Band over RNY question

on 7/30/07 11:03 pm - Chicago, IL
Too bad I'm in Chicago. So back to the original question...can you put a lap band on a failed RNY?
Stefanie Bailey RN

on 7/31/07 4:31 am - Bandera, TX
Don't let distance keep you from looking into this procedure.  I know years ago when Lapband came out, there were only a handful of docs trained to do them, and people flew into College Station TX by the handfuls to have the surgery done. All things are possible. Don't give up your hopes and dreams....  
on 7/31/07 12:09 pm
Are you looking into the StomaphyX procedure for yourself?  It would be nice if the surgeons could do this procedure in a sugi center, so that the hospital costs were less.  I assume it won't be too long before the doctors abroad are doing this for less cost.  I'm not waiting for that though.  I'm scheduled on August 22.  Do you think the procedure will 'hold' a while?  Dr. O says that I need to be careful for the first two weeks until the scaring secures the 'pleats'.  He says that the plastic clips can come out if you put too much pressure on them with too much hard food.   I will try so hard to take very liquidy foods! Amy
on 7/31/07 2:52 pm - Battle Ground, WA
Yes you can.  My surgeon had actually discussed this with me as an option but I would have to be self pay because my BMI (35) no longer qualifies me for insurance to pay - she said it would cost about $20,000.  She has not done any herself but a collegue of hers has done some and has had moderate success with them.  Her name is Emma Patterson in Portland, OR.
  Cheryl Lassiter
Lap RNY 4/14/06
LBL 4/8/08
on 7/31/07 12:12 pm
Stacy, when did you have the StomaphyX procedure?  Are you still on liquids?  How big do you think your pouch is?  Thanks for any information you can provice! Amy
stacy B.
on 8/1/07 10:16 am - Wantagh, NY
I am on regular food and my pouch is no only about 15-20 cc I was told.  It started at about 125cc prior to stomaphyx. Stacy
on 8/1/07 8:34 am - LOUISVILLE, KY
I just had the lap band placed over my previous gastric bypass stomach on June 27 by Dr. Geller in Louisville Ky.  He did do the endoscope before hand to see if my stomach was big enough for the band to fit.  It was.  When he actually did the surgery (laporoscopically), he just had to cut some scar tissue from around my stomach and he used a larger band.  He said it was easy to do.  My BMI was only 38 and I wanted to lose around 90 lbs.   I've lost 25 since the surgery.  I haven't gotten my first fill yet, so I can still eat quite a bit, but not as much as I could before the band.  I know that after the fill, things will be different.   Good luck and I hope he can give you the band.  Queen Deneen
What you believe, you can achieve!!

Renee M.
on 8/1/07 12:54 pm

Thanks for the response... I had the endoscope done monday and he thinks my stomach is too small to put a band on and that my problem is drinking when I eat =/  My bmi was 39 and I wanted to lose around 60 or so pounds, so I'm pretty upset that he can't fix it.  It's stretched, but not stretched enough.  I guess I will try to not drink when I eat and up the protein.  Good luck with your band though :)

on 8/2/07 12:45 am - LOUISVILLE, KY

You can always get a second opinion.  Dr. Geller, the one that did mine, may find that he CAN place the band over your stomach.  You never know, and if you want it bad enough, it's worth checking out.  Have you verified already that your insurance will pay for it?   That could be another obstacle. Good luck with whatever you decide.  Keep us posted.

What you believe, you can achieve!!

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