gaining weight

on 9/13/07 7:29 am - ocala, FL
I'm very embarassed to admit this but I'm 1 month post op from a revision and I'm gaining weight I'm so depressed because my surgeon doesn't believe me when I tell him I'm not eating much at all if anything.Before surgery I weighed 291 (surgery date 8/15/07) 2wks later I was 266  then 1 wk after that I was 267 then I went to my PCP and I weigh 271 I don't understand I ate 3xs a day 2/3 a cup what my surgeon recommends.If  anyone can help me I would really appreciate it because for the first time since I had my initial sugery I felt I was doing right it's all turning out wrong.What was the point.Thanks for letting me vent
on 9/13/07 8:20 am - Columbia, SC
I'm sorry to hear things are not going well for you.  I am having a revision on Oct 3 and Dr. Overcash is also my doctor.  The only thing I can think of is maybe that it is water weight.  Please don't let yourself become to discouraged give it a few more weeks.  Keep your head up.
on 9/13/07 11:20 am - ocala, FL
Thanks my husband told me the same thing
on 9/13/07 11:53 am - WA

Please, cheer up! I have been on liquids for 11 days and have lost 2 lbs! But....(to quote PeeWee Herman) "everyone's got a big BUT!) I fit into the next smaller size jeans. Do the jeans test. I always keep jeans in the next smaller size in my closet and try them on once a week. This works better for me than weighing. My body really hates to let go of fat and water. You are down 20lbs in one month! Your body is adjusting, hanging onto water to replace the fat until it jolly well wants to flush out.

on 9/13/07 12:02 pm - Florence, MA
wel 1st of all you lost more then more then 15 # in 2 weeks!!!! go girl and 2ndly your body isnt sure what to do with that kind of loss so quickly so you will reain fluid from time to time OR if yoy are like me when I am abpout to loose again after a big loss I put 1to 3 pounds back on and then with in a few days I lose whay i put on plus a few more. Idunno why.and 3edly you weighed yourself on a diffrent scale silly! Yes I am a slve to my scale but It is eather that of a slave to food. Your good be proud at what you have done thus far and how far you have come from pre any surgery. You as do we refuse to give up and that says alot about you. No matter whay we all just keep pluging we are stong we always had to be to exsits in our world the wway we looked. I think we thought we were week because we measred our strength (and our self worth) by the number on the scale. to bad it took me this long to understand that.      enough of me on my soap box again but Be proud I am
Proud Military Mom
on 9/15/07 7:13 am - Reno, NV
Do you have your own scale? Your weighing at different locations on scales that may or may not be calibrated.  Get your own scale and go by it.  Also it could be water weight, that time of the month, etc etc etc...  Another thing is I eat 5x a day... 2 small snacks like a protien bar or yogurt.  and LOTS OF WATER.. if you dont drink enough your body will start holding it. I was told by my surgeon yesterday I should average 4lbs a month weight loss... :)  Hang in there... your probably just fine.. Debby

If you can't stand behind the troops... stand in front of them... PLEASE!

on 9/15/07 12:26 pm - ocala, FL
Thanks so much
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