attention stomaphyx and calling all other transoral revision peeps

on 9/13/07 11:48 am, edited 9/13/07 12:31 pm - Florence, MA
Just want to let everyone know that I am 10 days post procedure/sham I feel like I have had it done cuz if i sneez or push on my belly in this one spot it is now tender.Pus i am feeling more satified with my liquid meals now i can feel them in my pouch for longer time. Before any liquids would go thu mu pouch no stoping . I would not fell any liquids one bit. I never even heard  my stomach  make grgaling noises and now about 1 hour after i injest fluid i hear and feel my tummy ( and so does anyone next to me) "drain". I am very hungry but it is easily taken care of with a protien shake or some kind of liquid. My head want solids and to chew, sf lifesaver mints help with cravings and the nasty taste of protien shake mouth/ketosis breath.THE one thing that I realy like is that I feel so great, its like I detoxed my body from all the bad crap (litterl, lol) and i feel so much more energetic and less stressed. I think i used to have way to much coffee and that has alot to do with how calm amd relaxed i feel. So being I am a clinicly induced state of anorexia i can say i realy better then i have in a long time. The funny thing is I am unemploed and we are in finacial dire straghts and i feel good. Go figure. No food to help cope with the BS in my life and I feel very hopeful. So if i am a sham ( im mean in the sudy haha) at least I can say I did get something out of it, plus I get the procedure done for free when the study is over. OH ya dr thompson told me If I wanted I coud come in for the pouch to be smaller if i felt i needed it after the studyis over, and even get sutures done again if i need what they call a "Tune up". so that it foe now please lets hear from others ... The good bad and the ugly!  thanks kim
on 9/13/07 3:33 pm
I had mine done with Dr. Schlessinger and it's been 3 weeks and I have gained 2 pnds. i am so depressed. i do not have a feeling of fullness at all. I am on soft foods but ate a ham and swiis sandwich the other day, a whole one with no problems. i went back to the doc a week ago and  he did not say he would give me an adjustment and i feel I really do need one. There is no feeling of satiety or fullness at all. I am now 147 pnds. and am 5'1.
on 9/13/07 11:03 pm - AZ
Hmmm....I wouldn't think that a ham and cheese sandwich would be a "soft" food.   Is it possible that the fasteners were pulled out by too much food before they had time to heal?   Just a thought.
on 9/14/07 4:08 am - WA
Well, I am 10 days post Stomaphyx. I am doing fine on full liquids. Thank goodness for these really tasty pureed soups I found. (Red Pepper Lentil and Carrot Cashew Curry) Really helps to have something other than chocolate and fruity protein drinks. I get a feeling of satisfaction when I eat full liquids with fat in them--I add peanut butter to my pudding. (I had a Ds revision and can eat fat), When it is just yogurt I feel satisfied at one serving but the feeling doesn't last until the next meal so have to take snack. I am eating pureed soups, yogurt, protein drinks and pudding. I make a shake with protein powder, a banana, ice and milk, it is on the list of approved drinks. My stomach spasms are almost gone now. I have no idea what I will feel when I start eating solid food, but I am not eating to fullness, just eating slowly to satisfaction. I don't want to stress anything and hope the pleats stay pleated. I too have tons of energy...not sure why...I figured on liquids I would feel tired, but the opposite is true.  I ate one bite of a hershey bar and all I tasted with wax! I bet that is just being off chocolate, kind of detoxing? I also quit diet Coke cold turkey the day before I had the stomaphyx. According to the scale no weight loss, but I am in a size 18 jeans and was in 20 ten days ago. I bet our bodies are holding onto water.
on 9/14/07 5:25 am - Florence, MA
OMG waht are the brand name if those soups!!! I am drooling  right now!!!!!! I too am tired of the fruity choclate shakes and stuff. I am 1o days post procedure /sham. I dont get any stomach spasms but they didnt do my pouch. I feel great too.. i am thinking cuz we are detoxed from all the carbs and other crap. I have made protien pudding that stay with me a little longer. I just take the 2 cups of ff soy or ff milk and add 2 scoops of protien powder and wisk it it then add you pudding flavor and wisk  yadda yadda.
on 9/14/07 9:02 am - Wilmington, DE
Kimberly, I'm so sorry you're unemployed, that's such a stress in life, but  it sounds like your head is in the right place though.  Stay there, and you will succeed.  Ok, my turn. I had the stomaphyx 16 days ago.  At day 12 I had lost 14#.  Not an ounce since.  At first, nothing tasted right, so fluids were easy.  After about 5 days or so, I was starving!  Needed food, but I stayed with liquids, tried thicker stuff like smooth yogurt, cream of soups and slimfast  (yuk).  I was supposed to be liquids for 3 weeks, but I really needed to eat.  My taste buds are back, I'm eating very soft scrambled eggs, cheese-chewing it to baby food, some crackers etc.  I also get the gurgling that I never had before.  I don't know how easy it is to dislodge the fasteners.  I'm doing the best I can.  Lord knows, if we were all the best at following diets, would we be where we got to be? I also had the super "UP" feelings...... I could do this.. I know I can, I'm almost ready to get those size 10's back out of the attic!... NOW... not so up... so much for that honeymoon! LOL Here's to hoping everyone stays up, positive and does the right thing! Tina
on 9/14/07 10:29 am
To all stomaphxers, congrats!! I am the lady that hasn't lost a pound , and ate the ham and cheese sandwich. It's been a month since my surgery and I was craving real food.  It's hard to stay on liquids and soft foods for 3 weeks., so before you "judge me", I'd like you to try it. Also, I am tired of blaming myself that it didn't work for me. I really do not feel any satiety and thats not right. Everyone who's posted seems to have lost weight, except myself, and I know I'm eating and drinking too much., but I don't feel full. I need help because I don't know what to do next. things can go wrong, and I don't know what happened but I'd like to find out.
on 9/14/07 10:42 am - Wilmington, DE
I'm sorry that you feel like it didn't work.  Find out what's going on, talk to your surgeon.  We can all guess and judge (not me, my glass house has many cracks!), but your doc could/should follow up with you.  Good Luck.
on 9/14/07 11:53 am - Florence, MA

