(deactivated member)
on 3/11/07 1:20 pm - Brampton, Canada
It is scary how some people posting tend to seem like an infomercial for their surgery and surgeon continuously!!  There is no surgery that is perfect for everyone and I feel like some people act like their surgery and especially their surgeon is the best thing since sliced cheese!  From their posts one gets the impression that their specific weight loss surgery is perfect for everyone and there is no surgery that is!  I had stomach stapling 20 yrs. ago and went from 260 down to 113 but after several yrs. maintaining it started to gain it back.  Last April I had revision to a Lapband and with no malabsorption went from 251 down to 176 and my goal is 125 lbs.  I am very glad i got banded but would never presume it is the best surgery for everyone to revise to!   Everyone is different and you should research all the surgeries before deciding what will give you optimal results.   You can experience severe complications with all of the procedures.  Are some of these people paid to advertise for their surgeons?  I'm beginning to wonder! Donna 
on 3/30/07 12:29 am
I wonder about that sometimes too. I think the majority of people are just so excited about their short-term amazing results, that they start to sound infomercial'ized.  At least I'd hope. I'd hate to think that doctors were paying patients to be living testimonials. That would be pretty F*cked up.
(deactivated member)
on 4/26/07 12:49 pm, edited 3/26/08 12:09 pm - Brampton, Canada
I guess what upsets me the most is they always seem to tell every person that they  should have their type of weight loss surgery and this one person seems to think her surgery is the best for everyone!  
on 4/27/07 2:42 am
True. I think the decision to mess with your insides needs to be a very personal and well-researched one. I am wary too of all of the "advertisements," but I've read the medical literature and I feel comfortable and confident with my choice. I think it's fine to be excited about your own sucess with your particular configuration, but I wouldn't try to pu**** on anyone else.  I am curious, though, Donna...which surgery do you consider to be the most severe? In my opinion, the BPD sounds the most involved.
(deactivated member)
on 3/26/08 12:10 am - NJ
This post is pretty old, but I'm glad someone took the time to address that issue. I feel like a lot of the DSers are advertising their procedure and throwing it on other members who are still trying to decide. I've read a couple of post about people who are concerned with the malabsorptive issue of RNY and a DSer comes along and suggest they look into that procedure because of the long term weight loss. They completely miss the point of the post and that concerns me alot. I also feel like a lot of RNYers are doing the same and are too defensive with their procedure that they are avoiding certain questions or answering around them. That bugs me and I'm sure I'm not the only one to notice that. Again, I'm not going after all the RNYers or DSers, because I feel like its the same handful of people doing it.
(deactivated member)
on 4/26/07 10:42 am - IN
I really think they do...and sometimes the outcome is not so good..i guess that is why we need to do our homework ...i should have done alot of homework..
(deactivated member)
on 4/26/07 12:57 pm - Brampton, Canada
Yes it is certainly important to do our homework!   I had stomach stapling 20 yrs ago and went from 260 down to 113 lbs. for several yrs.  But then the staples started  to separate and that brought me back to getting lapband surgery last April/06 weighing 251 lbs.  Luckily it was the best decision for me because I am now down to 164 lbs. and have only 39 lbs. to go to reach goal! Wishing you all the best on your journey!
Ms. Cal Culator
on 3/26/08 2:01 am - Tuvalu
So it's kind of ironic, then, isn't it that those who had the LapBand--and that name is a registered trade mark--are actually advertising for that product every time they post. I'm just sayin' Sue
(deactivated member)
on 3/26/08 2:51 am, edited 3/26/08 2:52 am - Brampton, Canada
Sue my understanding is that the registered trademark is for Lap-Band not Lapband, but thanks for caring.
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