Update on post Stomaphyx

on 9/22/07 1:16 am - WA
     Just to keep you guys updated. I had Stomaphyx 2.5 weeks ago. My weight loss is funny. I am down 7 lbs total in that time. That would be discouraging, except for the obvious change is my size. I have a favorite brand of jeans from Lane Bryant and I have sizes 22-16 in my closet. (This jean does not have any stretch--rigid fit) I wore the 20s when I had stomaphyx and I put the 16s on this morning and they fit. I am quite a bit smaller on top and am now in large regular women's instead of the 1X. So down two sizes.       I started on pureed foods this week after two weeks on full liquids. I have put curry chicken, spagetti and cottage with canned fruit in the blender. Imeasure 1/2 cup and eat that and then leave the table and kitchen. I have no idea if I could fit more in, I don't want to stretch anything ever! I am satified, if I just distract myself afterward. I don't feel hungry or deprived after I've eaten. Hunger now for me is not a feeling in my stomach, but a sense of feeling tired or weak and that was after not eating for 6 hours. Beware! I was out to a movie and shopping with my husband and when I felt this feeling, there was nothing available to eat. I could have bought some fruit juice, but I am now avoding this sugar source since I am getting some pureed foods in.        I have to eat out at least once a week and I was most dreading this. First off, I did not tell anyone except my kids about Stomaphyx at my husbands request. His mom is dying of cancer. She is on hospice. She is having trouble eating and swears the only food that tastes any good is Olive Garden and sometimes Red Lobster. I am her only trip to the restaurant and it is our social hour. She goes no where else except to the doctor. Soooo the first two weeks I eat soup at Olive Garden and only sip the broth. This week at Red Lobster, I had a bowel of Bisque. I ordered a bowl instead of a cup because I was really hungry and thought soup will go right through my smaller stomach, but I could only eat about half. Imagine getting full on soup! Probably all the fat in it lead to quick satisfaction and with my DS I can eat fat.       So I am happy with my decision. I am learning to focus my time on things other than food. That is not easy! I spent so much money on WLS and have been through  so much, I am determined to make this work and build a life not focused on food.
on 9/22/07 3:21 am - AZ

Kathy, you really are inspiring.  Thanks for much for posting.    It means a great deal to me. I'm only 2 days out and I'm doing even better than I expected (and I'm an optimist so I wasn't expecting too much pain anyway).    The only pain I've experienced at all is a large-ish cut on the back on my throat.  It's healing fine but it's tender.   So far the only medication I've need after the procedure is chewable children's tylenol.  (And, with 6 tablets a dose...it's almost a meal!)   I'm certainly not hungry....but I do wonder what to expect next.   To me the most pleasing part so far is after 4 days of liquids....I'm really not even particularly interested in food.  And that's a BIG improvement.    I'm more worried about the food this time over the RnY open surgery because I was single and living alone so just not having any extra food in the house was easy.  Now with a husband and daughter, I find myself preparing meals anyway.   And after swim practice we even made a trip to taco bell.   Naturally I didn't eat anything....but my stomache didn't growl and insist that I was hungry either.   I sure hope this keeps up because I'm determined to do everythng in my power not to push my new tiny tummy for a very long time!

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