Revision Scheduled
I'm so happy-I have an appointment with Dr. Eric Schlesinger for a StomaphyX revision. I chose him because of his reputation and demeanor
Goodness-your plate is certainly full! (Ha-notice the food metaphor). Perhaps your husband is afraid that you will be viewed in a less-than-favorable light because of the repeat surgeries. Think of the people who quit smoking "for good", only to resume again. Unfortunately, they are ridiculed by some. What they (those that ridicule) do not understand is that each attempt brings the smoker closer to quitting permanently. In your case, look how close you are to reaching your goal! Your DS is working well. You are about to have your pouch revised. You are almost there!!!!! I agree with your husband. You have been through enough. You do not need any negative energy coming your way. My StomaaphyX is scheduled 8-11. I'll let you know how it goes.