New procedure for gastric bypass patients who have not lost all their weight or are regaining
We are using FDA-cleared endoscopic instruments to decrease pouch and stoma size in order to improve weight loss. This technique does not require surgical incisions. Rather, the endoscopic suturing device is introduced through the mouth like an upper endoscopy. Sutures are placed in the stomach pouch to reduce the size of the gastric pouch.
This approach is intended to provide a less invasive alternative to laparoscopic or open surgical revision for patients who initially did well with their bypass but have subsequently regained some of their weight back.
Hi Diane, I was interested n the sclerotherapy and I was wondering if you could e-mail me some more information about it if you have any? my e-mail is [email protected] I googled Michigan Weight Loss Specialists but I didn't find any of the info on their website. I am also a size 16/18 and wanted to lose another 70 pounds I definately don't want to gain anymore weight! I live in PA but would be willing to travel to Michigan for the procedure. Please get back to me if you have any further information, and let me know how your procedure goes! I wish you the best of luck!!!