In case you were wondering...

Theresa W.
on 5/15/07 2:39 am - Northern Lower, MI
Hello all! I think most of you know I have been struggling with weight gain here at over 3 years out and decided to go in for a procedure called "Sclerotherapy" which helps narrow an enlarged stoma to the correct size. I received many emails wishing to know how it went...thought it would be easier to just post it here. It went really well, I believe! It's still so early, so it's hard to tell what kind of "restriction" I have because there still is some discomfort in putting anything into the pouch at this point, so I am taking it very easy right now, but I surely don't eat as much as I was. And of course I am trying to be very pro-active at this and get back the the proper pouch rules with a vengeance! As we all know, it will only be as successful as I want to make it. I have been very careful to take small bites and chew everything very well and then swallow...this is something we get away from as the years go by. Well, at least I did. Then I wait and see how it "feels" sitting there on my tummy before I take another bite. It's amazing how quickly we really are "full" when paying close attention. As far as my stoma itself, when he did the scope, the Dr. measured it at 16mm, and it is supposed to be ideally between 12-15mm. So yes, it had stretched some. He feels he got it pretty good this time, but if in a few weeks it does not feel like it had taken as well as it should, they will go in and check it once again, and re-treat it again if needed. I can't say enough about the facility and Dr. Baker, his nurses, and all the staff! What a wonderful place! MMPC in Grand Rapids was where I had it and it is just so clean and organized, and not so huge to get lost in, but not so small that you are unsure they can handle your problems. Perfect! The dietician, behaviorist and exercise specialist were all very warm and truly caring, helpful and knowledgeable people. I definately did not feel like a "number" there. So to sum it up, I am very pleased so far! Please keep me in your prayers that I continue on this road of "good behavior"....because for me, that is going to be the crux of it all. Thanks everyone for asking about me! Hope you all are doing well! Hugs, Theresa
on 5/16/07 11:11 pm - Kokomo, IN
This is Awesome news, Theresa!  So glad all went well so far.  I, too, hope to be very dilligent at following my pouch rules again---yeah, I've strayed over the past 2+ years, too.  Fear is a good motivator for me, and I am certain that I will be scared that I will ruin my stomach if I don't follow the rules (please don't tell me otherwise, I honestly want to be a little scared!). So, how was the pain factor?  How soon were you "functional"?  Are you stuck eating just applesauce and yogurt, or is other stuff OK?  How long were you in the facility after your procedure was finished? I'm looking forward to my procedure, too.  It wil be on the Friday 5/25. Diana
Theresa W.
on 5/16/07 11:44 pm - Northern Lower, MI

Hi Deeno! Yes, everything's been going really good so far!  It's still "tender" so you really don't want to eat much right now, which is a really good thing.  No problems!  Here are the answers to your questions: 1.  Pain factor?  Not bad at all!  They give you lortab, which takes care of it just fine.  First two days are the worst, which wasn't really bad at all.  You'll have no problem. 2.  How soon was I functional?  Pretty much right away.  They only put you out lightly, not way under like a regular surgery.  Don't don't remember anything or feel anything.  You just wake up easier & get to go home.  Functioning normally after a good nap. 3.  They say you can eat as soon as you'd like to, but liquid or soft things are best the first day.  I stuck to my protein shakes and had some chicken noodle soup the first day or two, just to be safe, but you really are good to go.  I definately feel restricted (at least right now), whether it be because I still feel tender so I'm more careful, or there truly is more restriction right now.  We'll see as time goes by, but it's okay with me....I am following the rules to the "T" and am not pushing it.  Not eating more than a 1/2 cup of anything at a time, and not eating between meals.  Just getting back to basics is helping, I'm sure. 4.  How long was I there after the procedure?  Not long...They took me in at 2pm, I was home by 3:30!  The actual scope and procedure only take about 15 minutes!

Don't worry will do just fine!  It was very easy!  Best of luck to you and keep in touch!  We can support each other thru this!

Hugs, Theresa

Cheryl J.
on 5/30/07 11:59 am
Hi Theresa, How are you feeling now? Are you feeling restriction when you eat?  Any information would be helpful! DazzlingEyes
Theresa W.
on 5/30/07 10:28 pm - Northern Lower, MI
Hi Dazzling, I feel fine now.  The restriction was very good, then I had a bout with nausea (dumped) and had to try to throw up, and felt something really "pull hard" and caused alot of pain.  Lasted about 3 minutes, but since then, I don't feel the restraint like I was.  I think I may have stretched something during that bout.  I haven't talked to the surgeon about this yet, but I will.  He did say at my initial appt. that many of these need two to three treatments before it stays, so I'm going back in in a few weeks to have them take a look and see.  I have no idea if this spell caused it to stretch, but I'd sure like to know if I damaged something.  Anyway, otherwise doing well. Theresa
Cheryl J.
on 5/30/07 11:23 pm
Oh wow, I wonder if your pouch did stretch. You are most likely right about why 2 or 3 treatments are needed. I was reading an article about a study done at John Hopkins Univ. med. Ctr and some patients had more than 1 treatment, and 75% of the patients had restriction and lost weight. If I lost 2lbs every week, I would be happy. I can't wait until the 14th to see if Columbia Med. will qualify me for either study!  I wonder if you still have the option to get the lap band after doing this treatment if you want to.  Well good luck Theresa, and if you can please let me know how it goes.  Take care, DazzlingEyes
Theresa W.
on 5/30/07 11:56 pm - Northern Lower, MI

Thanks!  I will keep you all posted!  Good luck to you!  Theresa

Cheryl J.
on 5/31/07 7:41 am
Thanks Theresa, I just got off the phone with Dr. from Columbia Unvi. and she said you can get a Lap Band after the Sclerotherapy, but again your BMI must be 35 or 40.  I asked her what do they have for low BMIers!  She said the sclerotherapy!  They are doing a Lap Band study for low BMIers, but you must have obesity-related medical conditions, and cannot have a previous WLS.   I asked her about the results from the Sclerotherapy.  There were 20 patients, and 15 of them will require a 2nd treatment. And 1 patient lost 30lbs.  She said it is still too new.   I wish I could have my procedure done on the 14th,lol, but I have to wait to be accepted for the study. Thanks for sharing your experience!  I feel so confident about making the decision to the therapy, rather than spending thousands of dollars to go to Mexico. But at least I know I still have that option to go get the Lap Band in Mexico in case everything doesn't work out.
Theresa W.
on 5/31/07 7:52 am - Northern Lower, MI
Mmmm....very interesting!  Yeah, I'm sure I'm going to need it done again.  Regretfully, my bmi is up to 39.  I won't rule out anything to get my weight down...I hate the fact that I have gained.  But I have remember to stay committed to the process...watching what I eat and exercise.  It's the only way "anything" will work.  Well, glad to have your support!!  Keep me posted on your progress! Theresa
on 5/17/07 1:17 am - Kokomo, IN
Thanks for your response!  My biggest concerns are taking care of my 16 month old squirmer, and it IS Memorial day weekend and we'd like to have a visit with some friends, and I don't want to be a total party pooper.  I have done very well with all of my surgeries, and I honestly expect the procedure to be a breeze for me.  Now, getting my mind right and eating what I'm supposed to will take some effort and be the hardest part.  I am so addicted to drinking liquid when I eat--bad habit that I'm trying to stop now before my procedure. Yes, we'll definately keep in touch.  I'll post here after my procedure and give everyone the scoop. Deeno
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