Opionions wanted regarding a Stomaphyx procedure

on 8/29/07 2:31 pm - AZ
Hi There! I after reading (what little is known yet) about Stomaphyx I decided that it was exactly what I needed since I've regained 35 pounds in 3 years.   Well, I met with Dr Schlesinger and his staff (Kathy is wonderful).   I was very very impressed.  Dr Schlesinger is so knowledgeable and caring.  I really would feel safe during surgery with Dr Schlesinger.  Kathy is very reassuring and I think she would be a pleasure to deal with.  It turns out that I'm probably a fine candidate for the surgery, I would just need to get the pre-op tests done and schedule a surgery date--probably near the end of September.   I'm a self-pay and the $8000 plus tests (probably another $1000) seem reasonable enough as I have the money since I'd been saving up since my RNY in 2000 for plastic surgery when I got to my goal weight (which I never did).  My husband is very supportive so there is nothing standing in my way....except: As I was driving home from my appointment I got to thinking.....I am 60 pounds overweight.  (A HUGE amount......but at one time I was 140 pounds overweight so maybe 60 isn't so much.)  In the past 4 years, repeatively I've been able to lose 10 pounds on my own before giving up and gaining 12 back!   I worked with a personal trainer for a month last year and that was very helpful but it got to be too expensive so I thought I'd try it on my own (which, needless to say, didn't happen!)  However, the $9000 for the Stomaphyx works out to about $150 a pound lost and would pay for a little more than a year of personal training. The other factor is a family cruise planned for Thanksgiving.  I'm not at all concerned with the limited food 8 weeks out of surgery (I've been on LOTS of cruises so missing the food won't be a big deal)....but I don't think I could handle the liquid phase while on vacation.  So, that means I need to either have the surgery by September 26ish or wait until December. It was all so clear cut this morning....get the Stomaphyx ASAP.  Now I'm having troubles figuring out what to do and would welcome any opinions. As I see it, here are my options.... 1) Go ahead an spend the money for Stomaphyx (and pretty much empty out my "rainy day fund".  But know that I will be well on my way to my weight goal within the month.  Give up on the personal training for a while. 2) Try working out again and maybe even attempt to follow a post-surgery eating plan to jump-start my weight loss.  Disadvantages are if I do this for 2 or 3 months then give up, I won't have enough money left to cover the Stomaphyx (especially since Dr Schlesinger's $8000 is an introductory price and I know it will be increasing soon). 3) Schedule my surgery with Dr Schlesinger for a late September date (about 4 weeks out).  This requires paying for the surgery but it's refundable if I cancel more than 7 days prior to surgery. )  Start personal training and dieting NOW while I'm doing the pre-op testing.    If I'm making good progress with the diet, then cancel the surgery.  My problem with this option is that it seems a bit "under-handed" to Dr Schlesinger's office.   If I choose this option.....should I be up front with my decision or keep quiet? Hmmmmm.....this simply decision is difficult.  What do YOU think? Thanks Lorri
on 8/29/07 3:44 pm, edited 8/29/07 3:46 pm - LivingHappy, AL
This is difficult decision. For myself, I would point out to you, if we could have done this type loss on our own or even with w / trainer, we woudn't have needed RNY to begin with. In 3 years you haven't reached goal, and have regained 35 additional pounds. I don't know what you weight now, or how important losing closer to your orginal goal is to you. I would probably schedule the proceedure, and then go enjoy my cruise first. I have my extended TT with muscle and hernia repair scheduled for October 17, and a cruise with my mom and son September 24. I cruise 2-3 times a year, but I want to enjoy this one without worry about healing or problems. I have never reached my personal goal of 160-165 pounds. I weigh 178-180. My ideal weight is around 134. I still get full if I eat protein frist, with dense veggies next. But I am eating more carbs than I should and can't seem to control my daily total. I believe I will be a candidate for Stomaphyx one day. As a self-pay, I would say get the best price now by locking it in with an appointment. Although, I truly beleive as the equipment gets paid for by being used more often, the prices will decline, especially as more and more surgeons are trained to preform the proceedure. There are surgeons who charge as little as 13,000 ( for RNY)plus special rates for outpatient at their hospital where they have priviledges for a total of 18,000. And some who charge $35,000.( this is just to get insight)  So this sort of range will be available for Stomaphyx over time, but being a lower overall cost. So waitng may not mean losing out, but why take chances/ Sorry to be a long answer, but I totally see your dilemma. I wish you all the best!
on 8/29/07 4:15 pm - AZ
Thanks Kahiah for some really good things to think about!  I do hope that the price comes down some in the future....but I don't want to wait that long.   As for my personal goals.  I would love to see 150....but I lost to 172 and stayed there for 3 years (before my pregnancy and the weight gain starting).    At 5.7" I was happy enough with my size 12 jeans....but I'm not at all pleased with my current size 16s and the very real possibility of having to return to "women's sizes".  I must do SOMETHING!  :o)   I'm at 208 now.  And, honestly, I think I'd try harder this time  to reach 150 instead of settling for the first plataeu weight that I was satified with! 
on 8/29/07 9:16 pm - WA
I have used a personal trainer a few times in the last 4 years as I decided to really address my weight regain after my RNY. I built up impressive muscle mass with weightlifting, was more flexible, had more endurance and my overall shape looked much better. I did not, however lose any fat mass until I went low carb for 4 months. I lost 65lbs low carb and with 1.5 hours of exercise 7 days a week. I then gained back 40 at the same level of exercise. Exercise is great, makes me feel great and helps me avoid food, but it wasn't the answer to my weight gain. I am having the stomaphyx in 5 days by Dr. Schlesinger. Thanks for the review, I had only worked with his office over the phone. I am also reading "The Beck Diet Solution" to deal with my eating behaviors not related to hunger. I believe, for me, I need to hit this eating disorder/genetic disorder/whatever the current theory is....from many directions.
on 8/30/07 11:27 am - AZ
Thanks to everyone for their ideas and opinions.  I thought about it and decided that Stomaphyx is a good option for me.  (I can always work out on my own....but I might not get such a good opportunity as this procedure again soon.)   I scheduled for September 20th at 3:15pm with Dr Schlesinger.  Keep your fingers crossed that all goes well. Thanks Lorri
stacy B.
on 9/2/07 12:15 am - Wantagh, NY
Read Kaci's stomaphyx journey on this messsage board.  I would think twice before getting a special introductory price when he doesn't know what he is doing.
Kaci Campbell
on 9/2/07 2:47 am - Avondale, AZ

I did have complications, but what happened to me could happen with any surgeon.  All procedures have risks.  The complications are rare and the success stories are many.  Good luck!

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