Stomaphyx Results? Lap Band Results? Who's lost weight?

(deactivated member)
on 7/10/08 12:24 am - AZ
On August 3, 2007 at 11:40 AM Pacific Time, zee starrlite wrote:
Only similar to the Lap Band in terms of it being a strictly restrictive weight loss surgery.  The Vertical Banded Gastroplasty has an 80% failure rate.  The stomach is stapled all the way down and a non-adjustable ring is placed.  I can't imagine living with a tight ring that could not adjust.  I do understand that stomach stapling was of its time and the only thing like it available but that surgery $ucked for mostly everyone.    With the Lap Band if you are too tight and puking, it is your own fault - that should not remain anyones state of being and a simple "unfill" can correct that under normal cir****tances. Anyways I am so glad that your revision to RNY is successful and that you are happy.  You surely deserve it after all you have been through. Much Love, Peace, & Harmony, Leila
>>With the Lap Band if you are too tight and puking, it is your own fault - that should not remain anyones state of being and a simple "unfill" can correct that under normal cir****tances.<< I'd have to disagree with that statement.  There are many many people just like me and cannot deal with banding.  With the majority of banded folks if they are under stress they get a bit tighter.  With others, like me, if we are under stress we are obstructed.  Without stress we can eat anything. I'm still shocked at the number of emails and PMs I get since my own revision.  People that have the same exact problems. With some people the things that cause a bit more restriction for you cause obstruction for us.  Altitude, climate, stress, hydration, TOM, everything.  It is not always our fault and we are not breaking any magical rules.  I realize you wrote "under normal cir****tances" but as many people that are revising from band to VSG or RNY, there is something going on here.  It isn't that they are all breaking the rules. A few weeks ago I went through a couple of pages of the revision board and counted how many started with RNY and want a revision, how many started with a band and want revision, and how many started with everything else and want a revision.  Clearly, that changes on a daily basis but the day I counted 50% of RNYers want a revision, 45% of banded folks posting here want a revision, and 5% of everything else want a revision. Considering the RNY folks completely and totally outnumber the banded folks, that makes it even more significant.  There are probably at least three RNY people to every one banded person, if not more - walking around the US today.  Since we can (at times) make up almost half of revisions... there might just be a problem with banding itself vs. following rules.
Zee Starrlite
on 7/10/08 5:02 am
Hey Midwestern Girl  - I love ya!!! You are responding to this almost a full year later.   I've never had an easy time with my band - ever.   I could not tolerate adjustments and I didn't lose like crazy.  I'm on your side babe -I'm NOT against you and neither is the world.  Live, you're beautiful.  **** happens that is not our fault that we are not in control of but we take it and move forward -  unless we decide to be a magnat for more negative energy.  It is over, the band didn't work out for you and thank God, you are revised.  Stop reliving and reliving painful moment that have long past and be the beautiful woman that you are because many great thing will come to you when you do. The Lap Band is man-made, and we are God-made there is simply no comparison. With the Lap Band if you are too tight and puking, it is your own fault - that should not remain anyones state of being and a simple "unfill" can correct that under normal cir****tances If an unfill does not suffice to stop  your tightness/troubles(and I know there are people who have become tight without a fill), the next step must be made (even if you don't have a red cent, they have to treat you in the emergency room and yeah, you'll get a bill but your life and health will no longer be at risk when you leave there).  When I was having more serious issues with my band, I was going to remove and revise but definately remove.  Much Love, Peace, Harmony, and Health, Leila

