Cost of Stomaphyx
I had my roux-n-y in Nov 2001. I have been to see Dr. Bauman to set up a revision. i also am going to have a stomaphyx at the same time. How did yours go? I really liked him as a physician. I am having some trouble getting the insurance filed by the office. any suggestions? I pray that yu are doing good since your revision. Thanks ahead of time for any info or suggestions that you can pass along. solamon1
I had my roux-n-y in Nov 2001. I have been to see Dr. Bauman to set up a revision. i also am going to have a stomaphyx at the same time. How did yours go? I really liked him as a physician. I am having some trouble getting the insurance filed by the office. any suggestions? I pray that yu are doing good since your revision. Thanks ahead of time for any info or suggestions that you can pass along. solamon1
Dr. Eric Schlesinger in Phoenix is $8,000 for StomaphyX. After calling the offices of Dr. Garber and DR. Overcash regarding insurance, apparently original insurance coverage was never paid out to the docs so unless someone qualifies for an actual revision, then they aren't getting covered now. I'll be having my phyx wih Dr. S in Phoenix - without insurance coverage :( .

Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &
Can you please tell me how the Stomaphyx is working for you? I am thinking about getting it. Please email me at [email protected]