on 9/14/07 12:54 pm - Wilmington, DE

Just my opinion...

ALL of us stomaphyxer's... NEED TO LET THESE SURGEONS KNOW EXACTLY WHAT IS GOING ON.   They need to know the TRUE results of this surgery.  If we do not, they, the medical community, will think this is the fix all and will not know about true results.

Shelley S.
on 9/14/07 8:22 pm - Belmont, CA
Hi Tina (and others), Yes!  Please tell the doctors and the rest of us.  I'm scheduled for stomaphyx in just 10 days.  Since my Dr has found a way to get it approved by my PPO, I will likely do it no matter what.  Even 14 lbs on a forced liquid diet is a start for me.  I also spoke with Dr. Husted who does a lot of revisions from RNY to DS.  He told me given my history that he'd recommend having the stomaphyx for now and that I could still opt for a DS later if it isn't enough.  With two very small children in the house, that makes sense to do something low risk now with the option of something more drastic later.  I fi Had to pay out of pocket, I'd defintiely hold off based on all these recent posts.   We do have to remember that we are all coming from different experiences though.  Some people need to lose 20-30 lbs and are having stomaphyx, and some (like me), have 100 to lose.  I don't expect to lose that though.  I'd like to lose 50 to get back to where I did at my lowest RNY weight.  Also, my pouch is not enlarged, just my stoma.  Sometimes I like the idea of DS and being able to eat anything I want (right now I can too, but with occassional limited quantities), but other times I wish I couldn't eat anything at all because I've battled with food addiction. I started a list of everyone who has had stomaphyx and posted on here.  I desperately want to monitor the success or failure of the procedure.  I'd be happy to summarize it so we can get it back to the surgeons.  Everyone - if you want me to include your information, please email me.  I can set up an online survey and keep it anonymous even.  It would be helpful to know the following: - how long ago was your RNY? - how much did you lose? (percent of goal) - how long did you stay at your lowest weight? - how much did you regain? - did your upper Gi show enlarged pouch or stoma or both? - when did you have stomaphyx? - who was your surgeon? - did you have any other procedures like additional bypass? - were you able to follow the liquid diet? - how much did you lose the first 2 weeks?  first month?  2+ months? - do you feel satieted? - do you feel true hunger? - how many times a day are you eating at 1 month out? - how much solid food can you eat in a sitting? - how successful do you think the procedure is for you? Please let me know what you think and what other questions we should add/  I appreciate all the feedback - good and bad.  This is what support groups are all about - helping eachother and sharing information. thanks, Shelley
on 9/15/07 2:52 am - AZ
Hi Shelley- It would be very helpful to have this information.   I am scheduled with Dr Schlesinger on Thursday.  I've been following the good and bad posts with a lot of interest.  I'm paying out of pocket.  And $8000 is a LARGE amount of money to my budget.  But I'm still convinced that this will work for me.    (Even if it's just for the enforced liquid diet.....if I lose 15 - 20 pounds I think that might give me enough momentum to keep on going.)   And if I stick exactly to the post-procedure diet for 4 - 6 weeks, that should give me time to get back into the good habits I developed after my RnY in 2000. I'm certainly not a doctor...but I believe that the human body is incredibly resilient.   So I don't expect the majority of effect of any WLS to last more than 1 or 2 years at most.  And I'm only hoping for 6 - 9 months with the Stomaphyx.   I think my Rny was totally successful.  Within 1 year I was able to lose 110 pounds to 172.   I never really had a goal in mind and I was totally delighted when I plateou'd there.   I felt amazing in size 12 clothes and had lots of energy.  I was easily able to maintain at 175ish for a couple of years.   Because I was very used to eating in that fashion, I believe that I could have maintained 175 indefinitely at that point.   My dieting downfall was pregnancy when I forced myself to eat beyond my comfort level to get in as many calories as I wanted for a healthy pregnancy.    Even then, I only gained 11 pounds during the pregnancy and dropped it all within 2 weeks of delivering my daughter.   So I THOUGHT that I was still in control even though I was eating more.   I did great the entire time I nursed the baby....and I took some of those "extra" calories and started junking them up a bit.  I got back into the diet coke habit and had too many candy bars.   However, it all caught up with me when I stopped nursing and my daughter wasn't getting the extra hips were!  Even my mind I wasn't worried because I was still fairly happy with my weight and settled into size 14 without a battle.  It's just when I crossed 200 that I started to panic.  But, honestly, much of the damage had been done by then.   It is VERY hard to get back to a healthy eating pattern when you are hungry all the time.  (And thanks to forcing myself to eat for over a stomache needed more food to feel full.)   Additionally, I now have 30 pounds to lose to get back to size 12.    I am totally capable of dieting for 10 pounds before I give up.   30 is a different story!  :o)    Additionally I think I want to set a goal of closer to 150 this next time. So, all I want Stomaphyx to do is make me satisified as I lose 30 pounds (or 55) and give me the time to get back into my healthier habits.   I have NO intention of rushing anything and if I can do it, I will probably keep to the liquids/mushy food stage for as long as I possibly feel satisified.  (Hopefully 6 to 8 weeks).   Because, at first, I will be protecting my $8000 investment it should be easy to ignore SOME of the hunger pains until everything becomes a habit.  At that point, it won't really matter whether the stomaphyx continues to make me feel full early or not.   It was easy enough several years after the RnY....and it will be doable this time too.     But I have a slightly different game plan this time too.    I will WORK to get to 145 instead of being happy at 175.    After I get my weight stable, I will IMMEDIATELY diet when I'm up 2 or 3 pounds.   By doing that, I should always only need to lose an amount that I'm capable of dieting off.     So, I believe Stomaphyx is EXACTLY what I need.    I'm not sure I would feel the same way if I still had 100 pounds to lose though.   I just don't know how long the effects will last and I do know that the weight loss will be fairly slow.  (But hopefully faster than it took to gain the 30 pounds!!!!)   In my mind, Stomaphyx will work best for a fairly short time and full revision surgery would be better if I needed more time to lsoe the weight.     Just my 2 cents worth. Lorri
Cathy W.
on 9/15/07 1:40 am

