmont and had it done a few weeks ago. There is a Doc in Orange who was trained, but I've never heard of anyone going to him. Michele

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