sclero update #3

on 6/18/07 1:03 am - Kokomo, IN
Hi all I'm still feeling restriction (yea!), and I really don't think I have a stricture as I am able to keep at least half of what I eat down, especially if I follow the rules.  But, boy, as soon as I break one (such as drinking when eating--a toughie for me) it gets ugly.  And quick, too.  So, I am trying to eat easier foods, but healthy ones.  I am also eating Slim Fast bars with protein as I tolerate their taste better than any other protein bars.  I just simply can not do protein drinks--taste makes me gag.  I am chewing more, and slowing down.  I think my brain is finally giving in to my stomach! Since 5/24 I have lost 8 pounds on my scale, down from 217 to 209.  Weight loss is slow, but it is supposed to be. Sorry so brief--have a sick kid and sick hubby (sinus and pukes).  Suprise!  I'm the healthy one.  Besides,  mom's can't get sick, right? more details later when I have a spare moment.....*wink* Deeno
Susanna M.
on 6/18/07 1:30 pm - Houston, TX
Hi Deeno, Well i'm glad your doing great, thanks for keeping us informed.  I found a Dr. here in Houston, and i will be seeing him on Friday, hopefully every thang will go good and he can do this procedure. I feel like i'm eating more and more each day that does by.  I feel so depressed that i cant stop and of course i feel like a failer. So say a prayer for me that this will be a good out come and that i can get this procedure done. I'm so happy for you and take care.                                                                             Thanks Susie
Cheryl J.
on 6/19/07 7:29 am
Thats is wonderful Deeno. Thanks so much for your updates!  From your post you sound even more positive about the experience.  You are very encouraging.  I went to my 1st appt, and I thought I was approved, but the Dr. has to do 1 more test. He has to do an upper endoscopy to see the size of my stoma. Im pretty sure I will get approve because I brought in a copy of my endoscopy report from 1/2007 which shows that my stoma was 6cm long. This Dr is looking for at least 4 cm in length. So the dietician said that maybe the Dr will just use this report since I passed the 4cm mark. We shall see.
Theresa W.
on 6/21/07 1:32 am - Northern Lower, MI
Dear "Supermom"  (all moms are "supermoms!) Congrats Deena on doing so well!!  Yes, the restriction is really good, but I have since had a bout with vomiting and I think I told you this already, but after that, I don't feel the restriction I was.  So...I think I need a second procedure, which I know is pretty common.  But I am sooooo happy all is well with you!   Just wanted to say hello! Hugs, Theresa 


on 6/21/07 2:52 am - Kokomo, IN
Hi Theresa Thanks for the encouragement--I'm feeling like a supermom with a rock of kryptonite in my pocket--how do these little creatures wear us out so fast??  Sorry I'm a little slow in responding, but between three weekends in a row of camping (it was fabulous), a sick baby and sick husband, and all the other life stuff I've been slowed to a complete stop on all email transactions. Eating is certainly a big change--I've been forced in the position where I can't cheat, which is great.  I mean, I can't eat and drink at the same time, unless its tiny, tiny sips of water and that's it!  I have to chew, chew, chew everything, and my quantity is reduced.  I have "cheated" by having a bite of cake or brownie--paid for it later, and realized, I just cant have that stuff--I discovered slim fast bars go down fine as long as I eat them slowly.  They make a nice meal replacement when I'm craving something sweet (I'm addicted to chocolate in general, and have found many people who share this addiction, but there's no support group for us choco-addicts.  Besides, they'd probably serve choclate at the meetings, anyhow!).  Bread is another "no no" for me now, where I could eat it w/o any problem before.  I'm too scared to try more than a bite or two of pasta or rice--those foods were filling before, but now they would lead to total shut-down.  I tried a few bites of a small salad the other day, and it was OK--but I knew I couldn't eat the whole thing, and had to send back over half of it, and only ate less than 1/4 of my hamburger and maybe 5 french fries.   I'm tossing my cookies less, but it's because I'm learning to slow down and make easier food choices.  Sometimes the easier foods don't work out so well, and it seems unpredictable.  Sometimes I have to purge Iced tea if it's sitting the wrong way.  But, I'm getting enough liquids and my protein could stand to be higher, but it ain't bad.   So, I'm going to keep plugging away. Hope round two goes smoothly for you--I'm sure it will.  I've thought about your experience often, and it has helped me to slow down a bunch so I thank you for that. I certainly don't want to experience that pain you described--doesn't sound like a good time at all.  Let me know if you do another round and how it goes. Deeno
Cheryl J.
