attention stomaphyx and calling all other transoral revision peeps

on 9/14/07 12:51 pm - Wilmington, DE
Hi Pat, I've wondered where you've been.  Have you lost any weight?  My opinion is anyone will lose weight if they drink liquids for two weeks.  Medifast/Slimfast will do the same thing.   I'm doubtful of the SF because since starting to eat some foods, I haven't lost an ounce.  Have you voiced your concerns with Dr. Overcash? Here's my opinion... ALL of us stomaphyxer's... NEED TO LET THESE SURGEONS KNOW, EXACTLY WHAT IS GOING ON.   They need to know the TRUE results of this surgery.  If we do not, they, the medical community, will think this is the fix all. I was one who continually went to my orig wls surgeon, let him know how I was doing.. always hungry, never full, never dumped and gaining weight, even know I was embarrassed to tears over it, and all he told me was to 'diet' and exercise.  I doubt it did any good, or that my experiences would show up in any results survey, but it was all I could do. Stay on boards everyone, so we can at least share with one another. Take care Pat, Tina
on 9/14/07 1:09 pm
Tina, I lost 13 lbs. the first 2 weeks, but you're right, anyone would lose weight eating almost nothing and drinking liquids. I gained all 13 lbs. back. It's been about 6 weeks since the surgery. I faxed Dr. Overcash but have not talked to him in person. I know hindsight is 20/20 and I can't regret the money spent because it's done....but even though he recommended a full revision for me, he also assured me I would lose weight with this procedure. I feel let down and like a failure. Very depressing.....again, it may work well for others, but so far it is not working for me. I can eat FAR more than I should be able to and am hungry every few hours.
RNY (1997) at 338 lbs.;revision (2001); Failed StompahyX in 2007; DS (2008) at 268 lbs.

