
(deactivated member)
on 4/4/07 1:07 am, edited 7/3/08 4:44 am


Proud Military Mom
on 4/4/07 4:27 am - Reno, NV
Linda just because you can eat all the things you listed doesnt mean you should be eating..  its a struggle I know but regardless of having a revision or not we still need to have self control.  I am having a revision because they found during tests for pre-op of my surgery for my hiatal hernia they found my pouch was much larger than it should be.  I know I can eat a lot.. but I dont because frankly I'd start gaining weight.  I have to show self control or I will be 300lbs again.  I would talk to your doctor and be honest about what you are eating and maybe see a dietician to help you with better food choices.  Good luck!

If you can't stand behind the troops... stand in front of them... PLEASE!

Jane Doe
on 4/4/07 4:42 am - Fair Oaks, CA

Hi, I've been following your posts on the main forum to here.  I'm not going to beat you up for any food choices, or tell you to chew gum, and I'm far behind you on this journey, so I don't have any 1 year out advice, but I did want to ask why you are sure you're a failure?

If I'm reading you right, you were a 'lightweight' to start, weighing only 200 at the time of surgery.  Sure, you've had it for six months and you've only lost 30 pounds, but if your goal is 150, then you're over half way there! Even if you're personal goal is lower than you're doctors, its still not too far off. The restrictive digestion of a RNY is supposed to work for you as a tool for another 6 months to a year.  Sure you have found that you can eat anything you want, and you have indulged, but with an RNY, even when you eat terrible you aren't absorbing as much of the food in your new digestive system.  I'm sure the amount of food you can fit in your pouch is scary, but how long did it take you to eat that monster dinner and desert on Sunday, and how big was the portion of steak and potato?  If it took you and hour and a half to two hours to put away that food, then I'd say your pouch is still basically working, but your hunger is making you find a work around. It sounds like that day was an exception to the rule, and on most days you're sticking to a life diet.  I think you may be worried about being a failure with out actually being one.  Many people hit plateaus, and many of them are VERY long, but it doesn't mean your weightloss is over. I'm only 56 days out, and I've already stalled for 26 days of it.  During that stall I did research on stalls and plateaus.  The number one suggested way of kicking a plateau (a stall that lasts longer than a month is the actual deffinition of a plateau) is to change your work out. So you might be able to reestablish weightloss by doing something other than swimming for your 30 minutes.  Your body gets used to a certain excersise, and eventually takes it for granted.  Why not try mainaining your 1500 calories a day, trying to make healthier food choices BUT change up your swimming laps to doing pool aerobics instead, and go from 30 minutes to 45.  Just that once change over a few weeks might kick your plateau. I'm sorry you're so frustrated, and upset, but I think it is too soon to throw in the towel on your surgery.  So what you can eat anything you want?  So what if you do?  Just don't do it all the time.  Spend most of your days eating a healthy 1500 calories, and then when you do slip up, start over eating right the next meal or the next day.  You have lost weight, and you're still in the time period where you should be able to lose a lot more. You're pretty close to goal in the scheme of things, over half way there! so try switching out your excersise and see what happens. If I, too am failing to understand you, then I'm sorry.  I'm trying to help.

(deactivated member)
on 4/8/07 10:50 pm
(deactivated member)
on 4/8/07 11:00 pm
on 4/6/07 3:01 pm - Plymouth, IN
Not to freak you out but I experienced the same thing. I'm almost 3 years out and went from a size 28 in pants to a size 10 and now I'm back at a size 20 and I never dumped...and can eat just as much now as I did before. I'm looking into a revision because I'm pretty sure my pouch has to be alot bigger than it I was hospitlized with severe stomach pains about 3 months before I started gainig, but I'm pretty sure it was because  I discovered I could eat what I wasn't suppose to and did and stretched it out. It is very hard to post on here about things like eating what you are not suppose to because they seem to jump at the chance to chastis people for eating what they know they shouldn't but I really think they forget that at one time in thier life they also had a lack of self control and ate what they shouldn't because they were obese from overeating as well. If you want to talk with someone about your issues with being able to eat more than you should or the lack of dumping I'd be happy to.
(deactivated member)
on 4/8/07 11:36 am - TX
All of the above is why I had my revision from failed RNY (documented mechanical failure, staple line disruption and stoma enlargement) to a DS.  Read my profile if you'd like to learn more.
(deactivated member)
on 4/8/07 11:27 pm
on 4/9/07 10:55 pm - Plymouth, IN
Hi, I have to tell you at 6 months I wasn't able to overeat and if you are I'd be concerned too . I didn't realize I could eat almost anything I wanted until about 2 years out. I gained a good deal back then  but once I started school I was so busy I lost it all plus some. Then I had my knee dislocated...I go have major knee surgery next Friday after a year of terrible pain .....anyway after I dislocated my knee I started drinking alcohol...big nono....and eating whatever I wanted and here I sit morbidly obese again with diabetes, high blood pressure, a bad back, sleep apnea and an enlarged heart and because I was using alcohol to numb the knee pain and with the weight gain I have elevated liver believe me I know what a slippery slope this is and how easy it is to fall...and I've been told repeatedly that I should have better self control...I see a shrink for those issues  and I did before the you I need physical help because at 350 lbs obviously the mental help wasn't working. I have moved to a different state so finding a Dr to work on another Dr's surgery is hard but I'm fighting everyday because I want this to work so one wants to look like I do or feel like I do and until someone has been here they don't understand the frustration you feel. I wish you the best of luck!!!
(deactivated member)
on 4/11/07 12:31 am
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