on 6/21/07 4:15 am
You two, Deeno & Theresa, have encouraged me so much! I thank both of you for having the courage to participate in these studies and then share your experiences.  I was on the verge of trying to come up with $12,000 to go have a lap band in Mexico.  After reading your experiences, and the member who founded the Doctor in NYC, I saved myself so much heartache and stress.  Gaining this weight back, after almost reaching my goal is depressing.  It's ironic because I havent been active on this site for awhile.  I would have never known about these studies if it werent for Obesity Help.   Right now I am playing the waiting (weighting!) game. The Doctor wants to do his own upper endoscopy to measure the pouch & stoma.  That appt. is 8/31. Then I have to make an appt. with him to sign the consent forms, and go over the procedure. Then I make my appt. for the actual procedure. Im probably looking at October/November before I get the procedure. But its all worth it in the end because it beats having to come up with $12,000 to go to Mexico!  And insurance covers this procedure.  Right now Im trying to diet & exercise to lose 20-25 lbs.  The dietician said my weight loss will not prevent me from being a candidate, so that is good news.
on 6/21/07 7:49 am - New York, NY
Cheryl: As a long shot, do you happen to have Oxford Insurance?  Being that we're both from NYC, I didn't know if that's who your provider is.  Did you have any issues with approval for the Columbia treatment?  I'm having an endoscopy on July 5th (for a non-weight matter) and I'll be certain to ask the doc. to measure the stoma. All the best, Kelley
Cheryl J.
on 6/22/07 6:37 am
Hi Kelley, I have Empire BCBS. Insurance covered my Upper Endoscopy (non-weight matter) when I had it done in 01/07. They said most insurances will cover this procedure. I think its because the insurance company is not made aware that this is a Weight Loss Procedure.  It is still a study.  And the procedure involves an upper endoscopy, which they cover anyway. This is my assumption. But the study has 1 person for all 4 centers (Oregon, Chicago, Mass., and New York)  that strictly deals with the insurance. The study will cover up to $9,000 if insurance doesnt cover.  If you go for the study, they are going to measure your stoma anyway, but it is a good idea to ask your Doctor to do it. So it could be compared, if you decide to participate in the study. Thanks for your support. Cheryl
on 6/25/07 11:23 pm - Kokomo, IN
Cheryl I think you are correct re: insurance covering the endoscopy.  My insurance has a weight loss surgery exclusion, and they ended up paying for some of my procedure (big suprise to me).  I called my insurance prior to my procedure, they told me my procedure would not be covered.  The doc's office said, "what the heck, lets bill them anyway" and the insurance paid a chunk of it (according to my EOB--of course, I'll believe it when I get the final bill! Speaking of my bill, I'm going to post a new post re: THE BILL. Deeno
Cheryl J.
on 6/26/07 12:51 am
Good luck Deeno! I hope they did bite a huge chunk of the bill,lol!  Once these studies become more public and approved as an alternative weight loss procedure or weight loss revision, insurance companies are going to add stipluations for getting approved. That's why Im so glad for logging on to Obesityhelp when I did because I would have never known about it.   Oh I wish I could get the procedure done now. By the way, just to share whats going on with me. I need some advice badly.  I'm going to a diet doctor tomorrow morning to see about doing the Optifast program or do my own liquid diet, and get Phentermine.  I just cant stand this extra weight I put on.  Has anyone heard of side effects with doing the liquid diet and/or diet pills?  I know being a bariatric patient, we drink protein drinks anyway. So I think it would be okay.  Just wondering if anyone had tried this. Thanks so much. Cheryl
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