sclerotherapy update

on 6/4/07 10:57 pm - Kokomo, IN

Hi all! I've recieved numerous emails requesting more information and follow-up on my sclerotherapy procedure.  Some of the questions that were "repeats" or already answered previously I did not respond to--so, if you didn't get a response, you can find your answer somewhere on this revision's board.  It's just getting to be that crazy fun time of summer where I'm as busy as a bee, and don't get too much time for on-line stuff. I had my sclerotherapy on 5/25.  The first couple of days I ate applesause and soup, very small portions, and kept it simple.  My diet was explained to me as following the pouch rules (protein first, healthy choices) and eating quantiies as tolerated.  Around the fifth day I noticed that I was not stopping eating out of fullness, but out of fear.  The fear will only last so long, so I was naturally worried, but kept doing my thing.  On day 8, I was not as dillegent about chewing to an applesauce consistency ( I have TMJ, so all that chewing was getting to me).  I swallowed a hunk of meat, and I haven't felt right since.  I, for the first time since 2 months post RNY, had the urge to purge.  I had to rid myself of what was in me immediately.  Since then, I have been eating very small portions, and feeling the need to stop eating due to an unpleasant feeling.  It almost feels like there is something stuck--now, I really don't think there is anything stuck--I think I am feeling full.  I suspect at this time nothing is wrong.  I am occasionally getting "the foamies" when I drink, too.  I have felt the need to vomit at least 4 times now, and boy does it come up fast.  I am trying hard to retrain my brain and stomach to communicate, but they still get along as well as siblings fighting over the same toy.   I expected the sclerotherapy to work immediately, and I think that's how my brain got confused.  Well, my stomach is now running the show, and my brain doesn't want to relinqui****'s power to the stomach.  It's obvious that my stomach knows best, and I just need to put the breaks on, slow down, and be a good girl and do every thing right (especially the chewing, and the not drinking with meals and waiting to drink 30-45 minutes after a meal, etc...). Now, for the moment of truth....the scale.  In the past 11 days, I've seen my weight go down, way up, and then down again (I haven't weighed every day, but I still weigh myself more often than I should).  I am down a pound from surgery date.  But, I've see-sawed so much I don't know whether to count it or not.  Time will tell if that little pound has gone away and will soon have some friends to join him. For now, all I can really say is that I definately feel as if something in my stomach has changed, and it is difficult to eat the quantity that I was eating prior to sclerotherapy.  So, at this time, mission accomplished.  We'll see if it lasts, and I'll continue to update when I can.  Thanks to everyone for your positive comments and well wishes.  I really hope that this procedure helps me to my goal of "normalcy"....well, at least normal on the scale!


Susanna M.
on 6/5/07 6:20 am - Houston, TX
Hey Deeno, Is this procedure very new cause i cant seem to find a Dr. here in Texas that does this surgery, I really want to get it done, another thing i wanted to ask you is there any labs or procedures that need to be done before you see a Dr. for this. Thanks Susie
on 6/6/07 1:24 am - Kokomo, IN
Hi Susie Dr. Baker in Michigan said that he has been doing this procedure for over a year, but there really aren't many places that do it.  I couldn't find one in Indiana, so I had to travel up north.  I have heard that there is a lot of activity in the gastric-medical world on this subject, so it wouldn't suprise me if more places started offering a similar service in the near future.  The place that did my original RNY surgery is called a "bariatric center of excellence" yet they had no idea what I was talking about when I called to ask them about the procedure--they said they hadn't even heard of it.  So, I'm their guinea pig and hope to teach them about it at my 3 year follow-up in July.  Sclerotherapy seems to be one of many options available--just read over several of the entries here in the revisions forum--and I would bet more techniques will develop as there is a high level of interest in this area. I didn't need any "pre-op+ labs, but I did need "pre-op counseling" so to speak.  I met with a psychotherapist, dietician, and exercise physiologist prior to my procedure.  It was all to reinforce that the procedure itself won't make me "behave"--I am the one responsible for chosing to put food in my mouth, which food I choose to put in my mouth, and choosing to exercise.  I really enjoyed the pre-op counseling more than I thought I would, and I learned a bit, too.  I also had a consultation with the surgeon to determine if I was a candidate based on my post-bariatric (and to some extent pre-bariatric) history.  I didn't have any medical concerns, so there was no pre-op labs.  Perhaps if there were any concerns the doc may have ordered some.  But, in my case, nothin'.  they were able to do it all in two separate appointments (they usually do it in 3, but since I was coming from another state, they smooshed it down to two meetings).
Susanna M.
on 6/6/07 1:35 am - Houston, TX
Hi, Deeno, Thanks for the info i am going to keep looking, and if i get no where i will just call Dr. Baker since they would know what i am talking about. If you should run accross anything else please let me know.      Thanks Susie
on 6/7/07 2:31 am - Manteca, CA

If anyone else asks you, tell them to check with a gastroenterologist. My surgeon says they do it and the scope too.





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SW: 234.5     CW: 157   GW: 140 - ish 


on 6/7/07 2:30 am - Manteca, CA

My surgeon told me to check with a gastroenterologist that they do the procedure of shrinking the stoma. You have to wait to see a doc before any labs are done, they order the labs.





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I couldn't have done without all the great peeps on this board.

SW: 234.5     CW: 157   GW: 140 - ish 


Susanna M.
on 6/7/07 7:10 am - Houston, TX
Hi Karen, I checked to see if a gastroenterologist does this procedure in Houston but no one knew what i was talking about, i can't seem to find a Dr. that knows about this. If you should run into anymore info please let me know.  Thanks Susie
on 6/7/07 3:18 pm - Manteca, CA

Hi Susie, I saw a vascular surgeon today and I remember my own gastric bypass surgeon told me once that vascular surgeons will do a stoma shrinking thing on me.  I asked this dude and he said he does sclerotherapy, but he would not do it on me cuz it was too high a risk, insurance too much, he does not want to mess with this type of thing, etc. He also said that no doctor in california would do it cuz it is too risky  and California is well California and they wouldn't do it. This is all he told me. He was the first doc I asked so I am going to check further. BTW, a Dr. Barry Fisher in Las Vegas does one of the procedures to shrink the stoma. Someone else on this board wrote his name and phone number down if you want to go to him.





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 for all the accurate information on the great DS, and find surgeons in your area or around the country or out of the country.

I couldn't have done without all the great peeps on this board.

SW: 234.5     CW: 157   GW: 140 - ish 


Susanna M.
on 6/9/07 2:14 pm - Houston, TX
Hi Karen, Do you think that a vascular surgen does this kind of procedure, it would lead me to believe that they would think that i'm talking about the spider veins cause thats what i have run thru trying to find a dr. on sclerotherpy they think i'm talking about spider veins. And i tried looking for a grasto. but they all told me no, So I'm looking for some thing that i can get done, but i dont want to have surgery and pay big amounts of money again, if i dont have to. I just feel like these not much information on this procedure or not a lot of people having it done.    Thanks Susie 
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