3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

(deactivated member)
on 7/10/08 5:27 am - AZ
Ahhhhh, I didn't realize that someone bumped an old thread to the top.  I didn't even pay attention to the dates! I don't think it is reliving bad times to answer questions for people.  If people want to know something I think it's a great idea to give them the information.  Not sure how that relates to the world being against anyone. ;o) How have you been?  Doing well?
on 8/1/07 2:21 pm - WA
 My RNY pouch stretched over 15 years and I regained all my weight back (from 310 to 240 then up to 320) Talk about horrified! Plus I had no follow up or contact with anyone else who had this procedure done. I really messed it up in my ignorance. Four years ago I started the South Beach diet, exercised 1-2 hours and day and lost 65lbs only to gain back 40 when I started eating carbs again. I went to Brazil and on the same day my daughter had a Duodenal switch, I had a revision that left my stretched RNY pouch intact but gave me the malabsorption of the DS. I have always snacked and eaten sweets, although I am better at snacking on protein than I used to be. I have lost 70lbs in 10 months, my daughter has lost 130. I can eat way more than she can with her 5oz stomache. I am still losing at 1lb a week and have thought about stomaphyx, but will wait and see if I can lose the last 30lbs with what I have. MInd you, I can eat a whole homemade hamberger or subway 6 inch sub with chips and not be too full. My pouch empties very fast, so the high fat I get to eat now helps control my hunger.  
on 8/2/07 12:07 am
I hope you are able to lose the 30 lbs you are looking to lose.  Did they make your pouch smaller when you had your DS?   Those old surgeries often made pouches much larger than they did today.  If it makes you feel any better, I can eat much more than your homemade hamburger.  About 5 times more .... just to feel full.  And it only lasts a couple of hours!  That's my shameful horror story.    I can pretty much eat as much now as before the surgery ... and I've been like this post op (10 yrs ago).  I don't know if the stomaphyX will help me lose weight, but maybe I will stop gaining.   I hope to lose 65 lbs, which will put me at 145.  This week, I started a new diet with a lot of  fiber to help fill me up.  Big amounts of fiber isn't a very good long term solution.   I hope to lose some weight before my StomaphyX procedure. Amy
on 8/9/07 12:38 am - WA
To answer your question, my pouch in its stretched condition was left alone. This was my choice, as I was fearful of the higher risks associated with a revision to the RNY pouch. Plus, after 15 years I felt my pyloric valve was probably not going to start working again. Another reason was that I was in Brazil with my 17 year old daughter and I needed to be available for her, so I chose the more conservative surgery on just my bowels. My incision was shorter and I had none of the nausea she had. Now as she loses much more than me, I see having my pouch made smaller would be a benefit and this stomaphyx looks like a way to do this without the risky surgical complications. I still have the malabsorption of the duodenal switch helping me, but our bodies adjust to this after a few years and we absorb more.  I am with you, I don't feel full very fast, unless I eat a meal in less than 5 minutes. I still feel the need to eat until satisfied, who doesn't?
on 5/6/10 11:30 pm - Eugene, OR
What was the cost in Brazil and who did you contact?

  375/169/238/225.2/170 (Starting/lowest/regain wt/current/goal) I WILL SUCCEED!!_


on 1/14/08 1:43 pm
I had my open RNY surgery in 2000 and never lost all the weight I needed to. I was still 35 lbs. from goal. I have slowly gained back 40 lbs. over the last  4 years. I am considering the Stomaphyx procedure. I can't find anyone who has had it and posted any info about it. If anyone has anything (positive or negative) to say about this procedure, please could you enlighten me. It sounds like many of us are very curious about this procedure. Thanks
on 3/12/09 12:25 pm
I had RNY in 2001 and lost about 80 to 90 lbs. I would have liked to lose more and at one point after gaining 25 lbs. went on the Sadhkin diet and lost 35 lbs. It is diet where they use accupressure, little steel balls behind ears that you need to roll in circles every 2 hrs. Hard to remember when you work full time. Anyway, it is very restrictive food wise so of course you lose, but then gain it back so I was on and off several times and am now at point of being about 35 lbs up from my lowest weight which was about 132lbs. I heard about the Stomaphyx procedure and went to a NY doctor who does it and actually got approved by my insurance and have tentatively planned to do it April 16, 2008. that i am researching extensively found out that there are other similar procedures, one being the Rose which is supposedly better. The doctor who does this and the other procedure claims the Stomaphyx only works 50% of the time however, he is now doing it with some other added method that only he is allowed to use! Have no idea why or what this means. Both methods are only being done for about 2 years or so. Now I was getting really confused and thinking of consulting with this doctor. He said I would need an endoscopy whereas the dr. who I was planning to have do it did an upper GI series which 2nd doc said is not test to use!? Then I contacted my original Surgeon who basically said none of these type revisional methods is worth doing and even said he wouldn't charge someone to do this. He had also done a trial with another revisional method and ultimately said that he ended up banding all of the people in the study and then they were happy! So........I have no idea what to do but  Since the Stomaphyx is being covered by my insurance, I am thinking of going for it and seeing what happens but am so conflicted so if there is anyone who knows any more info, I'd appreciate advice, experiences etc. Thanks, Barbara
on 5/14/10 2:50 am

Barbara:  I had thr roux-y in2005.  I have gained back aroud 40 pounds,,,can I ask what state you are in and what insurance approved the Stomaphyx,,Thank you Katherine

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