I can give you an update on me........ I had my StomaphyX procedure at the end of July.  As of yesterday, I've lost half of the weight I want to get back to my goal weight.  I have been extremely happy that I had my procedure.   I have a tiny pouch of 10cc.  I'd asked for my pouch to be small along with my stoma.  I don't know if that makes a difference in what others are experiencing.  I don't know what the normal size pouch that is being done.  I'd be interested in other members' pouch size.   I've been very protective and cautious with what I eat and the quantity.  Even when I could progress to different, heavier foods, I've stayed eating the softer mushy foods.  I am enjoying what I'm eating so I've just stayed with it.  I know it isn't necessary to eat softer foods but it is what I'm enjoying. I have to say that by feeling so mu*****ontrol of what I eat and my food has changed me.  I now feel in control of my food so I'm able to deal with life stressors more easily.  I also think that since I've now developed a trend of not emotionally eating or overeating, I'm protective and don't want to break that.  It seems like a self-propelled to build each day to move away from my prior eating before StomaphyX.   I feel the restriction when I eat.  I'm eating 4-6 meals a day of 1/2 cup.  On a hunger scale, I don't eat to a 10 like I did before StomaphyX.  I've relearned that full now is a 7-8.  I'm happy and satisfied with that.  Physically I feel better with a 7-8. I got a little frustrated in the beginning because I had a big weight loss and then plateaued for awhile.  Even though I knew I would't lose at the rate as my RNY, I think the big drop in the beginning made me think that I would.  You don't.  It comes off slower, more like possibly a lap bander.  If anyone is having a problem, talk to your surgeon.  I know Dr. Schlessinger in Arizona is a very good surgeon.  If you are having problems and frustrated, call your surgeon, the nurse, and/or dietician.  I have made a few calls with questions, frustrations, etc.  Our surgeons want us to succeed.  Give Dr. S. a call and explain your situation with your procedure and that you don't have your insurance anymore. That's my update.  So far, I'm very happy with my procedure and that I did it.  I'd do it all over again.  It has made a tremendous positive experience. Cathy

on 9/15/07 11:25 pm - Wilmington, DE
Hi Cathy, I'm glad that you are doing well. You've mentioned that you've lost 1/3.. then 1/2 of the weight you want to lose.. If you don't mind, can you share the amount? Like if you wanted to lose 6 pounds and you've lost a big difference from needing to lose 60 and losing 30. Thanks for sharing. Tina
on 9/15/07 12:27 pm
I am scheduled for the stomaphyx procedure on September 27th with Dr Schlesinger and I must admit that after reading some of these posts I am a little nervous where as before I was feeling very confident. I do think every situation is different. For me, I only need to lose about 36 pounds so a revision seems a little drastic. I am hoping that this procedure will help to get me back on track and headed in the right direction. I will continue to post my progress (good or not so good) with the hope that others can benefit from my experience. I hope others will do the same. Cathy
on 9/15/07 11:30 pm - Wilmington, DE
Hi All, I did not mean for my original post to sound negative, not at all.  I just wanted to remind people to follow up with their surgeon no matter what the concerns are. I need this to work.  But I have a major problem with sweets and choc.  I know I am addicted as the moment I get ticked off, there I go, I want it and say who cares in my trek to the junk.  It is VERY hard to stop this habit.. AGAIN.  But, I am trying.  If I pay attention, I don't feel totally full, but it does last about 4 hours, way better than the hour I was holding food before. GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF US!! Tins
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