Did you have both your stoma and your pouch done?How much weight have you lost so far? I think if you call you INs. Co ( I know that you dont have it anymore) and tell them about your problem maybe there is something they could do. Like hold back payment.... Idunno I just wouldnt take no for an answer. I would never judge you and I am on liguids and I could eat the assend off a cow right now, so i feel your pain. Have you tryed eating your protien first and no simple carb. Or any bread or pasta? Eat very cooked veggies to for know. Also you are not going to stay full lonfg on a sandwich and it doent fill you cuz the bread reduces to nuthing in your pouch. Try stuff like tuna fish w/ lite mayo and a side of cottage cheese....OMG that sounds so good right now! ...sorry .. so just TRy to follow the poiuch rules from when you where a new post op and weight oops i mean wait  ( iraly dint mean to do that but is was funny so i lefet it.. sorry I am crazy right now I need food) Dont give up keep tring and stay positveand for god sake stop beating your self up!  

on 9/14/07 12:34 pm
You are not the only one disappointed with StomaphyX results.....I hesitated to post anything because I don't want to discourage anyone, but I am not losing any weight. I had a RNY 10 years ago and I thought the stompahyx might be the answer, preventing me from having any more major surgery with higher risk complications. But I think I need a full revision and am considering the DS (some RNY's can be converted, some can't). I am trying to get a referral to a local surgeon to find out more. I self-paid for the Stomaphyx and am so very discouraged, I dropped off this board for awhile. It may be the exact surgery some of you need, but I need to lose 100 lbs and I just don't think it's going to help me.  I am NOT full on 2/3 cup of food 3 times a day---I am starved.
RNY (1997) at 338 lbs.;revision (2001); Failed StompahyX in 2007; DS (2008) at 268 lbs.

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