on 9/14/07 1:30 pm
I am so glad I'm not the only one with not losing weight. Is it not soooo disappointing and then people blame you like you did something wrong. It must be very difficult to lose 13 pnds, just to gain it all back.  But you're right, i don'tfeel the fullness like I should to stop eating.  Thanks also for the advise about what to eat. I ate cottage cheese and pineapple all day. I sure am sick of it.
(deactivated member)
on 9/14/07 1:46 pm
Pat, Thanks for coming forward.  I have decided to hold off on having my stomaphyx.  I think I'll let a few more of your stories play out first to see what the long term majority have to say.  I have an acquaintance who is very happy.  She has been very compliant and has lost quite a bit.  She's not weighing but she's down 2 sizes and looks like she's in her goal range..   She says she is satisfied much earlier than she used to be but admits that much of her success has been because of her perfect compliance.  Honestly, if I were perfectly compliant right now then I wouldn't need any tweaking!  But, I also know that if I'm going to spend almost  10 K on a procedure then I'm going to give it the best shot to heal correctly and it sounds like everyone is saying 3 weeks of liquids for a reason.  Maybe those little fasteners are very temperamental. I used to work for a Bariatric surgeon and I know for sure that the Lapbanders who did well were the ones who followed the guidelines perfectly so that their band and port sites could heal well.  It was interesting to see the food journals of those who claimed the band didn't work for them!....It sounds like the stomaphyx is a lot like a lapband since it only promises some new restricition.  I know I am hoping for more of what I experienced as an early Rny post-op! Anyway......We seem to be willing lab rats when it comes to our quest for health and a good weight for ourselves.  It sounds like the surgeon's don't know what the end results will be either.  After all, they've only come on board with the stomaphyx (and smilar procedures) because vendor's have made promises and patients have pushed the market.  If it appears to them like it should in theory work then maybe this is just one more thing our bodies learn to adjust to!  .........I'm definitely not willing to go the route of the DS yet with just 25 pounds to go to get back to goal.  Hmmmmmmmmm.........what to do????? July
on 9/15/07 12:49 am - West Palm Beach, FL
Stomaphyx does not work.  Lost 13 lbs in the begginning, now nother.  I also had an additional by pass.  I am often hungry.  I stop eaating because my eyes tell me that I should be satisfied, but I get no message to my brain telling me I am sull.  Funny though, I am eating much less than I di pre Stomaphyx.
on 9/15/07 2:54 pm - WA
Well, a lot has been said since I was asked what kinds of soup I am eating. The brand is Pacific Natural Foods--All Natural Soup--Produced by Pacific Foods of Oregon, Inc. My favorite is Curried Red Lentil and Cashew Curry Carrot. Walmart has some flavors, not as many as my local Winco.  To respond to all the posts about people not feeling full after the Stomaphyx, here is my exerience. (Remember, it is only my experience. I can't speak for anyone else) When I eat a bowel of soup, I feel satisfied about 30 minutes later...not while I am eating. I don't feel full, just satified, like I know I ate something and it is still in my belly. No how can this be when all I am eating is liquids? The feeling seems to last for a few hours. I used to snack between every meal and I am not doing that now but having a protein drink (Profect Protica) in some reduced calorie/sugar fruit juice. Is this because of Stomaphyx or because I am not eating so many carbs? Am I eating less carbs? I have no way of knowing. The soups, yogurt and protein shakes I eat have plenty of carbs. I am not craving sweets like I did before. I used to drinks ton of diet coke, maybe that caused sweet cravings. All I know, at 11 day post Stomaphyx, something is working right. I am noticiabley smaller-many people who have no idea I had anything done, having commented that I look thinner. My clothes are way looser. I have only lost a few pounds--like 3 or 4 according to the scale. I don't know if my satisfaction is because of the Stomaphyx, because I am eating so drastically different, I can't figure it out. Who knows what will happen when I start eating solid food.  I am reading the "Beck Diet Solution" which is a Cognitive Therapy Approach to dieting and I see a lot of my self defeating behaviors spelled out here. Whenever they say that weight loss surgery is done on your stomach, not your head, it is so true for me. I especially was interested in learning to eat to satisfaction and not fullness, how to recognize cravings and learning to tolerate hunger. I do so many of the bad habits like eating at the computer, while watching TV, etc. So I am hitting my eating problems for every direction. I had a revision to DS, Stomaphyx, I exercised daily, I am reading about how to fix my head is sabatoging me. It has taken me 4 years to get this far and I am still struggling, but I am not giving up. I don't think we can have WLS and think that will fix everything. It didn't for me, I have to keep working at this health thing and if Stomaphyx doensn't work I will just have to work harder at the other approaches. Sorry this so darned longgggggg!
on 9/16/07 5:47 am
Can I assume that soda is a no no after the Stomaphyx? I am sure I will find out tomorrow at my pre-op appointment but thought you could tell me sooner. I am glad to hear that you are doing so well. It sounds like this procedure has worked not only on your stomach but also your head. Keep up the good work!
on 9/16/07 2:42 pm - WA

Anything carbonated is supposed to stretch the pouch. It was explained to me that when the carbon dioxide warms up in our belly it expands. We want to avoid stretching our pouches. I was told the same thing after my RNY 15 years ago and I did not drink carbonated beverages. They actually hurt,the fizz hurt my throat and the gas was painful. But I regained all my weight and after regaining thought, "Why am I still following these rules?" So I took up a coke habit when I started working night shift. I was at 1/2 liter a day when I had stomaphyx. I had a bad headache for 2 days and now don't miss it at all! Weird--I was more worried about that than the liquid diet. I drink quite a bit of flavored, non carbonated water and lower sugar fruit juice--which I put over ice and add some extra water. I'm not a big fan of Crystal Light.  I am on full liquids, not clear liquids. Clear liquids for 48 hours then 2-3 week on full. Then pureed for a week and soft for a week. I got the eating recommendations for lap bands and RNY, but the time frame is shorter, move to the next level sooner. Not sure if I will do 2 or 3 weeks on full liquids. I could at this point just have one small meal of pureed because of boredom and go back to full liquids. I just have been fantasizing about the curried chicken at the local Thai restaurant. It is juicy enough to put in a blender. I am tired of the full liquids, but not unhappy or hungry.

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